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Five Times Peter Parker Pretended to Be Asleep
Five Times Peter Parker Pretended to Be Asleep
...and the one time he actually was. Or: sometimes, faking sleep can work to your advantage. When it comes to trying to fool a certain genius, overprotective, superhero mentor, Peter finds this to be doubly true.
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We’re Renegading
We’re Renegading
Philza had not planned a long trip to the nether. He planned to get blaze rods, a normal trip. It would take a day, maximum. He had a town to get back to. He hadn’t planned on becoming a prisoner, and he especially hadn’t planned on becoming much, much more than that. Maybe he was missing out on a lot. Maybe the gods had other plans. Techno is the King of the Nether, or at least that’s what he proclaimed himself. If he was never to see the overworld again, he was going to spend his days gaining the most territory of anyone. He’s a force to be reckoned with… Until one avian hybrid flips his entire view on life. Could he really learn to enjoy it again? Would dark magic take that all away, or become an ally?
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Throw the Walls into the Fireplace
Throw the Walls into the Fireplace
Tommy wasn’t sure what he had been anticipating when he broke into Techno’s house. Maybe he was expecting his brother to kill him on sight, lodging a crossbow arrow straight between his eyes. Maybe he was expecting to be dragged back to exile, cursing and screaming the whole way. Mostly, he was just hoping that Techno wouldn't be home. Tommy had a half-baked plan to hide out in the piglin’s basement, squirreling away gapples and supplies until he could figure out something better. He hadn’t even considered that Techno could be hibernating. Or: Tommy has just escaped exile. What better place to hide than the house of his hibernating older brother?
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the stars in your eyes
the stars in your eyes
Technoblade rarely travels in the Nether anymore. He'd come down here this time to gather a few materials he can't get in the Overworld, and then he was going to leave the place where he was born but not raised. And then he’d heard the snuffling. It’s a quiet thing, sniffling mixed with high-pitched whines, and, oh, there go his instincts. Recognizing the sound even though he’s never heard it before- though he definitely made it in his youth. There’s a piglet nearby, and they’re terrified. He casts one final, forlorn glance at the gold he’d seen higher up, and then he turns to follow the sound. ---- Or, a piglin hyrbid!tommy au where sbi is a happy little family bc i felt like being soft this time
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Sonra, Michelangelo'ı takip eden gözleri, suyun şimdi daha yoğun damladığını, tavanın betonundan sızdığını fark ettiğinde, Leo çatlak taşları ve etraflarındaki boruların gıcırtılarını, dikkatsizce ihmal ettiği belirtileri görüyor. Neşeli hali bozuluyor. Bir şey bunu ifadesinde yansıtmalı; Mikey ondan birkaç adım önde duruyor, yüzü endişeyle buruşuyor. “Leo –” diye başlıyor, ama her şey sarsıldığında sözü kesiliyor. Molozlar yağmur gibi yağıyor, sonra da su borularının ağırlığı altında çöken çatı onlara doğru düşüyor. Bir an için, Leonardo'nun gözleri en küçük kardeşinin gözleriyle buluşuyor ve içindeki dehşeti görüyor. Dünya çökmeden ve her şey kararana kadar başka bir nefes almaya vakti yok. ~ Kardeşler yeni bir kanalizasyon sistemini keşfederken, her şey çöküyor. Çıkış yolu olmadığı ve birbirlerinden ayrıldıkları için, hayatta kalmak ve birbirlerini bulmak için mücadele ederken, hepsi kendi mücadeleleri, yaraları ve korkularıyla karşılaşıyorlar. TLDR: Bir kanalizasyon çöküyor. Leonardo ve kardeşleri sıkışıp kalıyor çünkü ben acıyı seviyorum.
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