Tarre Vizsla

Tarre Vizsla

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How a Romance Novel Saved the Galaxy
How a Romance Novel Saved the Galaxy
star wars - all media types jango fett Obi-Wan Kenobi Qui-Gon Jinn sea star tholme (star wars) feemor (star wars) jon antilles yoda (star wars) plo koon original mandalorian characters (star wars) Dooku (Star Wars) myles the mandalorian (star wars) jedi council mace windu quinlan vos original jedi character(s) jocasta nu knowledge sharing fay (star wars) komari vosa sifo-dyas (star wars) ball rope sinube blade tyvokka (star wars) nico diath yaddle (star wars) t'ra saa (star wars) sheev palpatine | darth sidious fatty pork shaak ti adonai kryze common gallia Tarre Vizsla Tor Vizsla original Jedi characters/original Mandalorian characters pre jango fett/obi-wan kenobi Jon Antilles/original Mandalorian character fay/original mandalorian character mace windu/original mandalorian character feemor/arla fett Jaster Mereel/Jocasta Nu Dooku/Jaster Mereel/Jocasta Nu tholme/original mandalorian character fix-it crack crack treated seriously pre-star wars: the clone wars romance obi-wan is 12 when this fic starts so don't expect the pairing for awhile all the tropes enemies to lovers enemies to friends mandalorian alternate universe humor galidran bandomeer discussions of emotional abuse fusion of star wars legends and disney canon legends qui-gon is a jerk panic attacks ace characters aro characters poly characters non-binary characters the new mandalorians in clone wars are problematic competence kink trans characters death watch (star wars) discussions of brainwashing families of choice
In one galaxy, the novel was never read. In another, it starts a landslide. Or what happens when the Mandalorians learn that the Jedi are exactly what most of them look for in a partner.
165.3K words
you the garden and the grave
you the garden and the grave
In order to take all of Granta's holdings for himself, Tor draws on Telosian tradition and marries Granta off to the corpse of someone in his House. This someone is Tarre Vizsla, the last Mand'alor of House Vizsla and Jedi Master of great renown. There's a reason the Jedi usually burn their dead. It's a shame the Tor didn't realize that before he stuck Tarre on a remote moon alongside a Force Blank with a habit of making the Force go just a little....odd sometimes.
47.8K words