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"All her growth was the conveying of a corpse of hope." (From 'The Rainbow', D.H. Lawrence) This is a story about coming into one's own, a meditation on the twilight of girlhood and the violence of crash-landing into womanhood. Follow Hermione as she navigates through the quagmire: Saving the world, getting top grades, falling in love, lust, and a whole lot of trouble, and comes out of it hopefully (at least) partially sane.
728.0K words
Love, I have Wounds
Love, I have Wounds
Jungkook meets Taehyung in a dirty club with terrible music and harsh lights that color his skin blue.Jungkook has just started feeling lonely when he meets Taehyung, who seems to have been lonely his entire life.
79.4K words
The Limitations of Wax
The Limitations of Wax
So Jarvis is the one who pulls her up onto her feet, presses a tool into one hand and a book into the other and tells her to create. Tells her that if the numbers and the shapes and images in her mind hurt so bad then she should build them, should give them form so that they can finally leave her alone. Jarvis is the one who finally teaches her how to breathe. Or Toni Stark grows up with the tale of Icarus swirling in the back of her mind. Instead of taking it as a precautionary tale about hubris and overreaching she decides it's more about the limitations of wax. Years later when she builds herself wings of her own she makes sure to build them out of better material.
222.4K words
Foundation (Build It Higher, Bury It Deeper)
Foundation (Build It Higher, Bury It Deeper)
It’s just … he’d thought, given his fight against Neji and then his confrontation with Gaara, that someone would finally really acknowledge what he’d done. That beyond Iruka-sensei’s crushing hug and Kakashi-sensei’s absent pat, someone would actually notice that he’d won against both of them. That he’d beaten a genius on his own and then had battled another jinchūriki to a stand still. So while he hadn’t really expected to be promoted too he’d still ...
25.6K words
And all that’s best of dark and bright
And all that’s best of dark and bright
When Steve Rogers leaves her to die in Siberia, Toni Stark hacks her soulmark apart, tears the flesh and veins until she is blinded with pain, and waits to die. Up above, somewhere in the universe, something fractures. Trigger warning for cutting, suicidal thoughts, breakdown.
179.1K words
My Promise
My Promise
The omega just wanted to love and be loved, to have a life alongside his mate and to grant an alpha with pups and raise a family. That’s all Jimin ever wanted. So why was he cursed to be a prisoner of so much loneliness? *** Or, Jimin is scorned and treated coldly by his pack for being a male omega, until a chance encounter with the Grand Alpha's son changes his life forever.
57.5K words
as the sun will rise
as the sun will rise
For centuries, the villagers surrounding the Qianlian Forest have been beholden to a fearsome creature. A once loved Prince was long ago cursed into a monstrous form, and ever since has required the sacrifice of maidens to ensure the safety of the forest and the people living around it. This forlorn tradition might have continued for centuries longer... but when it comes time for Lotus Pier to send a maiden as tribute, Jiang Yanli is chosen, and Wei Wuxian won't stand for it. His plan is simple; he'll send Jiang Yanli off to live the long life she deserves with her fiancé, and offer himself as a sacrifice to the Prince instead.
125.8K words
Hailey’s First Bikini
Life Debts
Charred Paws and Heavy Coils
Charred Paws and Heavy Coils
The summer after her fourth year is the worst one yet and Harry knows with grim certainty that her Uncle is going to kill her before she can even reach her fifteenth birthday. So she leaves. Finds herself by the edge of an forest - knows that no one is going to look for her out there. And she's content on her own - finds the rhythm of survival. Learns. She knows that the day she meets Nagini that she should have left. She's had dreams looking out from those exact slitted pupils - knows that she puts her life in danger every day she stays with Voldemort's familiar. But it's hard to be scared when Nagini huffs about her 'silly speaker' and complain about him working too hard and praises him for his toasty winter bed. But then, it's not Harry Potter who Tom meets that day in the clearing. It's Nagini's 'Little Wolf' - and that changes everything.
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Crawl Spaces
Crawl Spaces
Damian is alone and afraid in his father's house. He's become a hidden person within the manor. But he's able to find some small relief in hidden places. A character study on Damian Wayne. How he sees the world and his tenuous connection to a family he can't understand. Set very early into Damian's stay with the bat family. This one's painful.
51.8K words
Small Town Streamer
Small Town Streamer
Izuku is trapped in the small town of Green Valley, working at a café to support his mother and himself. He’s lonely and bullied at school. The only enjoyment he can find in life comes from playing video games and watching the streams of his idol, Dynamight, a famous Twitch gamer. Katsuki, aka Dynamight, is coping with the loneliness of fame by focusing all his energy on becoming the #1 Twitch streamer. He learns of his parents’ plans to move the family to some tiny-ass town in the middle of nowhere... named Green Valley.-------------------------------- A very fluffy BKDK Twitch streamer AU with some small-town flair!
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Chick Magnet (No, not that kind of chick)
Chick Magnet (No, not that kind of chick)
Claude attracts a very specific kind of crowd. Claude wouldn't call himself an animal lover. He likes animals, sure. Only a monster could look at a kitten or puppy and not feel something. He's human, just like everyone else. Animals, on the other hand, seem to unanimously love him. They sense his carefully hidden soft heart, he's sure of it. It's the only explanation. They capitalize on his weakness and extort him for all he's worth. He folds like a house of cards every time a kitten so much as looks at him. Behind closed doors, he doesn't mind too much. Maybe he even goes so far as to enjoy the companionship. But he's aware no one will take him seriously if his little weakness comes to light. It's his greatest (mundane) secret. Unfortunately, he doesn't have enough blackmail material to silence the entirety of the Golden Deer when they find out. Aka Disney Princess!Claude
757.2K words
And I Know the Spark
And I Know the Spark
All Draco cares about is keeping Potter alive, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.
15.6K words
Breaking the Window
Breaking the Window
When they find a magic pool in the Forbidden Forest, it kicks off an unlikely friendship for two lonely girls thirty years apart of each other. Hermione begins a desperate search to find a way to save her new friend from the fate she knows awaits her, all the while dealing with the severe repercussions of having lived through a war. It becomes the start of an unexpected adventure.
271.2K words
To the Victors
To the Victors
Grindewald fell in 1950: the five years in which he still held sway changed the course of history. Wizarding Britain, terrified at threats to the Statute of Secrecy, decided in the late 50s to pass the Muggleborn Wizarding Appropriation Act, which took muggleborn children from their parents at the first incidence of accidental magic. Children could be fostered or adopted by wizarding families, or would live in Wizarding Institutional Houses. Some Pureblood families took things a step further and decided to foster children in case they only had one heir to act as a sibling, companion, and stand-in for punishments deemed too harsh for their own children. If the muggleborn did well, they reasoned, it meant they had earned their place in the wizarding world. Hermione Granger is such a child, chosen at a young age to be Draco Malfoy's companion. She's an ideal muggleborn: polite, intelligent, and capable. It's not until she attends Hogwarts that someone sees her potential. She becomes the favorite of a certain professor, who sees her power for what it is. Meanwhile, Lucius Malfoy is embroiled in Wizarding politics, influenced by his sister-in-law's mad manipulations. *updates weekly
137.8K words
The void you left me with.
The void you left me with.
Stiles gave everything for Scott's pack for two years, then they all leave him behind. He protects Beacon Hills for sixteen years before he is forced to accept no one will be able to live through the hell mouth that is Beacon Hills, when Peter dies it's the last straw and as he lies upon the stump of the Nemeton tree he ends his life. But fate didn't seem to get the memo ... he's alive and sixteen years back in time, to before Scott was bit and where Peter and his dad are alive. Maybe things aren't too bad. The first chapter is based on RayShippouUchiha’s fic Robber Foxes (Have No Fear) so go ahead and credit them.
72.5K words
The Last Archangel
The Last Archangel
No one knows where angels go when they die, not even the archangels. And if one finds himself in a different universe after death? It's one thing to leave Heaven purposefully, it's another to find that Heaven isn't even there. And Gabriel is alone.
119.4K words
Linger On Your Pale Blue Eyes
Linger On Your Pale Blue Eyes
The body of a Prince was not like anyone’s. His hand only ever held others in a firm handshake, and rarely without gloves. Sometimes he would raise the delicate hands of noble ladies to his lips for a brief kiss, but it was all out of propriety. He rarely touched others, but what was even rarer was others touching him. The only ones who dared were his knights, and even they only smacked his shoulder or patted his back in friendly roughhousing. Gripping each other’s arms before battle was the most heartfelt touch they exchanged. Lingering soft touches were not done. Any lingering touch on his person could be interpreted as political movements. After all, Arthur’s body wasn’t his own. It never had been. He was Camelot’s first and foremost. Even above his own needs and wants.
18.9K words
End my Loneliness
End my Loneliness
Living deep in the woods, all on your own. You like it that way. It's silent, it's peaceful and only occasionally, you're bothered by people from a nearby village, the only point of civilization in close proximity.This life was your choice, for your own safety. Until a group of four shinobi set up a camp close to your home and no matter what you do, they don't want to leave. You just want to be left alone, what's so hard to understand? Begrudingly, you allow them to stay and that is - unbeknownst to you - the best decision of your life.
219.5K words
Seonghwa's spent his entire life being forgettable, to the point where he wants nothing more than to forget himself, too. Giving up on the idea of love and companionship, he throws himself at the mercy of a controversial matchmaking service that specializes in matching up the most desperate loners with packs that have proven too dysfunctional to find that harmonious balance every pack needs. Willingly drugged into a calm, nearly emotionless version of himself, Hwa should be able to assimilate effortlessly into the Ateez pack that's chosen him. If only it were that easy.------*explicit chapters are marked 'nsfw'*potentially under-tagged. Will add more as I write, but please read with caution!------
206.7K words
Hoseok rescues a kitty in a summer storm.Thanks to some weird magic, Yoongi is that kitty. In a tiny apartment full of plants and moonlight, a simple, aching happiness blooms. But with what Jungkook knows, how long can the happiness last?
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things we turn away from
things we turn away from
Jimin, beloved by thousands and starved for affection, finds what he craves so deeply in his massage therapist's hands and very intriguing side job.
17.0K words
Keep Boredom at Bay
Keep Boredom at Bay
One slip of the thumb means that Tony just texted a picture of his dick to Captain America instead of his casual hookup. Which is just as well because the guy hates him anyways. It's certainly the weirdest way he's ever managed to break the ice.
76.4K words
Place in Your Heart
Place in Your Heart
They try to hide it, Bucky can see the effort they all put into making him more comfortable, but Bucky isn’t stupid, he knows they’d rather have him somewhere else, somewhere far away from their home, the place where they’re supposed to feel happy and safe.
3.5K words
A Series of Intimate Experiments
A Series of Intimate Experiments
Albedo finds himself at a roadblock in his alchemic endeavors and his subordinates suggest getting to know human beings through experience rather than observation. So naturally, the Kreideprinz comprehends that as it being time to deal with his inexperience in intimate affairs by bedding eligible men across Teyvat. But what happens when every experiment he performs teaches him a bit more about himself, gives him some life-long companions and changes his perception of what the truth of the world really means? Follow Albedo's journey as he strives towards completing his final task with his mind...and his body. Talk about the story with me! @__98_litres_ on Twitter
106.0K words
Seungmin knew he wasn’t special. He tried countless times to gain his members' attention and affection, however, each attempt only ended in failure. Seungmin might’ve been the second youngest member in his group but he never felt like it; compared to their maknae, Seungmin felt like nothing but a second thought. Living unnoticed became Seungmin’s second nature— However, the longer his insecurities piled up, the further he found himself spiraling towards his breaking point, his insecurities overtaking his life and dragging his members down alongside him. Maybe Seungmin didn’t deserve to be loved. And if no one truly loved him maybe Seungmin needed to work for it. Maybe Seungmin needed to change himself. Maybe Seungmin lost sight of who mattered most. Maybe Seungmin lost himself in the process.
120.9K words
The Prince Of Leaves And Deep Water
The Prince Of Leaves And Deep Water
‘Protect him,’ Kushina prays in the quiet of her own mind as she leaves; pleading silently to the old spirits from her childhood, to the things that the Uzumaki Elders used to whisper about in hushed tones. ‘Love him,’ Kushina begs of the things she only knows from instinct and half remembered stories, those things filled with the power of salt and sun and deep deep waters. Those things that live and thrive in the heart and soul of every Uzumaki who has ever breathed and battled and bled. 'Guide him, keep him safe for always. But love him most of all. My little prince of eddies and leaves.’ Left behind, left alone and cold where before there was only a soft sort of warmth and a steady kind of safety, Naruto wails.
14.3K words
Hongjoong kind of maybe has a crush on his favorite ASMR YouTuber. It’s nothing really, for Hongjoong it kind of feels like having a crush on a celebrity or something of the like. Mars ASMR is like, really good at ASMR. An actual sentence that had come out of Hongjoong’s actual mouth when he had told San about ASMR, back when he first stumbled upon it. (Russian translation now kindly provided: here)
65.1K words
The Fallen King and the King of the Freaks
The Fallen King and the King of the Freaks
"Never shoved anyone in janitor closets before," Steve said instead."Ahh, lockers then."Steve shook his head, "You could really hurt someone doing that. What if no one found them? Or if they passed out or something?" He pointed out and finally looked up at the other boy. Eddie was just staring at him like he's never seen Steve before. "I never wanted to hurt anyone," Steve breathed out, but it came out more snappish than he meant it to. OR~~~Steve has to deal with the fallout of Season 2. New nightmares, losing Nancy, kids who he's willing to die for, and Billy's new hatred towards him. He went from the top to the bottom in the school and he didn't know how bad it was until Eddie Munson is the one that steps in to help him. And maybe he wants the help and maybe even some friends.
229.0K words
The Deepest Secret
The Deepest Secret
Bilbo Baggins was a desperate Hobbit. Well, he was several things. Short, funny, hungry, and tired for starts. Desperate was at the forefront of his mind at the moment. He would never be at Oakenshield Manor otherwise. Still, they needed a gardener, and as much as he didn't know about dwarves, he did know about plants. Bilbo expected it to be difficult. Dwarves were hardly known to be the most accepting and open of races after all. He expected the garden to be in terrible shape, the dwarves to be loud, and secretive. He could never have expected Thorin.
103.8K words
The Dark Ones
The Dark Ones
Hermione never thought that her life will turn out like this.She's broken inside, hurting and suffering by herself but the anger-no, pure rage that she feels towards her 'friends' keeps her going, fueling her constantly.She also can't explain the sudden changes that keep happening to her and it seems not only to her.She's changed and everyone can see it, feel it. She's darker than ever. Draco changed too. He's quieter, smarter and more observant... also obsessed with Hermione.
90.4K words
to find us
to find us
After the explosion, Eddie is alone. Venom is...gone and Eddie doesn't know how to live with that. He wants to find him, help him, but all he can find is that emptiness in his chest. Thankfully, it seems like they're destined to be "them" again. They're emotional.As time passes, they learn how to exist together, which happens to be strangely domestic. But Eddie isn't falling in love with his alien symbiote, of course he isn't...
27.6K words
Natsuki Subaru's Strange Habits
Natsuki Subaru's Strange Habits
Emilia checks up on Subaru one day to see that he's staring at a wall in the dark of his room. Frightened and concerned as a result of Subaru's continuous dodging of questions, Emilia takes up the task of investigating him with the help of the others at the mansion. As time goes on, everyone realizes that something is very wrong.
9.0K words
[Ganondorf/Link] Link takes a huge risk and offers to take Zelda’s place as Ganondorf’s captive. Ganondorf sees an opportunity to ease Link into a little baby boy toy. The blond doesn’t quite grasp why he loves being humiliated so… but Ganondorf knows. ~ [2021.09.05 update]: Tags to be reworked - major tags will be REPLACED/ADDED in additional tags, minor tags will be added to author notes on a chapter basis.
125.5K words