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Say Goodbye to Yesterday
Say Goodbye to Yesterday
The day after the invasion Tony wakes up and his tower is intact again; everything is exactly the way it was before this whole mess went down. It doesn’t take him long to catch up but he can’t figure out why he’s in a time loop – so he does what anyone would: fuck things up while trying to find a way to fix this. Somewhere along the way, his priorities change and suddenly he finds himself involved neck-deep in Norse family drama, along with some other stuff.
111.7K words
Legal Alien
Legal Alien
Normal people didn't have to worry about this sort of thing when they go on a holiday. They worry about things like losing their luggage, catching a cab or something similar. Not alien invasions. Harry, however, had never been normal. Then again, neither were these guys. One-shot.
3.1K words
Distortions In Time
Distortions In Time
Thanks to a horrible twist of Fate, Loki was not discovered by Odin after the final Battle of Utgard. Growing up on Jotunheim, he lived as an outcast due to his small stature - until unfortunate events took him outward to the stars. Familiar lands and peoples play their parts in this different story, this distorted tale. BAMF! Jotun!Loki AU. Set pre-/during-/after Thor/Avengers Assemble. MCU-verse only. Read the warnings please. Angst.
438.8K words
(Y/n), I'm here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative
(Y/n), I'm here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative
What happens when Loki, God of Mischief, sets eyes on Tony Stark’s one and only niece, (Y/n) Stark? With the ability to control darkness, you made the cut and were promoted from an Agent of SHIELD to an Avenger a few months after the Battle of New York, and the last thing on your— and everyone else’s mind— was that THE Loki Laufeyson was to join the team. A battle of Foos, a begrudging team-up, and an understanding of minds can lead to all sorts of things. I don't own any Marvel characters, or you.
280.1K words
Odin appears on Earth two years after the Chitauri attack, with a rather unusual offer. Either one of the Avengers must accept Loki as their slave as a continuation of his punishment, or he will be returned to his prison in Asgard for an eternity of pain and torture. Steve, being Steve, has a problem with this.
44.3K words
One Day Down Eternity To Go
One Day Down Eternity To Go
Years after the invasion of New York Loki and tony have a life together and for once Hydra isn't trying to take over something or five minutes. Marriages, babies, dating, laughter and tony getting thrown out of the window on a regular basis is all that you will find here ad much more.
740.9K words
Awake my Soul
Awake my Soul
Follow up to 'For You, For Asgard', but can be read as a stand-alone. When Loki's torture comes back to haunt him, affecting his health, Thor must choose if to believe the trickster or not. But when the mental torture turns physical, and Thanos' threats begin to come true, the brothers must come together, to help one another, as well as Asgard. But what secrets will arise? What horrors must they face? And will everyone make it out alive?
48.4K words
He's going to need magic to take his staff back from SHIELD, so Loki finally tries to sleep--and when he does, a memory is waiting for him, of pain and suffocation and wanting to die. Written entirely in the universe of LadyCharity's Syrgja, without which this won't make a lot of sense.
2.8K words
The Lost Little Prince; A Tale by Thor
The Lost Little Prince; A Tale by Thor
Thor discovers fan fiction, but like the great god we know him to be, he is not satisfied just to read the work of mere mortals. He weaves his own tale, of what he wishes happened after Loki fell into the abyss. Includes a lot of Loki being cuddled, smothered, and groped against his will.
10.3K words
Mending broken bonds.
Mending broken bonds.
Loki slipped from Asgard's watches. It's Thor that now wants to fix things for good. But can he actually mend what has been broken? And what happens when others try to break it again? - rated teen for the torture stuff that will appear in this-
39.2K words
The enemy of my enemy
The enemy of my enemy
The Chitauri must die if Loki ever wants to be free from them again. But who can he count on to help him build the weapon to destroy them? Family? His knowledge? Or perhaps an enemy from the past? Sequel to Mending Broken bonds.
38.2K words