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How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam).
How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam).
In which, Gabriel meddles with the time line and Castiel becomes Dean's angel rather sooner than intended.
69.6K words
The World Crashing All Around
The World Crashing All Around
During a storm in September of 1987, Dean and Sam hear something hit their roof. When they brave the backyard to investigate, they find a fledgling angel. A story about best friendship, spoiled plans, and love, in four parts.
36.3K words
Playing House
Playing House
When John is away on hunts and it's just Sam and Dean, he finds it feels almost like a husband and wife. Sam knows its messed up to think like that but he can't help it. More so when Dean's willing to play along with it, calling Sam pet names and treating him as if he really was Dean's wife.
3.8K words
All Stripped Down
All Stripped Down
It's not that Dean hasn't rubbed himself off on Sam before. He's just never done it like this.(Sam is in ninth grade).
1.8K words
Putting On A Show
Putting On A Show
Lightning fast Dean's grin slants into sly and Sam's stomach lurches hard enough that his lungs get jealous and jump in on the action. Without so much as a glance in Sam’s direction for approval, Dean lifts one shoulder and says, "I'll make out with Sam."
2.9K words
Cowboys and Indians
Cowboys and Indians
An account of the times Sam jizzed himself while Dean pinned his hands down, starting with a game of cowboys and indians.
2.6K words
Always Family
Always Family
When his dad comes back into the clearing with a scrawny kid he's just bought in tow, Dean isn't surprised. He knows Lilim aren't human, that they're creatures, like witches or wendigo. But the kid that John's got by the arm, who's pulled as far away from Dean's dad as possible without actually trying to get his arm back, the kid whose eyes don't leave John and are bright with fear, the kid who looks like he hasn't eaten in a couple of days and is obviously favoring his left leg... This kid looks an awful lot like a person. And what's more, he's the same age Sammy would have been.
108.4K words
Written for the anonymous prompt: "I need some weecest with bottom!Dean. Teaching his baby boy how to fuck a girl with his huge cock. Sam is 16-17 maybe?"He hears Sam swallow, a little gulping noise in his throat. “Are you… what, are you volunteering yourself for practice?”Originally posted on tumblr.
3.4K words
Hit the Head
Hit the Head
prompt: Twelve-year-old Sam loves Dean's dick and cum so much, he starts to fantasize about gulping down EVERYTHING that cock can offer and can't get the thought of drinking Dean's piss out of his head. Eventually, in the heat of the moment, he begs Dean for it. Dean's unsure at first, but when Sammy pleads for him to piss down his throat and then wraps his little mouth around the head of his cock, he can't resist. Bonus points if afterwards, Dean fucks his mouth hard and Sam comes untouched.
2.1K words
Dean looks at him different now, Sam just can't figure out what the difference is.
23.4K words
I've Got the Month of May
I've Got the Month of May
Sam gets jealous, so Dean reminds him who his best girl is. Sam is 14.
4.3K words
A Dad and a Dean
Tender Misery
Tender Misery
Dean's punishment hit its peak when he was thirteen and just becoming a man, right when his shoulders began to broaden and his voice lower in pitch. And then he lost Sammy. And that's when things really went to hell. But that's all life really was, wasn't it? Hell. No heaven- God had left it to ruin long ago. Weechesters verse. Trigger warning: child abuse
643 words
Close Your Eyes
Close Your Eyes
Alexandria Haven Potter is left to die by the Dursleys. She is saved, as luck would have it, by John Winchester. Alexandria decides to leave behind her old life and become Haven Winchester. Haven’s life is no fairy tale, but with her brothers at her side she is never alone. And that is all that really matters.
35.1K words
Dean Is A Slut For His Little Brother’s Fingers In His Ass
Dean Is A Slut For His Little Brother’s Fingers In His Ass
Sam likes sliding half way down Dean’s body, pressing his stomach firm against Dean’s cock, breathing into his chest, and wrapping his arm around Dean’s waist until his fingers reach his big brother’s hole. Dean hangs his leg over Sam to dig his heel into his back and press harder against the young boy’s body, clings to his little brother’s shoulder and tries his best to stay quiet while whispering pleading words and encouragement into Sam’s messy hair. Sam is 10; Dean is 14
819 words
In the Blink of an Eye
In the Blink of an Eye
What if Mary left John to raise the boys by himself after a fire in Dean's nursery?
2.6K words
Like This
Like This
Written for the anonymous prompt: "weecest ~ dean letting sam finger him for the first time ~ dean 19/sam 15 if possible?"
897 words
What if the Romani family from the CM episode "Bloodline" was actually the Winchesters? John Winchester and his boys, Dean and Sam, travel the country saving people, hunting things, the family business. But when John kidnaps ten-year-old Cate to continue a long-held family tradition, the BAU is put on the case to find the missing girl. Informed eight hours after the abduction, both the team's and Winchester's clocks are running out. The yellow-eyed demon is closing in and it looks like the BAU is going to be caught in the crossfire.
32.9K words
Dean Winchester knew how to be hungry. Hunger came in stages, and he learned how to handle them well. He knew that when it was time to eat, you eat everything in front of you, because you never know when you're going to get another mouthful. Weechesters verse.
1.0K words
Some cars have better anti-theft systems than others.
755 words
Behind Closed Doors
Behind Closed Doors
These motel rooms are dull, anonymous and bleak, but behind their closed doors, a story of two brothers unfolds. This isn’t where Sam and Dean fight monsters and save the world. This is where they wash off the sweat and dirt from digging graves, where they brush their teeth, where they tend to each other’s wounds, where they fall into exhausted sleep. This is where they don’t have to be heroes; this is where they can be human.From pre-series to post-series. Written in November 2013, so AU after S09E05.
39.8K words
Fille De Joise
Fille De Joise
The first time he sold himself, Dean was fifteen years old. His dad's credit card scams weren't fairing too well, and the consistent hunger gnawing at his stomach reminded him that Sammy must be hungry too. He hadn't planned it, would have never thought that this was what he would end up doing. But sometimes, life was just like that. Weechesters verse.
782 words
Just the Three of Us
Just the Three of Us
John learns his first lesson as a single dad.
1.4K words
Soulmate Countdown
Soulmate Countdown
Inspired by Tumblr prompt.When someone is born a little countdown on their wrist shows the time until they meet their soulmate. When Dean Winchester is born, his reads 4 years, 3 months, and 8 days. When Sam is born it shows only a few minutes, but his parents don't notice.4 years, 3 months, and 8 days. What happens then.
589 words
The Story of Tonight.....And The Years Leading Up To That
The Story of Tonight.....And The Years Leading Up To That
Gabe becomes a guardian angel for Sam. This is pretty much what happens after that
10.9K words
The Dragon at Knights Inn
The Dragon at Knights Inn
Nightmares06 made me do it!This fic has my Dean as a dragon in Oscar's hotel, The Knights Inn.Update! This won the contest along with my other fic, Brothers transposed!!!Thanks for the support! It takes place in ch 31 Dragon!Dean is Still Scared of Heights. As a kind of added scene. Dean is 6in tall and injured and spots an impossibly small person slip into the room through the heating vent, sneaking around for bits of food. Dean follows the mousy guy and gets stuck in the walls in a pile of plaster pinning him helplessly down. He fears he's going to die in there when a familiar face walks towards him. It looks like Sam but that's impossible. The guy is 4 inches tall and 10 years younger then he should be, and he doesn't recognize his brother at all.The shrunken Sam and Dean discover there's more then just their two worlds, and run into trouble in nearly all of them. Every doorway leads to another universe and more tiny Sam's and Dean's then they know what to do with, and even a giant thrown in! Along the way they meet wood sprites, tricksters, consulting detectives and a monster that none of them had ever encountered before.
123.4K words
John Winchester's Sons
John Winchester's Sons
John Winchester had always wanted sons. Mary had wanted a daughter, but John wanted sons, and now there was only John and his two children – both of them were sons in his eyes. There would be no dresses and makeup and talks about boys, and whatever else Mary had planned to do with a little girl. John raised Deanna the only way he knew how, by teaching her to kill monsters and fix the Impala and protect her little brother. And Deanna grew up to be the perfect son.
1.8K words
Ghosts Don't Cough
Ghosts Don't Cough
"John screams for Dean that it’s impossible, holding Dean around the stomach and keeping him from rushing in with everything he’s got… but Sam’s in there. Sam ran back in, and Dean’s throat is closed up, heart seizing with panic." Pre-series. WARNINGS FOR CHILD DEATH.
774 words
Embers of an Autumn Fire
Embers of an Autumn Fire
"Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Now, Dean! go!" That happened. John coming out of the house didn't. Eight years later, everything changes again.
13.1K words
The Toaster Incident
The Toaster Incident
"The man can barely work a toaster." John Winchester vs appliance.
626 words
The First Time Sam Ran Away
The First Time Sam Ran Away
Sam is four. The title pretty much says it all. "John saw another little piece of Dean being compressed into a new shape by all the pressure he had to endure. John hoped it was like was coal being forged into a diamond ... but he doubted it. Dean never complained about this. If anything, he seemed to blame himself for not being stronger."
4.5K words
Passing on the Legacy
Passing on the Legacy
Part of Dean just wants Sam to be a regular little boy. The other part knows he has to teach Sam things regular little boys don't learn in case he ever needs those skills.
1.6K words
Though his dad would never say so, Dean suspected that his father let him come on his first salt-and-burn as a congratulations gift for his dæmon settling. And though Dean would never say so, it frightened the hell out of him.
1.0K words
In The Light
In The Light
Set between S5E02 and S5E05 while Sam and Dean are taking a break from hunting with each other, Dean is racked with guilt over his failure to 'save' his brother and blames himself for the coming apocalypse. When he tries to mask the feelings with alcohol and reckless demon fights, Cas has to step in to try and talk some sense into him. Dean/Cas, lotta feels and abusive John flashbacks. Seriously, this fic is Dean centric and is not overly kind to either John or Sam, so do not read it if that's going to upset you.
7.6K words
Walking in the Air
Walking in the Air
Never mind the fact that they've been kidnapped by freaking Frosty. Dean's real worry is whether he and Sammy can get back to the motel before their father comes home.
8.9K words