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Dear Voldie
Dear Voldie
With exams looming and Umbridge with more power than ever Harry is at the end of his tether so decides to try writing a letter to Voldemort, in an effort to stop the nightmares/visions that, admittedly, mean absolutely nothing to him. This one little act will spark a chain of events that can lead to massive changes in the wizarding world, but will it be for better or worse. This is my take on the 'Harry writes Voldemort a letter trope', I hope you enjoy it.
217.9K words
Freedom Found in Chains
Freedom Found in Chains
[ COMPLETE ] Draco is stolen from his DeathEater family and turned into a sex-slave. The Dursleys sell Harry on the black market when he’s seven years old. Thrown together, the boys form a magical bond, escape to live with a Muggle who is caught up in the mob, and eventually get discovered by the Magical world, but neither world considers them normal: Draco has been forged into an Alpha while Harry finds freedom in submission. This is the story of how Harry becomes bonded to Draco Malfoy and a ward of the Malfoy family.
319.8K words
Be the Death of Me
Be the Death of Me
Or how Death lost Harry Potter's soul, had a small mental break and took a vacation. A vacation as the Boy Who Lived. Because irony.
455.3K words
Harry, child, wife, cock slut
Harry, child, wife, cock slut
When itty witty, three year old Harry tries to escape the mean bullying of his cousin by running into the backyard, a giant black dogs becomes his unlikely hero. Scaring the fat little boy away from the other child, the dog takes his reward by eating out the now exposed boypussy of Harry. But too soon the two have to break apart, less they both get in trouble. But the dog won't leave Harry, snatching him from the yard and dragging him to the woods.Sirius Black has been living as his animagus for years, hunting down his godson, his mate, and now that he has found him he will never let him go and plans to take full advantage of their bond and have his way with the toddler. And once he's done, he's going to make sure the rest of their days is filled with love and sex.
10.7K words
Sex equals Love
Sex equals Love
Snape was set to give punishment to a certain messy haired tween. he was not expecting sex with a minor...
22.4K words
Bad Potters
Bad Potters
James comes to see his father one night. He has raped a girl and needs his father's advice. He did not expect what happened next. Explicit sex in every chapter. WARNING:This fic is very, very bad. If you have ANY doubt that you might want to read it, don't do it.
84.2K words
A Life of Lies
A Life of Lies
After being convicted of a crime he didn't commit, the Boy Who Lived finds himself in an Azkaban run by the death eater prisoners. Their leader and his cellmate, the infamous Lucius Malfoy believes he can show Harry the error of his ways. After suffering through the ministry's treatment of him, Harry may begin to see the benefits of going dark. AU AFTER BK 5 OotP BUT CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS FROM HBP
261.3K words
Everything Green Is Gold
Everything Green Is Gold
Prior to Hogwarts, Harry had stayed mostly invisible to the teachers and adults around him his whole life. But Tom Riddle, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, looked at Harry like he was something to be wanted. It's not the first time that Harry's had his stance corrected in Professor Riddle's practical Defense classes—the professor frequently advised students on small adjustments, shifting a foot back here, correcting a wrist swish there—but it's the first time that Riddle has wrapped his entire hand around Harry's, adjusting the angle of his wand movement for an Alohomora. All of a sudden, a frisson of warmth runs up Harry's arm—just like the first time he had grasped his phoenix and holly wand in Ollivander's shop—and a shower of golden sparks shoots out the tip. He gasps in surprise. "What was that?" he asks, instinctively taking a step backwards and bumping against Riddle standing behind him. Riddle's hand is still wrapped around Harry's, and his whole arm—his whole body, actually—feels so nice, buzzing with pleasure and warmth and the feeling of pure magic, exactly like the moment that he knew instantly his wand was his.
27.1K words
my pussy tastes like pepsi cola (my eyes are wide like cherry pies)
my pussy tastes like pepsi cola (my eyes are wide like cherry pies)
Sirius' control over his new Animagus form is tenuous. Regulus pays the price. [Or: Young, innocent curiosity gives way to something a little too perverse for a Tuesday afternoon.] --- Now with an author reveal!
3.9K words
The Cruelty of Severus Snape
The Cruelty of Severus Snape
Severus Snape doesn't hate children, as most think. He loves them. Especially when they cry. SS/hp chan, first year.
2.9K words
Ginny talks about the very special memories she made with her father as a child. Referenced Molly/various Weasley boys and Harry/Lily Luna.
2.3K words
Safe House
Safe House
When both their lives are in (greater than usual) danger, Harry and Snape must live together in a secret location all summer for their own safety. How will they survive it? Simple—they’ll just have to get to know each other. Takes place after OotP, ignore HBP and DH.
55.2K words
His Beautiful Abomination
His Beautiful Abomination
Harry Potter is taken over by his dark future self and is looking for amusement. And what could be more amusing than trapping Tom Riddle's shade in Ginny's body and making her his plaything?
25.1K words
sex ed
sex ed
Harry still needs more advice. He decides to ask Rose about her lessons with Ron.
1.1K words
Minister's Boy
Minister's Boy
In the year 1993, Tom Marvolo Riddle became the Minister of Magic. In the year 1985, he obtained a certain detail that would help him get to that position.
24.1K words
Harry Potter and the Prophecy of Esclaria
Harry Potter and the Prophecy of Esclaria
Harry Potter has come into his creature inheritance, but as we all know, the great Harry Potter can never be normal, he couldn't be a vampire, or a werewolf, no, he had to be an Alchai, a creature that doesn't have one mate, but three. HP/DM/SS/LM FOURSOME.
131.3K words
Albus Severus and the Harry Potter Complex
Albus Severus and the Harry Potter Complex
Albus is obsessed with seducing men as a replacement for his father. And somehow, he knows just who to go to to get what he wants.
22.2K words
Little Miss Mary
Little Miss Mary
This is the last of my HP stories. It was quite interesting to write but there are warnings that you may need to heed. I do love my 'what ifs' and Severus has to be my favorite character so you may find him a bit OOC. What if Severus rescued Harry from the Dursleys and hid him away for the summer? And what if they decide to pursue a relationship? What if Harry really likes dressing up as a girl and refuses to get rid of his silk underwear? And what if they figure out a way to get rid of Voldemort for good? This was originally written in 2004 and posted under my pseudonym - Athea Holmes.
103.9K words
Breaking Forwards
Breaking Forwards
HP&OP. The professors no longer can scare Harry with talk of lost points, detentions or Quidditch suspensions. He's been beaten down for far too long, and he finally has reached his limit. Severus mentors, maybe guardian. Abuse, non-con, AU, evil!Ron
114.6K words
A Couple of Pups
A Couple of Pups
The Potters got a new puppy. Harry refuses to go pee in the toilet. The puppy does not mind. Sirius, however, more than minds. He owns.
3.2K words
Rosebud Kisses
Rosebud Kisses
Lily loved her Daddy's kisses.
2.4K words
A Single Change
A Single Change
Harry was utterly mad.He was already playing the part of the Boy-Who-Lived. He was preserving his mask to stay in this golden cage until he was powerful enough, smart enough...Until he had a solid plan that will ensure his survival.But then that stupid diary had to come into his life and give him a promise of eternity. (An alternate sequel to Musing of a Diary Horcrux)
24.0K words
Atonement [Snarry Edition]
Atonement [Snarry Edition]
Harry needed to repay the man who protected him up until the very end of his life. A life full of traumas and pain and lacking of love. Harry knew what it was like to grow up unloved, but he couldn't have been prepared for the horrors Severus Snape had been subjected to as a child. And as Master of Death, Harry was prepared to right those wrongs. To make sure that Severus was loved. Even if that love turned out to be a bit deeper than Harry had ever intended. But Severus would be loved. That was all that mattered.
10.3K words
 Dark Angel
Dark Angel
Dumbledore's methods to ensure Harry's safety after the defeat of Voldemort do more harm than good.
93.7K words
Devil's Snare
Devil's Snare
The Devil's Snare lets Ron fall through but keeps Hermione and Harry to toy with.
2.4K words
How singular
How singular
Spermarche: the beginning of a boy's development of sperm; normally signifies a boy's beginning in sexual maturity and puberty.
6.0K words
A perhaps disturbing look at what one bitter man’s obsession could lead to, and the unexpected results—but for whom?
90.9K words
Tears of the Sun
Tears of the Sun
AU, Harry is rescued from Privet Drive when he is five years old by - a penguin?
66.9K words
Everyone had always said that Voldemort was an alpha, and Harry didn't have any reason to presume otherwise. When he travels back in time to adopt Tom Riddle out of the orphanage, it never occurs to him there'd be any issue. What Harry doesn’t realize is that Tom is actually an unbonded omega.
8.6K words
His Perfect Boy
His Perfect Boy
At nineteen, Harry couldn't say he knew what parenting was, or what it would entail, but all he wanted for Teddy was the life Harry never had. A life filled with love and safety and comfort. His little boy would want for nothing, and Harry hadn't realised he had so much love to give. But as he was quick to discover, parenting could be as frequently trying as it was rewarding...
5.3K words
Apples of His Eye
Apples of His Eye
When Albus was born, something was different. Harry loved James, but he wanted to love Albus more. More than he should. ...and maybe he could love James a bit more along the way.
4.9K words
Dark Discoveries
Dark Discoveries
Ginny's first year was not what everyone thought it was.
1.5K words
sin in the dark
sin in the dark
Lily went away for the weekend with her friends. James told Lily that Sirius would be helping him take care of Harry. It seemed like a great idea to her, as she was unaware of what would occur that weekend and every other time she was away.
952 words
No One Loves Me Like Daddy
No One Loves Me Like Daddy
Albus loves having a special bond with Daddy.
1.8K words
File B
File B
Harry Potter had not expected anyone to come up to him at the abandoned playground, much less a strange, pretty man that wanted to play games with him. The man pushed Harry on the swing for a long time, and Harry had the most fun he'd ever had. Then things started to go wrong very quickly. READ THE TAGS.---DO NOT TRANSLATE WITHOUT PERMISSION
11.1K words