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the sweetest kind of poison
the sweetest kind of poison
Between running an orphanage with his over-protective brothers and Colonel Steve Rogers's increasingly inappropriate advances, Bucky's life is...complicated. (Bucky participates in the Annual Hunt to get the cash rewards and meets Steve who wants him bad. AU)
60.8K parola
Put Love On Hold
Put Love On Hold
Darcy is an omega who has been on suppressants for years, and doesn't know the first thing about her own biology. When she makes it out of a hostage situation in one piece thanks to a certain supersoldier (or two), a series of events has set into motion that she thought would send her running for the hills.But maybe this time she won't run away.
80.8K parola
Heart of Fools
Heart of Fools
Bucky spots the leaflet under some old magazines as he eats. It’s crumpled and worn. He’s looked at it several times in the past seven months since he found it in the Omega center. It has pictures of smiling couples holding hands, sitting on picnic blankets under willow trees. They’re outlined by slogans like “Serve Your Country” and “Your Contribution is Needed”.
55.8K parola
Mentre Fingiamo di Dormire
Mentre Fingiamo di Dormire
Tony finge di essere un alfa. Poi dimentica di aver finto. Una cosa di cui si ricorda è Steve. Steve cerca di aiutare a modo suo, all'antica, eticamente rigoroso. A Tony piace fare grandi gesti. Non è mai stato sottile.
52.6K parola
parts per million
parts per million
Everybody--including Steve himself--had been surprised when he'd turned out to be an alpha. The other boys had pegged him for an omega, and a bad one at that; one of the many jokes at his expense was that Barnes only liked him because Steve was even lower on the food chain than an omega with delusions of beta-status. Steve can still remember the feral grin Bucky’d given him after they’d heard that one for the first time, blood on his teeth from his split lip, and the way his voice had cracked when he’d said “I like you for a lot more’n that, Rogers.”
5.3K parola
This is hardly a summary! XD I have no life so I just write smut and Omegaverse because why the fuck not! Ehehehe.
1.6K parola
Love Without Doubt
Love Without Doubt
Tony is kidnapped and, months later, the rest of the Avengers are captured by the same people when they try to rescue him. When SHIELD gets them back, they’re forever changed and bonded. Based off of this kink meme prompt: Tony is the Avengers' sub and omega. He may snark all he wants, but at the end of the day, he's happy to get down on his knees and please his masters and mistress.
52.2K parola
Don't Date Alphas
Don't Date Alphas
To be completely honest, Danny’s ex-wife is not at all what Steve expected. She’s elegant, for a start. British, Steve realizes, as soon as she opens her mouth, accent crisp in a way which makes Danny’s Jersey drawl sound thick and sticky. She’s also an omega. “Honestly, though,” she says, “can you even imagine Danny, of all people, with an alpha?” Steve tries to ignore the way his chest feels a little too tight.
9.7K parola
Places left behind
Places left behind
As Steve approaches the door of the walk-in closet, there’s a sudden growl. It’s low and defensive, and Steve freezes. He’s only wearing a towel, he suddenly realizes stupidly. “Jarvis?” he calls out. “Yes, sir?” comes the clipped voice of the A.I over the comms system. “Is there someone in the closet?”
7.1K parola
Fools Rush In
Fools Rush In
Rumlow discovers he's pregnant as he's recovering in the hospital after the collapse of the Triskellion. But that doesn't change anything- after his betrayal, Steve wants nothing to do with him or the baby, and so Brock is determined to get out, get away from HYDRA and raise the baby on his own. But that's an awful lot to take on, alone and on the run. Fortunately, the Winter Soldier remembers his handler, a fellow omega assigned to him specifically for the calming bond shared between omegas in the absence of an alpha. Kink-meme fill.
132.4K parola
Domestic Hound
Domestic Hound
Clint Barton, another one of the Alpha's, decides to take advantage of Steve's position as Tony's Alpha and steps in the way behind his Captain's back. Results? Steve fucks Tony hard in the lab.
1.4K parola
The Winter Soldier Goes Into Heat
The Winter Soldier Goes Into Heat
Bucky has been having painful, feverish events since he returned to Steve. He doesn't think he should be able to experience heats after the medical procedures done to him by HYDRA. It turns out he was wrong. He isn't quite himself yet but his body still knows who his mate is. History be damned, some things never change. This is the prequel to 'The Winter Soldier Becomes a Parent: And the Personal Business of Other Super Persons'.
4.7K parola
Bucky is crouched in the corner of the observation room. His body is dirty, a long wavy curtain of hair hangs over his face, but Steve can see a pair of dark alert eyes looking out above his forearm that he has rested on his knees, protecting his face. Post-Age of Ultron A/O/B.
12.3K parola
Who am I?
Who am I?
***THIS IS A DARK FIC**** Trigger warnings for rape/non-con. “A gilded cage is still a cage!” You never wanted to have this conversation. “I could change the world with what I know, with what I can do. If I let nature take its course I would be mated to some alpha asshole with five kids by now.” My take on the a/b/o universe. Non-Cannon, takes place after the first Avengers but there are going to be changes (Bucky is an Avenger already). I will update tags as I update
83.9K parola
Citrus and Woolen Blankets
Citrus and Woolen Blankets
It's weird, really, how they all fit. Steve and Tony take care of their Omega in heat, and Tony reminisces on how the three of them became a thing.
21.2K parola
[Podfic] Che bel modo di dire quanto mi ami
[Podfic] Che bel modo di dire quanto mi ami
Inizia con un panino (prosciutto e formaggio, per essere precisi) e finisce con una confessione a letto. Steve non è sicuro di cosa stia succedendo, ma pensa che "gli istinti lo hanno fatto fare" probabilmente non sia una scusa valida.
15 parola
You Get What You Need
You Get What You Need
Tony Stark is not the omega you’re looking for. Or rather, he is, and you just don’t know it yet. In which Steve doesn’t always get what he wants, but at least he gets what he needs.
2.7K parola
Handsome, Sturdy Husband
Handsome, Sturdy Husband
Presenting Steve and Tony in the Pocahontus!AU. Sort of. It’s been four years now, four years since Steve turned eighteen and got his appointment as the next pack Alpha after Howard kicks the bucket and got Tony’s betrothal by default, and Tony still hates it. Steve, of course, is the most well-adjusted alpha in the pack. Steve is the most boring 'wolf on the planet. Tony hates him. Really.
11.5K parola
Then Why Did You Leave?
Then Why Did You Leave?
After New York, Tony finds his mind is slowly falling apart. Images of the wormhole clutter his nightmares and make his lab his only sanctuary. His alpha- bonding pending- Steve and his best friend Bruce take him down to his mansion in California, but it doesn't seem to help. He begins to wonder if he's truly losing his mind, or if he already lost it. Meanwhile, Aldrich sets up a meeting with Pepper Potts, hoping to get closer to his wayward omega through her. The result is less than satisfactory. Nevertheless, he will not be deterred from his prime goals. He'll get his omega back from the good captain, even if he has to tear through the alpha's thieving arms, one limb at a time.
18.4K parola
Marking his omega
Marking his omega
Bucky has been made an omega by Hydra. Steve becomes his alpha when he gets him back and does his best to reassure him. But bucky needs something more to be assured he belongs to Steve - he needs to be properly scent marked.
19.0K parola