A young woman was found wandering the streets by the Motor Inn, it is clear she cannot survive alone. The group of survivors takes her in to their care and she cannot find the courage to leave, no matter how difficult it is to stay.
Scott McCall is at home preparing to get a good night's rest to prepare for the start of the semester, he wants to make first line on the lacrosse team this year. Then his best friend Stiles turns up and they head into the woods to search for half of a dead body. What could go wrong?
This is a prequel to the story 'A Doggy of my Own', so if you have already read that story you'll already know how this is going to end.
How will he react when he finds out that you're pregnant?
A series of one-shots for various fandoms.
Requests temporarily closed whilst I catch up on current requests!
Okita Sougo knew he had to exercise utmost caution when dealing with a Yato… but he never knew he had to deal with a deranged and slightly insane female who also happened to be the younger sister of the galaxy’s most wanted man.
TIME FOR SOME SMUT! Jem x Zazz is my OTP for life so let’s do this: This is my first fanfiction ever so bear with me… my friend Julia, whose username is badlywrittensin, and I both decided to write Firebringer smut after she got me to watch the show for the first time so make sure to go check hers out as well.
Derek is forced to make the decision of a life time with someone who isn't even a senior in high school. This will be a summer to remember for the Hale pack and leave ever lasting effects on all of them. Who knows what is in store for this motley crew? Not me ;) Rated E for later chapters. Lots of maybe kinda weird things if you no likey then you no read-y.
That night, sleep comes quickly. [Alice] falls faster than she ever has before.
She lands hard in a clump of tall grass, the wind knocked out of her. Struggling to her feet, she finds that she is neither too small, nor too tall—just right, in fact. She's barefoot, still in her night-dress, and all is quiet and still in the Underland dusk. She spots a broken-down windmill in the distance and begins to walk.
When she finally rounds the crumbling structure, one hand lifting a shred of broken sail in order to duck under it, she can see that the tea party is just where she left it.
But only one guest is there.
Tony Stark, Pepper ile final ayrılığından sadece birkaç saat sonra ortadan kayboldu.
Kimse nerede olduğunu bilmiyor - New York Yüksek Sosyetesinin karanlık yüzü hariç. Köle olarak tutulan, aşağılanan ve işkence gören Tony, öz saygısını ve yaşama isteğini kaybetmeye başlıyor.
Yarı aç ve aklını son damlasına kadar koruyarak, bir yabancı tarafından satın alınıyor. Daha önce hiç görmediği... ama onu tanıyan ve onu eski haline döndürebilecek tek kişi olabilecek bir yabancı. Küçük bir sorun: Bu yabancı onu evcil hayvanı olarak tutmaya kararlı, ayaklarının dibinde oturuyor, her gün fırçalanıyor ve elinden yiyor.
Ve Tony kendini bu tavrı giderek daha çok sevdiğini fark ediyor...
Bu, rıza dışı içerik veya Loki'nin Tony'ye köle muamelesi yapmasını içermez. Bir acı/teselli öyküsüdür.Elbette, Loki'nin Loki olduğu bazı bölümlerle.
“Just kill me and get it over with already! What the hell are you waiting for, asshole?”
Bucky raises his brows. “Asshole? I’m the asshole? Who tried to kill who here, pipsqueak?”
The kid rips a chunk of grass out of the ground and chucks it at Bucky’s face.-Or the one where Yuri Plisetsky is a trained assassin and is sent to kill Bucky Barnes.
7 one-shots from 2013 for the A to Z challenge at the LJ Community 1_Million_Words.
Ch. 7: Chekov's Christmas
Chekov is in high spirits - Christmas, more Christmas, oh - and did he mention Christmas?! His festive spirit gets him in trouble, though. It leads to a disaster on an off-ship exploration mission, but good things come from bad things - like maybe showing your Captain what Christmas really means? Pst, it means family :D
Viktor has been attempting to teach his flower how to ice-skate, since Yuuri had been teaching him how to garden. He hadn't taken to it yet, but that was fine; he'd just have to make more time so they could practice together. At least, that was his assumption before he found Yuuri performing on his own.
It turns out that Yuuri is better at this than he thought. He really would never stop suprising him, would he?
Katsuki ailesine Izuku ile birlikte olduklarını söyledikten sonra, o kadın kış tatilinde Bakugou-Midoriya aile yemeği düzenlemekte ısrarcı oldu. Katsuki sadece bunu atlatıp, baskıcı annesinin her hareketini izlemediği ve eleştirmediği UA'ya geri dönmek istiyordu. Her gece birbirlerinin odalarına gizlice girmeselerdi, Katsuki muhtemelen bunu kaldıramazdı. Şimdiye kadar başardılar, ama şansları tükenmek üzere.
Donkişot ailesi tarafından, ürkek ve korkak oğulları Rosinante için geleceğin gelini olarak satın alınırsınız. Çocukla aranızdaki bağ güçlenir, ancak kinci kardeşi aranızda hiçbir şey olmasına izin vermez. Kaçmayı başarırsınız— ancak kader mühürlenmiştir ve Doflamingo ile tekrar karşılaşmanız kaçınılmazdır.
As an eighteen year old joining a team in the NHL, all his dreams were coming true. These were big, tough men, the kind of men that he had always dreamt about putting him on his knees, and it was happening.
Trevor wants the past, but Michael has moved on. Made a family for himself. That family is now crumbling and Trevor seizes a way to get his love alone and isolated. Franklin deals with what he got roped into and deals with his own relationships. To the best of his ability.
Dean needs a new body part and Sam doesn't cope well with any of it.
(A very AU!AU borrowing the lovely idea from Time Is on My Side - somewhat Burton inspired and super unserious.)
Harry, Flora Corp'un CEO'sudur, Louis ise yeni sekreteridir.
"...Louis onu çok istiyordu. Harry'nin onu almasını, ısırmasını ve kırmasını istiyordu. Louis'i kendine ait yapmasını, Louis'i ağlatmasını, Louis'i güzel, şişman, hamile bir omega yapmasını..."
Bir savaş sırasında bilinmeyen bir kimyasal maddeye maruz kaldıktan sonra Bruce, bilincini kaybetmiş, yarı çıplak ve çok genç bir halde kalır. Tony (ekibinin yardımıyla), en yakın arkadaşlarından biri olan küçük çocuğa bakarken, kimyasalın etkilerini tersine çevirmeyi kendine görev edinir.
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