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3 相關內容
Places That We Knew
Places That We Knew
He is, by far, the quietest man she has ever met. A story about the friendship and eventual relationship between Vegeta and Bulma, and a character study of Vegeta through the examination of his childhood.
十七歲的布瑪一直夢想著一位王子,但當王子真的出現時,事情卻不如她所願。布瑪、悟空和克林的夜晚從睡衣派對開始,最後卻飛上天空,與賽亞人一起拯救地球,或者也許是儘管有他們。青少年、少男少女和賽亞人,在一連串目的錯綜複雜的情況下,踏上越來越黑暗的旅程。 這是提交給「我們只是賽亞人社群」的迪士尼主題布瑪/貝吉塔挑戰的作品,後來發展成一個多章節的史詩故事。單從名稱就能猜到靈感來源。 這部作品遠不如迪士尼電影那樣適合兒童觀看,因此被評為M級,原因是含有語言、主題、血腥、暴力和性內容。
Bride of the Red Moon
Bride of the Red Moon
They say that Brolly was a God among the Saiyans, being born under a full Red Moon and possessing vast intelligence, strength, control and being one of the first Saiyans to achieve Super Saiyan. Under his reign he united all of Vegetasei's people bringing them out the barbaric dark ages and into a modern society with a rich history in music, art and military excellence. Generations later, the Saiyans have become the center of Political favors, though tensions run high between other races. But the Saiyans still pray to their nameless gods for another being like Brolly to step forth, hoping for the Red Moon to bless one of their submissives to bare forth the new 'God'... Little do the Saiyans of Vegetasei know, that the gods hear their prayer and bless a young Saiyan born on Earth. Young Gohan has no idea what madness has come into his life nor does he know if it's good or bad; what with a kidnapping/rescue mission and ending up on Vegetasei and all. Will he learn to act like his fellow Saiyans or will he hold onto his human ways? And what's this? The Prince of Saiyans seems to have taken a special interest in him? Oh boy, so much for going unnoticed!