Lady Winter and the Red Wolf
When Arya and Sansa reunite in the crypts, they take that one opportunity to plot and plan together, setting the stage for the future. There is a significant focus on actual preparation for the wars to come, for the winter to come, and to the various and sundry matters of military and civilian logistics, training, trade, espionage, alliances, and so on and so forth.
Arya's connections with Braavos are also brought into play, as a priest of the Many-Faced God, a Faceless Man, and as someone who trained in Westeros with Syrio Forel, former First Sword to the Sealord of Braavos, and who also trained in Braavos with Qarro Volantin, current First Sword to the Sealord of Braavos.,
This work contains significant planning, training, preparation, politics, logistics, and sisterly bonding!
This follows fairly closely through Season 7 only for what was shown in Winterfell. There are serious changes to the underlying events, to their meaning, the preparation for the Long Night, and to the actual relationship between the sisters during their conversations.
This continues post-Season 7 with no reference whatsoever to the show's Season 8.