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1920 年代

1920 年代

22 相关内容
Sooner or Later You're Gonna be Mine
Sooner or Later You're Gonna be Mine
Frisk sang for a living. She sang in clubs that were populated by mobsters, murderers and the most violent criminals her city had to offer. She honestly thought things couldn't get any worse until corruption in the form of a grinning skeleton came strolling into her life. His name: Sans. She tried to run, but no matter where she went he was always waiting for her. Chapter 34 finally up!
Smiling Man
Smiling Man
Moving to New Orleans to start up her rehabilitation hotel for criminals hasn't been all berries for Charlie, especially if everybody thinks you're some Dumb Dora with a complete horseshit plan. And it's another jam that she's starting to get stuck on Alastor, the charming yet eccentric radio host next door who's never fully dressed without a smile. But she's all smiles too, and that's made her out to be quite the dish to Alastor - in all senses of the word - and boy, was he ready to be entertained.
In the Bleak Midwinter
In the Bleak Midwinter
After escaping from Merope in London and fleeing back to Little Hangleton, Tom Riddle had thought he was free of witches. He wasn’t expecting yet another witch to turn up on his doorstep. This one seems different, but she too smells of Amortentia. Can he trust her when she tells him that she has brought him his baby from a London orphanage?
Harry Riddle- Love is a different time
Harry Riddle- Love is a different time
Tom is seven years old and seven months when Harry suddenly appears- as if by magic into his room in Wool's Orphanage, and subsequently in his life. Tom learns that Harry is like him, special and gifted and feels a connection with him. They grow up together, discover magic together, and protect each other from every obstacle and cruel reality of their time. Tom is eager to explore his ability, even when the matrons whisper he is the devil. He is eager to find his family, convinced his father is out there and a life beyond the Orphanage is possible. Tom is determined Harry will stay forever by his side- that is until fate challenges him, and he will have to make a choice. Not a time travel fix it, more like a "what if" Harry Potter- a boy whose greatest power is love grew up alongside the boy who would potentially be the evilest, most power-hungry, dark wizard, and prophecized nemesis?
Men of War
Men of War
Grindelwald is rising. Europe is preparing to war. The prohibition is creating new underground's powers. The Great Depression will soon strike in the entire world. The ISS in threatened every day. The MACUSA is panicking. Albus Dumbledore is facing his old demons. Somewhere, the young Mr Riddle is testing his new powers at the orphanage, unknown to the wizarding world. A certain Obscurus is running around to seek safety. His Magicozoologist friend is running around for reasons.And Harry... Harry is trying to avoid the worst. Finished but not completed; last chapter is a synopsis of the end.
heart as black as night
heart as black as night
It's 1924, and Derek Hale is a bootlegger and runs one of the many speakeasies in New York with the help of his Pack. They don't know, however, that he's also a hitman for his Uncle Peter, a shady Omega with mafia ties to whom Derek owes a huge debt. Stiles Stilinski is about to graduate from high school and start working at the docks when he stumbles into the Sour Wolf, a speakeasy with lively music, a glamorous jazz singer, and a certain dark, handsome, and moody bartender that Stiles can't stop thinking about.
After catching the eye of Birmingham's very own devil, Mary Byrne is forced to place her trust - and life - in his dangerous hands. Appointed barmaid at the Garrison, Mary's quiet existence is blown wide open as she faces off with Thomas Shelby and his dark desires. Tommy can't remember the last time he offered someone saving, no less his very own heathen heart. Haunted and hunted from the moment he lays eyes on her, he can't get Mary out of his head. Unwilling to let her go, Tommy does what he does best; whatever he wants, and damn the consequences. Tommy Shelby / OC
In the moonlight
In the moonlight
Sex could be enjoyable. This was something new for Alastor. He thought for a while about whether he preferred sex to kissing and cuddling and came to the conclusion that he would be fine if he never had sex again, but if he never had to kiss and cuddle Lucifer again, he would rather die. (I suck at summaries, so here is a little preview of chapter 15) --------------------------------Summary:Lucifer stumbles upon (human) Alastor in the bayou and decides to have some fun. What should have been a non-recurring event quickly turns into regular encounters between the two of them as unexpected feelings start to bloom. Both of them having quite different approach to relationships, they are finding their ways and means to fulfill their love, manage the emotions that come with attachments and satisfy their desires. Heaven however, will not approve of their love and both of them still have deep wounds of their past. How far will they be willing to go out of love? Or: some plot, some smut and a ton of domestic and romantic fluff. (Warnings are mentioned in the notes. Skipsymbols to skip the smut, self-harm and past-abuse parts are in place for the more sensible audience.)
A Shelby Mistress
A Shelby Mistress
It’s 1921, Tommy is left heartbroken over Grace’s betrayal and having decided not to follow her to New York he spends his time growing the businesses. A part of this business is forming an alliance with a Northern Gypsy family which is where he meets Aurora Hayes.Intrigued by this beautiful brunette Tommy feels a strong urge to get to know her. Aurora unlike her family tries to avoid living the Shelby’s way of life yet as time passes she finds herself wanting to be in Tommy’s world and into his heart.Will he let her in?What will happen when Grace returns?Will Aurora be left Heartbroken or will Tommy keep her from the truth? Currently editing mistakes
Sacrifice in Summer
Sacrifice in Summer
Jay Gatsby swims. George Wilson shoots. Nick Carraway jumps. The aftermath of sacrifice reveals the fault lines that reputation and restraint once kept hidden. *~*THIS IS THE REWRITE!!! *~**~*FINALLY COMPLETE!!!*~*~
I’ll Be Seeing You
I’ll Be Seeing You
In the later months of 1920, Anthony Ragnatela, a nearly 18-year-old Mafia child is sent to New Orleans to take out a threat to one of his family's many illegal businesses.This is the first job Anthony has ever done alone and the first time he has been outside of New York City. His reward for completing this task is official initiation into the Mafia family after trying to prove himself his entire life, preparing and completing numerous tasks that had been asked of him. However, this job doesn't go as smoothly as expected.Anthony meets an intriguing man by the name of Alastor Levesque, a New Orleans local who works as a butcher. Somehow, Alastor gets in the way of Anthony's assigned hit, and eventually they come to an agreement, Alastor having his own motives.
The Golden 20's
The Golden 20's
Nick Carraway didn't know why his famous and mysterious neighbor, Jay Gatsby, took such an interest in him. His feelings couldn't be more than mutual friendship... could they? [I may have accidentally rewritten the whole book]
Cradles [Alastor/Reader]
Cradles [Alastor/Reader]
“And if I am said killer? What then?” Alastor finally spoke, words stronger than before; his shadow, still mute, warbled and drew in closer to its master, it’s blank, bright eyes locked on you from over his shoulder. “What does the beloved yet betrayed wife do?”
The Illusion Of Danger
The Illusion Of Danger
Rocky has begun to develop symptoms he doesn't understand, and only around one person. A man he barely knows. He confides in his cousin, but Calvin knows the man is known as bad news and warns Rocky to keep his distance. But Rocky doesn't listen to his brain half the time, so why not try his heart instead? Modecai keeps running into a high energy goofball. Is he trying to get information on him to report back to the people after him?
This Disappearing Land
This Disappearing Land
Birmingham, 1919. The Shelby brothers have just returned home from the war and a restless Tommy Shelby attempts to grow the family business to better their lives and fulfill his ambitions. In the same town, Evelyn Calman fights to practice veterinary medicine despite the fact that women are still prohibited from taking the final examination that would officially grant her the title of veterinarian. The world does not look kindly on either of them trying to rise above what society would deem appropriate for their respective class or gender. One night, the two cross paths when Tommy shoots the white horse he purchased from Johnny Dogs.
另一个宇宙,禁酒时代。1923年,纽约市。乔佛里·拜拉席恩毁掉婚约后,珊莎·史塔克流落到小指头培提尔·贝里席的妓院,在那里当舞女。她很快意识到她的顾客一个个死去…… “你说你不来看我跳舞,你说你不是来监视我的,那你为什么来?”她再次问猎狗。珊莎尖细的声音透露出她的恼怒;他直视她的眼睛,忘记了巧克力,他向前倾斜,直到他的头离她的膝盖只有一臂之遥。“我是你逃出去的路,女孩。”他这句话说得像威胁一样。
Collar and Cuffs
Collar and Cuffs
Bertie Wooster and his man Jeeves have developed a close and loving relationship. Sometimes they invite others in to share their enjoyment.Will continue as long as Bertie can bear it; I invite you to work out which actors that I have crushes on I'm mentally casting as each of the guests.These are not the Fry and Laurie versions of the characters, but if you would enjoy imagining them that way despite the differences in description, I give you my blessing. I do draw somewhat on the TV series canon as well as on the original stories (the song 'Forty-Seven Ginger-Headed Sailors' has its rights).
Circling Their Own Black Hole
Circling Their Own Black Hole
Cast out by his family for a massacre he didn't commit (his brother did), Thor is on the run from Laufey's wrath. He runs straight into Tony Stark whose father is barely dead and is known for making spur of the moment choices that haunt him for far longer. On the other side of the law, Steve Rogers is starting to learn he should never have become a cop while he hopes that the energetic man with the deep eyes he ran into isn't a mobster like his father had been before him. (1920s AU, sprawling characters in all walks of life and plenty of mobsters with all sorts of weapons.)
Dear Nick
Dear Nick
This was an English assignment that got me very inspired. Gatsby decides to write Nick a letter and perhaps it sparks into something new.
Ain't it strange, the girl knew how to chop and change
Ain't it strange, the girl knew how to chop and change
“Doctor, meet Detective Song. Your new partner!” He stared at the two of them dumbly for a moment, his mind racing with a million thoughts. He was just ogling her from across the bar, and she winked at him! She winked! She was gorgeous and sexy and now he was going to be partnered with her? Maybe it wasn't going to be so horrible after all.
Bound By Blood
Bound By Blood
Bonnie Bennett is a singer in the twenties and Damon Salvatore meets her at Gloria's. She turns him down over and over, but it only makes him want her more. Rebekah is in love with Stefan, Klaus doesn't like that so he compels Caroline to seduce Stefan, eventually leads to Rebekoline romance as well.
Moving Pictures
Moving Pictures
Jimmy and Rose go to the movies.