

28 相关内容
Three Tully Daughters
Three Tully Daughters
Conflicts for the Iron Throne before the darkest hour led to the living's defeat in Westeros. Few managed to flee, and Sansa became a Braavosi dressmaker for seven years. Arya serving the House of Black and White. By the gods or something else, Sansa encounters a younger and alive Oberyn Martell in Braavos. But that wasn't her only surprise; she is in the reign of Aerys II Targaryen. Using history, she makes plans, but matters go awry both well and badly; unexpected allies, unexpected situations, an unexpected reunion. Knowledge is power. However, as time passes and events change, her knowledge of what will be dwindles. It won't be easy.
A year after Voldemort's defeat, many students are attending Hogwarts again, to finish their interrupted studies. Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, and Cho Chang are among them. But the discovery of a magical self-help book, capable of powerful transformations, might disrupt their return to school... Includes 3D rendered images of scenes!
of florists & tennis shoes
of florists & tennis shoes
'Lance wasn’t sure if he’d imagined the brief tremble at the corner of Keith’s lips or not, that slight stutter that promised a smile. But before he could guess further, Keith gave his knee a shove and got to his feet. He reached out to him, “I’m done here, and I’ve still got some daisies to sell you.” “Yeah,” Lance agreed, looking down at the extended palm, noting the little Saturn tattoo on the inside of Keith’s wrist where the sleeve hiked. He took the hand, “better not overprice those too, you asshole.”' (in which lance is a broke university student trying to impress a pretty girl with flowers, but ends up falling for the florist that sells them instead.)
For Love or Money
For Love or Money
Emma Swan is deep in debt, working for a boss who hates her, and has just been dumped by a guy who didn't deserve her in the first place. When Regina Mills - millionaire, high-flying art dealer and the most beautiful woman Emma has ever seen - swoops into her life and offers her a world of luxury in exchange for pretending to be her girlfriend, Emma can't possibly say no. Modern-day AU set in New York. Based on Sarra Manning's 'Unsticky'.
Living With Lycanthropy
Living With Lycanthropy
AKA: The Sterek Rival Bakeries AU Wherein they both own bakeries, Stiles tries not to run his grandmother's legacy into the ground, Laura wants to be a better alpha, and Derek can't seem to get Stiles' attention the regular way - so naturally, he accidentally initiates a prank war. (Or, if Teen Wolf was more like Gilmore Girls, with everyone far too invested in whether the Hale boy and the Sheriff's kid will work it out, and Laura Hale wrote a handbook for alpha werewolves.)
I Remember Everything
I Remember Everything
Hermione’s hand was poised above the door knob. She stood outside the small shop for several minutes before she even approached the wooden door. It was almost closing time. She watched him help a customer through the picture window for some time, hidden in the street’s dark shadows at the junction of Diagon and Knockturn Alleys. Her eyes took in the bold lettering of the store sign, The Poisoned Pen, Books and Potions, Est. 2008. She smiled at the name despite her nerves. He’d remembered.
I Understood that Reference
I Understood that Reference
Polite, doesn’t know how to use a computer, tucks his shirt into his pants, and has exquisite hygiene. Bucky doesn’t know where this guy came from, but it sure as hell wasn’t Brooklyn.
when evil blooms
when evil blooms
Harry wanted a normal 8th year, but the mysterious and beautiful flowers growing around the castle have other ideas. They're up to something. And so is Draco Malfoy.
The Door
The Door
Spock and Jim both have their doors. Jim wants his to be open. Spock wants his to be closed. An alternative STID thing. With more literature. And esoteric faffing. And sex.
Naked as we came
Naked as we came
The story begins with the night when they had sex for the first time and it goes from there to who knows where.Warning: lots of smut and fluff in almost every single chapter.
他们称春野樱为“纸忍者”,因为她的考试成绩。大概是由于她是个书虫。但在鸣人离开之前,我们并没有看到她性格的这一面。如果这是她性格中一个更关键的点呢? -或者- 樱阅读她能找到的一切,并且毫不犹豫地分享这些知识。
Say You Will (Or That You Wish You Could)
Say You Will (Or That You Wish You Could)
Bookstore AU. At Survey Books, 27 year old Marco Bodt is lucky enough to be friends with everyone he works with, until grade-A jerk Jean Kirchstein transfers from another store, and in spite of his bad attitude, Marco can’t seem to help but fall for him. Too bad Jean is oblivious and/or just plain stubborn, and everyone else thinks this is Marco’s worst idea ever. But in retail, you end up spending a lot of time with your coworkers regardless of what you want, and Marco will do his best to make every interaction with Jean count until they get somewhere. Or at least until Jean gets less awful.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead)
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry. Features: Little League Quidditch, an abundance of bath bombs, happy endings, and gay robots in space.
Hermione's sixth year is not going to plan. She's being hunted by Death Eaters, watched by the Ministry, guarded by the Order and has half her friends trying to get her into a bodice just for her new husband to rip it off. No, definitely not what she had planned.
all that you have wished for, I know will come your way
all that you have wished for, I know will come your way
Napoleon isn’t quite sure he can put yes, because your superiors don’t get to see you gloating when you’re not playing chess against yourself, and they don’t get to discuss dumb opera plots with you, they don’t get to see you engrossed in cheap paperbacks and treat them like first editions because you care that much about what they say, and they don’t get to see that you have a personality and that it’s everything but unpleasant when one gets to know you, and I don’t understand why would anyone think it’s a good idea to treat you like an asset and not a person in words that might not sound completely ridiculous, never mind that he’s not even sure Illya would take such a rant seriously. Or: where Illya has issues asking for what he wants if it falls under the unnecessary-to-his-job radar and Napoleon just might be a bit over in his head, but he's entirely willing to rectify that situation.
A story of pure boy on boy goodness from prompts. Any Percy Jackson paring that is male on male. Accepting prompts until further notice, but please make them interesting :) Inbox or review your prompts!PLEASE SPECIFY WHO YOU WANT ON TOP! Chapter 1,2,7,12,22 - Frank x LeoChapter 3,6,9,12 - Jason x PercyChapter 4 - Luke x PercyChapter 5, 13 - Jason x NicoChapter 8 - Jason x Nico x LeoChapter 11, 14 - Leo x NicoChapter 12, 16 - Will x NicoChapter 12, 21 - Octavian x Michael KahaleChapter 15 - Luke x NicoChapter 17,10 - Jason x LeoChapter 18,20 - Leo x PercyChapter 19 - Will x PercyChapter 23 - Octavian x Percy
TF Shorts
TF Shorts
Dump for my random drabbles.Rating varies among chapters.Ch 46: Optimus didn't know he liked this, but Primus why?Ch 47: Des doesn't want to tell him.Ch 48: Sentinel regrets everything he has done.
The Secret of The Owl Lady
The Secret of The Owl Lady
It's the year 1955. Luz Noceda is forced to disguise herself in order to attend the Hexside Academy for Boys, a highly prestigious institution located in London. On her way there, she encounters a most peculiar woman and her small outspoken friend. Little did she know this fateful meeting would change her life forever.
crowds gather for a pretty blaze, but it's a small sideshow
crowds gather for a pretty blaze, but it's a small sideshow
“Don’t look at me like that,” Chuck sneers. “You shouldn’t even be out of the damn bed.” “Probably not,” Raleigh agrees. “Then why the fuck are you?” Chuck demands, stopping the wheelchair outside of Raleigh’s bunk room. “Can’t do this in medical,” Raleigh says, hoisting himself out of the chair. He wobbles just enough for Chuck to be concerned before leveling out. The kiss is nothing like the few they’d shared in medical; there is no caution here, no worry, no hesitation.
A matter of books.
A matter of books.
Yes, revolutionaries as books, need I say that this is not serious in the least?
The Morning After
The Morning After
When Dazai is denied his early morning cuddles, he gets jealous.
No Wonder, No Wonder (Other Half)
No Wonder, No Wonder (Other Half)
In which Michael gets a job in a pub, James has a past he doesn't talk about and is probably not magical, and every good fairy tale earns its happy ending.
Six Impossible Things
Six Impossible Things
That night, sleep comes quickly. [Alice] falls faster than she ever has before. She lands hard in a clump of tall grass, the wind knocked out of her. Struggling to her feet, she finds that she is neither too small, nor too tall—just right, in fact. She's barefoot, still in her night-dress, and all is quiet and still in the Underland dusk. She spots a broken-down windmill in the distance and begins to walk. When she finally rounds the crumbling structure, one hand lifting a shred of broken sail in order to duck under it, she can see that the tea party is just where she left it. But only one guest is there.
Love Theme from Spartacus
Love Theme from Spartacus
We've been through everything together, Connie. You can tell me anything. What's wrong?
Tamika Flynn: Librarian Hunter
Tamika Flynn: Librarian Hunter
Marcus Vansten has an unexpected problem at the Night Vale Private Library, but he knows just who to call.
Quietest and most constant of friends
Quietest and most constant of friends
Derek is a calm reader. He likes to settle into a position and not move until something makes him or parts of his body go numb.
November rain
November rain
Sometimes all you need is to be saved. Sometimes all you need is to be found. The one where Louis owns a bookshop and Harry finds him on a grey November day.
Growing Old With Mercy (When We Are Old and Gray)
Growing Old With Mercy (When We Are Old and Gray)
late one night and agin Severus Snape sits with his long time love Mercy Blessing dozzing on his shoulder and musses on their long life together and how it has and hasen't changed and recites her a poem.Follow up to "A Mercy For Snape" which is earlier in their relationship but each can stand alone I think.I do not own characters or world created by J.K. Rrowling