Billionaires Treasure
Following the Infinity War, Team Cap have all been pardoned and return to America as Heroes, all ready to pick up where they left off, but things have changed in the last two years, a lot of things.
Tony is now bonded to Bruce Wayne, and they are expecting their first litter.
The reaction to Tony's unexpected pregnancy is mixed, his friends and family are thrilled for him and Bruce, Team Cap is skeptical on how good Tony will be as a parent and what effect his age will have on the pregnancy and Pups. Steve is deeply jealous, having finally acknowledged his feelings for Tony he had hoped to start a relationship with him, which will now be impossible as he is with Bruce. Watching Tony as the pregnancy progresses fills him with a longing for the life he might have had with the Billionaire had things been different.
Wanda is livid, how dare Tony get everything he wants while she loses everything? while she vows revenge and to make Tony suffer, others plot and plan to rebuild Empires, to get their own revenge, and to kidnap the Stark/Wayne Heirs.