

42 相关内容
摘要:布鲁斯正在与韦恩企业进行电话会议。事后看来,在庄园里开会真是个糟糕透顶的主意。 “我没有你的手机!” 两个男孩开始互相攻击,大声喊叫。布鲁斯刚转回摄像头,达米安就跳到蒂姆的背上,发出一阵高亢的战斗呐喊。 “霍奇斯先生,”他愉快地说,面不改色地看着蒂姆把达米安扔进湿吧台的水槽。“您有没有时间看看我指出的图表?” 灵感来自这段病毒视频和Batwayneman在tumblr上的帖子。
Minimum Height Requirement
Minimum Height Requirement
Somewhere in the multiverse, there's a universe where letting his children dress up in capes and follow him into vigilantism seems like a good idea. Bruce is determined that it isn't going to be this one . . . Despite his children's repeated attempts to convince him otherwise. (Or: "When you're eighteen, you can do what you want. Until then, no capes.")
The Secret Is Out
The Secret Is Out
When Batman receives a threatening note, the Justice League prepares for the worst. But the Bat seems to know who it's from, and for some reason he doesn't seem to be worried in the least. Another JLA finds out about the Batfam fic!
A Little Overshadowing Never Hurt Anyone
A Little Overshadowing Never Hurt Anyone
This day was just getting worse and worse for Danny. First, he gets dragged to Gotham City with his parents for some 'ghost hunting' convention, and then on his first flight out, he gets captured! Now he's stuck in a Fenton Tech Containment device in some strange cave filled with cars, computers, and for some reason... A dinosaur? He has no idea what to do or how he will escape... Jazz is gonna kill him. The Bats have been having a hard time recently. For the last few weeks, glowing green creatures from all over had been flocking toward Gotham City. Now Tim was staring at the first ghost they had been able to capture and interrogate. He had glowing green eyes and bright white hair. And he… He just possessed Tim, didn't he? Or... Danny gets kidnapped by the Batfam and seeks a way out, a little overshadowing never hurt anyone, right?
Someone That Hates To See Me Go
Someone That Hates To See Me Go
Batfamily:don't dieJason:I'll dO WHAT I WANT_____ Or, how Jason realizes his family wants him to live, and how he realizes he does, too.
Everything I Do, I Do It Big
Everything I Do, I Do It Big
"So he's your dad, too?" "He literally kidnapped me off the streets." (Batman has too many kids and too little patience to deal with this shit.)
Emergency Contacts
Emergency Contacts
When Batman gets injured on a mission, the League calls his emergency contact to let them know. What the League did not expect was for them to actually show up at the Watchtower, or for there to be so many of them!
A Natural Progression
A Natural Progression
Billy's in a bad place. Consistently on the run from bullies and the like, unable to eat or find a stable place to sleep for more than a week-- Sure, he's Captain Marvel, but he'd never use his powers for his own gain. Thankfully, Alfred Pennyworth comes to the rescue.
Bring Your Kid to Work Day
Bring Your Kid to Work Day
The Justice League is hosting a "Bring your kid to work" day, but no one told Batman. Fortunately (but not for Batman) his kids have him covered.
Anything Like Me
Anything Like Me
Damian was barely taller than Wayne’s hip, hair obscuring his eyes. His skin was far darker than Wayne’s--a dusky brown that spoke of years in the sun. His face, however, could have been a perfect replica of the billionaire’s. “Oh,” Anne said, frowning at the father-son pair, “Bruce, honey, you didn’t say he’d be so--” “--handsome,” Lois supplied quickly. Bruce Wayne introduces his son to reporters.From a prompt on tumblr.
Every piece of the signal Tim unlocked revealed more locks, and by the time he broke through the last one, he was already mentally rehearsing his many upcoming talk show appearances. 'Yes,' he told the interviewer, 'it was difficult for me, a ten-year-old genius, to break open the worldwide alien conspiracy. That's why it took a whole hour.' When the crackling audio started, he expected some weird alien language. Maybe squawks and high-pitched squeals mixed with musical woofs. Maybe they wouldn't talk at all, and images would beam directly into his mind. Maybe they'd talk in practiced English with a Midwestern drawl like their other resident alien. Instead he heard a low, guttural voice growling out of his computer speakers. "Robin," it said. "Are you in position?"
"You lost all credibility when you laid hands on a teenager--not just any teenager, but your own ward," Bruce growled, "You threw him out when he needed you most. Unacceptable. Do you hear me? That is unforgivable." Oliver pressed a hand to his gushing nose, staring at him in shock. "If I ever," Bruce said, voice dropping an octave. "ever, see you near Roy again, I'll break every bone in your hands." He tilted his head, a dark smirk twisting his lips. "We'll see how well you shoot after that." Oliver Queen drops the ball. Bruce Wayne takes in Roy Harper, and gives his colleague a little schooling on what it means to be a father.
Dark Angels and Demon Brats
Dark Angels and Demon Brats
After failing to kill Bruce with the bomb under the Batmobile, Jason accepts Talia's offer of training. Instead of returning to Gotham as the Red Hood, Jason devotes himself to protecting his little brother, Damian, as the boy's Dark Angel. But with the League becoming more dangerous, what will Talia do to protect her boys?(Follows Canon until the end of Lost Days)
Green Flecks
Green Flecks
Red Hood finds a brutally injured Danny Fenton in a back alley during patrol just after the halfa has escaped the GiW. He can’t talk, and he is scared of any human around him. But Jason isn’t just any human, he saved him. An aura of death has always surrounded him. He felt safe. Maybe he can trust a human again after all. Jason has no idea how to take care of this terrified and traumatized kid but he is certainly going to try. Whoever did something like this to a child is going to feel the wrath of Red Hood, riiiiight after he takes care of this kid first. And the less his brothers and Batman try and stick their noses into this the better
The Gotham's Wayne
The Gotham's Wayne
dukeofthomas[We all know who the real QUEEN of the Manor is] The Gothamites are very invested in the Waynes. Very very interested. A journey through the Gotham's favorite family: the Waynes through Social Media.
Stuck in the Middle (With You)
Stuck in the Middle (With You)
Intergalactic negotiations are difficult.
A Children's Story
A Children's Story
Four batkids walk into a bank.
fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace
fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace
“But Bruce isn’t gay?” Clark points out, and there’s an awkward moment of everyone clearing their throats and avoiding Clark’s eyes until he turns to stare at Bruce. “Are you?” Bruce blinks for a moment before offering a sheepish smile. “I’m not… not?” he offers, and Clark feels his brain just about short-circuit at the news. Or, five times Clark finds himself falling for Bruce, and the one time he does something about it
The Birds: Hatching Family
The Birds: Hatching Family
"Fate must have a strange sense of humor putting the four of them under the same roof. Then again, it's Gotham. The city isn't exactly known for its sense of humor." AU where Dick is 12, Jason is 11, Tim is 10, and Damian is 8(?) and instead of being taken in by Bruce, the four of them end up together in a foster home run by a very neglectful parent. But they have each other so life isn't so bad. As long as they keep their heads down, get enough food, and not get caught in their various "activities", the four should be fine. So maybe they should learn to stop running into the Dark Knight of Gotham.
Familiar Stranger
Familiar Stranger
Batman stiffened as his heartbeat ratcheted up. Clark glanced at Batman in astonishment. He didn’t think he’d ever heard Batman’s heart do that, and he had fought by Batman’s side in a myriad of life-threatening and potentially world-ending situations. “Wait, the Red Hood?” Barry skidded into the alley with them. “The beheadings guy?” “Wait, what?” Hal said. “Beheadings? Who the hell is the Red Hood?”
One Eternal Round
One Eternal Round
His name is Aizawa Shouta. No, it’s Bruce Wayne. No close family. No children. No, he has an …Alfred? And children, lots of children. Too many to count. Current Residence: Musutafu, Japan. No, it’s Gotham. Gotham, USA. Current Occupation: Hero and School Teacher. No, he’s a CEO, and… wait, hero? He’s just a vigilante – he’s technically a glorified criminal with a day job.__Aizawa, Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Todoroki get caught in the emergence of a new quirk and find themselves remembering a past life, a life spent in heroics, a life without superpowers. Chaos ensues as they navigate old new skills, relationships, and goals.
Being Alone (It's a Last Resort)
Being Alone (It's a Last Resort)
tumdrake: jason, on the other hand, will still do everything he normally does even if he is very, very ill. one time early patrol bruce was just going over protocol and plans and jason just passed the fuck out. just a big -thump- and he was on the ground in a gross, sweaty pile once someone managed to take his helmet off and see how awful he looked.__________ The loud thud takes Bruce by surprise. So he feels no guilt for the way his head snaps up, immediately scanning the room. Nothing on the outside edges of the Cave; Dick, Tim, and Damian are all in the same places they were when the briefing started...except now, all of them are staring at the floor. And that's when Bruce suddenly remembers that all four of his sons were here tonight.He leans forward, half over the table. Jason is crumpled on his side on the floor, his limbs curled awkwardly beneath himself and his head dangling, the top of his helmet barely touching the ground.
Only in Gotham: Craft Store Edition
Only in Gotham: Craft Store Edition
Bowie Chandler is literally just trying to pay her Gotham U tuition by working overnight shifts at Gotham’s 24/7 craft store. That’s all. That’s IT. Then the bats start dropping in, and her job gets a lot more complicated.
One Night in Bangkok
One Night in Bangkok
Waking up twenty years younger isn’t all it’s chalked up to be. (AKA, my take on the deaged-batfam trope. Featuring magic lemonade, Alfred’s full head of hair, bootylicious eighteen year-old Clark, and adorable bat-toddlers)
young and bullet proof
young and bullet proof
Dick leans forward and meets Percy's concerned gaze. "I don't think you 'teleported here' like Kid Flash said. I think you're from a different universe and were pulled into ours." His proclamation is met by a tense silence, all of them staring at him in disbelief. Finally, Percy flops back into the couch, looking blankly at the ceiling of the room. "I hate my life."...(or: the one in which six demigods are magically pulled (kidnapped) into another universe and the members of the young justice team try to help them get home. it goes about as smoothly as expected.)
Dying from the exit wounds
Dying from the exit wounds
"What do you want him to do?" Drake snapped. "Admit that he's a little bit worried about you because you fucking died?" Damian was on his feet before he knew what happened. He couldn't breathe for the hate burning in his chest. How dare Drake talk about it. How dare he preach as though he agreed. "I'm surprised you pretend to give a fuck, Drake," he hissed, derision and bitterness dripping from the words. "I...I would have thought you were happy I was gone!" He didn't think about the words until after they left his mouth, after the Cave was deadly silent and the sentence echoed through the room, hung in the air like smoke. Drake's chest was heaving, but he didn't say a word, and his eyes were so dark that Damian actually took a step back in irrational fear. Abruptly, Drake shoved his chair back with a screech, and left without a word, his footsteps resounding through the cave. Damian watched him go, numb._____________Alternatively, Damian has misjudged Drake, and guilt isn't something he's used to dealing with.
Bruce Wayne - Father Extraordinaire
Bruce Wayne - Father Extraordinaire
Bruce Wayne is Gotham's media darling. He's their late-night scandal maker, their social butterfly, the ultimate playboy, scourge of the social circle. No young person is safe from his charm. Then he has a child. And another. And he never stops.
do a dizzy dance (twirl around and take a chance)
do a dizzy dance (twirl around and take a chance)
When Clark turns back to Bruce, it’s with that ridiculously huge grin on his face, one that reaches his eyes and brightens his face, and Bruce is maybe starting to realise what just might be causing his flustering these days. (Alfred says it’s a crush. Bruce asks what the hell a crush is. Dick nearly cries.)
A Batfamily AU where Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damian meet first on the streets of Gotham, before they ever meet Bruce Wayne. Some details will feel familiar, and some will not. The end result, as it always should be, is family.
Little by Little
Little by Little
It’s time to start adding to the Justice League membership list, and Wally has the perfect candidate in mind: Nightwing. Little does he, and the rest of the league, know that this will lead to a lot more than they bargained for… surprising reveals, heart-aching pasts, strengthening friendships, loving families, and unfortunately being targets for pranks.
If He Had Come
If He Had Come
Jason Todd has been a prisoner of the Joker for nine months. Then, against all odds and all hope, Batman rescues Jason and brings him back to Wayne Manor to recover. But has Batman come too late to save what is left of Jason? (AU of the Arkham Knight video game)
The Waynes and Their Friends
The Waynes and Their Friends
Batman is a busy crime fighter and vigilante. Bruce Wayne is a savvy businessman and rich boy. Both of them are full time Daddies, and sometimes, you have no choice to bring your kids to work. Unfortunately, it's usually Batman that ends up with this job. Hilarity and feels ensue when the Robins worm their way into the hearts of the league and make friends (and more), with the League and others heroes, much to Bruce's general horror.
This November Life
This November Life
Jason's second go at the merry-go-round would mean more than the first one did. He was gonna change Gotham or die trying. And if Bruce didn't like how Jason went about it, he could go fuck himself. Or let the Joker do it for him. One thing was certain; Jason would not go gentle into that good night. Never again.
Dissociation (make it red)
Dissociation (make it red)
Rooftops in Gotham are known to be busy, as walls are known to be awfully thin. With that being said, Red Hood is a little rough, but Jason Todd has a soft spot for girls who, just like him, seem to be a little lost.