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Once More With Empathy (Part 1)
Once More With Empathy (Part 1)
Thor is distraught by Loki's sacrifice on the Dark World. He never in a million years would have thought it would happen. He is determined to fix it somehow. He is forbidden from bringing him back... but Odin didn't say Thor couldn't stop it from happening at all. This time, armed with knowledge of how much his little brother bottled everything inside, Thor was going to ensure mistakes weren't repeated. A Time Travel Fix-it where Loki really did die and Thor goes back to save his brother before he needs saving. A strange hybrid of marvel bits and actual Norse mythos all crammed into angsty wrapping. Not a Quick Fix-it. Epic Length Story Warning It'll take time for things to get solved.
386.3K từ
Kẻ thù của kẻ thù tôi
Kẻ thù của kẻ thù tôi
Sau khi đánh bại tộc Tiên tối, Asgard tiếp tục thực thi sự bá quyền cổ xưa của mình đối với các vương quốc khác - bao gồm cả Midgard. Để tự vệ khỏi sự chuyên chế của Asgard, Trái đất phải tìm kiếm liên minh với kẻ thù cũ của mình: Loki. “Hãy luôn nhớ rằng đám đông vỗ tay cho lễ đăng quang của bạn cũng chính là đám đông sẽ vỗ tay cho buổi hành hình của bạn. Mọi người thích một chương trình.” - Terry Pratchett
67.7K từ
Captured in a war between the Aesir and Jotnar, Loki, the bastard son of King Laufey, is kept in the Aesir camp as someone to sate carnal desires. And though he escapes unscathed later, it isn't the end of his problems. For he is sold in political marriage to his very captor; a Jotun slayer. He is ruthless and Loki is innocent. It is a match made in Hel
314.2K từ
One Night with the King
One Night with the King
After a foolish night of drunkenness, the young King Thor is on a search for a new queen, this time a commoner that the people of Asgard can rise behind and love as one of their own. All Aesir youth who are of age and pass the initial tests of beauty, virginity, and fertility are to be housed in the king’s harem where they will be groomed and trained for potential queenship. After one year’s time, the king will then spend a single night with each of the chosen youth in order to choose his queen. The strangest youth in competition for the crown? A lying, thieving, mysterious trickster known only by the name of Loki. Little does the House of Odin know that Loki is neither Aesir nor a commoner.
180.3K từ
As Strange As Fate
As Strange As Fate
Facing the owner of Stark Tower, Loki had not expected that throwing a measly mortal out of his own window would be this hard. Impossible, even. This whole situation was excruciating. Curse the Norns! It was all the fault of Lady Fate! (Soulmate fic. Eventual Tony/Loki, I swear)
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Suffer the Children
Suffer the Children
After all these years, Loki realized, he was still nothing more than a frightened little boy.
123.0K từ
Người bảo vệ
Người bảo vệ
Tony Stark đã biến mất, chỉ vài giờ sau cuộc chia tay cuối cùng với Pepper. Không ai biết anh ta ở đâu - ngoại trừ những phần tối tăm nhất của giới thượng lưu New York. Bị giam cầm như nô lệ, bị sỉ nhục và tra tấn, anh bắt đầu mất đi lòng tự trọng cũng như ý chí sống. Gần chết đói và níu giữ sự tỉnh táo bằng sợi dây mong manh nhất, anh được một người lạ mua lại. Một người lạ mà anh chưa từng gặp trước đây... nhưng dường như biết anh, và có thể là người duy nhất có thể giúp anh lấy lại chính mình. Vấn đề nhỏ: Người lạ này định giữ anh làm thú cưng, ngồi dưới chân hắn, được chải chuốt mỗi ngày và ăn từ tay hắn. Và Tony thấy mình ngày càng thích thái độ này hơn... Truyện này không chứa nội dung không đồng thuận hoặc Loki đối xử với Tony như nô lệ. Đây là một câu chuyện chữa lành vết thương/an ủi. Tất nhiên, với một chút Loki là Loki.
216.6K từ
I Used To Be My Own Protection
I Used To Be My Own Protection
Loki is sentenced to a century of serving and protecting Migard as an Avenger. It is as boring and dull as expected and Loki can't wait for it to be over when his wife surprises him with a visit. Together with her and their children, the Avengers discover more to Loki than they could've ever imagined and in the long run, Loki learns to accept himself. In other words, Sigyn and her kids are having none of anyone's shit. Title taken from the song 'Valentine's Day' by Linkin Park
140.5K từ
Telling the truest tale (or "Loki's family, from beginning onwards; with Avengers throughout")
Telling the truest tale (or "Loki's family, from beginning onwards; with Avengers throughout")
How Loki's family was formed and lost...and how Thor (and friends) helped him recover what was lost - twice. (the last part will be posted before Thor II hits theaters)
23.5K từ
Operation: Princess Wife
Operation: Princess Wife
Natasha isn’t sure how it happened, but somehow she’s found herself sitting on the couch with Jane Foster, watching Beauty and the Beast. The next thing she knows, she’s listening to Jane ramble on about princesses, and true love, and how this could be the answer to the Avengers’ annoying, be-horned, god-shaped problem: Find Loki a princess. Then Thor informs them that his brother already has one. Natasha can work with this. Or, the history of Loki's terribly misguided attempts at love and friendship. It is an account that is both heartbreaking and cringe-worthy. That he manages to be successful anyway and win over the unlikeliest of people is nothing short of miraculous. Especially when it's all thanks to his spiteful, cantankerous, and overall extraordinary wife. Features both slash and het, angst and humor, and plenty of Norse mythology.
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Loki as a father
Loki as a father
I have a couple of ideas how Loki would be as a father or someone who becomes a father.Mother's name not mentioned, so it can be anyone you like ^^
1.0K từ
Lessons in Loyalty, Humility, and Family
Lessons in Loyalty, Humility, and Family
The moment it clicks that Odin intends to banish Thor, Loki blurts out the worst thing possible. "My hand turned blue!" It all went downhill from there.
11.2K từ
I Could Use a Fresh Beginning
I Could Use a Fresh Beginning
Steve loses Bucky, and it hurts and he wants to forget. He thinks drinking will help and so he stumbles into that one bar he’d never realized was there before…… It is in that bar, that he finds Thor, who doesn’t help him forget…..no, Thor helps him move on.
3.3K từ
Thanksgiving Blues
Thanksgiving Blues
Follows right after Spooky Little Boy. Thor is not looking forward to Thanksgiving with his family. He wishes he had more time to spend with Steve; he isn't sure if they are officially a couple or not.
2.8K từ
Bitter victory
Bitter victory
A very stange fiction. I have never written anythnig like this before. Romantic with darkness. A strange enchantment has taken over Asgard.
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