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The Student Prince
The Student Prince
A Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love... This story was inspired by the thought of Prince William of Wales (and indeed the current Max von Hapsburg) studying at the University of St Andrews; it is also, as the title suggests, at least a little inspired by the operetta 'The Student Prince'. Grateful thanks to Lamardeuse and DarkEmeralds for Beta and cheerleading! ::2019 note: This story was written BEFORE the TV show introduced the character of Gwaine. It's not that I can't spell, or that I'm perversely writing him out of character - I incorporated other characters from Arthurian legend (Kay, Gawain etc) into my story, and lacking prophetic abilities, my versions naturally don't mesh with the versions subsequently introduced into the show.::
145.2K từ
Một cuộc hôn nhân đã tạo nên huyền thoại
Một cuộc hôn nhân đã tạo nên huyền thoại
Arthur Pendragon và Merlin đến từ hai thế giới hoàn toàn khác biệt. Một người là hoàng tử của một vương quốc vĩ đại, người kia là một cậu bé nông dân bình thường từ vương quốc bên cạnh. Hai người lẽ ra không bao giờ được gặp nhau. Nhưng đó là trước khi họ nhận ra cha mẹ của họ từng là bạn bè và đã sắp đặt hôn sự cho cả hai khi họ đến tuổi trưởng thành. Đó là trước khi Uther quay lưng lại với phép thuật và Hunith bỏ trốn với đứa con trai sơ sinh của mình. Giờ đây gần hai mươi năm đã trôi qua và hai cậu bé này đã trưởng thành. Hiệp sĩ Camelot đã tìm thấy Hunith và đến đón con trai bà. Liệu Merlin có sống sót qua thế giới mới mà cậu bị đẩy vào? Một người nông dân giữa những người quyền quý, một pháp sư giữa những kẻ sẽ giết chết cậu nếu họ phát hiện ra. Merlin thậm chí có thể hy vọng hạnh phúc khi vị hoàng tử mà cậu buộc phải cưới lại chẳng muốn dính dáng gì đến cậu? Tuân theo cốt truyện gốc nhưng với sự thêm thắt về hôn nhân sắp đặt của riêng tôi
2.5M từ
A hand grasped his arm, sending a brief thrill down Merlin's nerves as he was forced around to face the person behind him. Armour gleamed in the firelight: supple chainmail glinted, and the solid iron of a pauldron curved lovingly over one broad shoulder. The length of a sword blade separated them. The point hovered, steady and sure, over Merlin's heart, braced to run him through, but he did not care about any of that. He was too busy drinking in the sight of the man before him. He could never forget him, no matter how many centuries had passed. 'Arthur?' When Merlin ultimately fails in his destiny, the fading remnants of magic that linger in the modern world fling him not just back in time, but sideways as well. He ends up in a Camelot where all his friends are alive, well and aware of his magic. He ends up in a Camelot where his alternate self died almost a year ago. Can he, Arthur and their friends still forge the golden age he was once promised, or will grief and suspicion tear them apart?
507.4K từ
A Study in Natural Philosophy
A Study in Natural Philosophy
It wasn't all that unusual for people to hide their daemons; Merlin, however, seems to be taking it a little far.
13.3K từ
What I'd Have Done
What I'd Have Done
"I'm not sure what I'd have done.""And I didn't want to put you in that position.” For better or for worse, Arthur knows Merlin's secret. The problem? Merlin doesn't know Arthur knows. This leaves Arthur with a predicament... and an opportunity. A test. Three trials and three opportunities for Merlin to prove he doesn't deserve death. Arthur hopes he will pass them. Maybe then the image of Merlin's golden eyes will stop haunting him. Merlin opened his mouth. A noise unlike any sound Arthur had ever heard escaped from it. Loud and rumbling and guttural, inhuman, and in no way, shape, or form could actually be coming from his manservant. But it was. And Merlin was speaking. "O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes! Erkheo!" For a minute, there was complete silence—a silence in which Arthur just stared from behind a tree in an incomprehensive daze. But then there was a sound. Both loud and forceful and... familiar. The sound of flapping wings. AKA an in-depth character study of Arthur. I do not endorse Arthur's actions, but this is what I think he'd do in canon. This was my season 3 prediction!
119.2K từ
All Gwaine wanted was to find out Merlin's last name. He wasn't expecting to get caught up in assassinations and intrigue, in prophecy and fate, or in a silent war that had apparently been going on since before he came to Camelot. With witch-finders and sorcerers of unknown loyalties running through the halls of Camelot, will Gwaine's own past make or break his friendships... especially when Merlin's biggest secret is revealed? Truths will come to light. Brotherhoods will be tested. And, in the end, will anyone's secrets be safe?
42.6K từ
Original Prompt:Five times Arthur finds himself inexplicably jealous and the one time he doesn't have to be. Or the one where Arthur doesn't realize his feelings for Merlin until he sees a visiting noble flirting and treating Merlin right and Merlin getting flustered over it.
11.9K từ
Arthur is a recruiter for a branch of the Special Forces and goes to give a talk at Ealdor High School. Merlin is in the audience.
13.0K từ
Court Sorcerer and Royal Consort
Court Sorcerer and Royal Consort
When Merlin falls ill, worked too hard from all the running around he is doing, Arthur decides that it is time for something's to change, and something's to come to the light once and for all. When Merlin wakes it is to a very different Camelot, and very different future from the one he foresaw for himself and had settled on.
8.3K từ
Leave My Body
Leave My Body
After a bandit attack gone wrong, Arthur and the Knights race back to Camelot to save Merlin's life. While Merlin has quite the experience, especially for someone almost dead.
4.9K từ
Truth Is a Whisper
Truth Is a Whisper
Words can also be mightier than the sword.
25.0K từ
The Heart of the Wolf
The Heart of the Wolf
Part 2 in a series. The Pendragon Pack heads West to where Cenred's family owns a ranch in hopes to find a safe place to raise their pups.Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. They belong to Shine, BBC, and legend. I do not make any profit from this endeavor; it is solely for entertainment purposes.
145.3K từ
Merlin's Kittens
Merlin's Kittens
Arthur's manservant is pregnant. He doesn't know how to feel about that.
1.6K từ
Arthur is well on the way to becoming the type of leader Merlin had always hoped he'd be - one who cares for all of his people.But even so, preparations for Yule festivities along with some unforeseen circumstances result in Merlin taking on too much work. Unfortunately nobody notices until it's almost too late.
48.6K từ
A Legend that Begins With a Crush
A Legend that Begins With a Crush
Arthur Pendragon and Merlin were literally from two different worlds. One is a prince from a great kingdom and the other a common farm boy from the next kingdom over. These two should have never met. But that was before they realized their parents were once friends and arranged the two of them to marry when they reached adulthood. That was before Uther turned on magic and Hunith went on the run with her infant son. Now, twenty years have passed and the Prince, Arthur Pendragon is far out of his depth. After four months of marriage and learning what he has about Merlin, he knows that things need to change, but doesn’t know what can be done. And with every attempt at trying going wrong, with mysterious boys showing up wanting to be a knight, strange physician’s trying to coerce his consort away, even stranger ladies who’ve seen to weaken Arthur’s brain, and the arrival of an odd Druid boy they need to risk it all just to get to safety…will Arthur ever get things to go right?
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Springes to Catch Woodcocks
Springes to Catch Woodcocks
When Arthur pushes Merlin away to protect him, what lengths will Merlin go to to remain in his life?
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Between the Dusk and the Dawn
Between the Dusk and the Dawn
When Arthur is sixteen his father deems him ready to lead the knights on his first mission, which is to take care of a druid camp that has sprung up within the borders of Camelot. In the midst of chaos and bloodshed that leaves Arthur guilt-ridden, he manages to save one boy whom he swears to protect at any cost. Over the years Merlin becomes so much more than Arthur's redemption, but is Arthur ready to accept their shared destiny, his own feelings for the younger boy and the chance for love Merlin is offering him? (underage tag for Merlin being 16 - Arthur is 21)
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 ascension rates
ascension rates
Faced with the harsh reality of another attack on his father, Arthur sets out to complete the Rites of Ascension alone and unaided, but, as he and Merlin discover, he was never meant to succeed alone.
65.7K từ
Take Me Willingly, For I Love Them Too Much
Take Me Willingly, For I Love Them Too Much
What would it take for everyone to realise how much Merlin sacrifices each day? Lance turned around, following the beast's movement, and his breath caught, all air left his lungs. Merlin stood at the top of the hill, eyes glowing, magic swirled around him like leaves in the fast winds of autumn.
53.0K từ
A tale full of sound and fury
A tale full of sound and fury
The "Witch Finder" Aredian ignored Gaius´ attempt to save Merlin from interrogation by taking the blame for the "magic bracelet". And Merlin is dragged away to Aredian´s chambers for a very hard interrogation. Merlin´s friends try to save him.
15.2K từ
It's 1910 and The Daily Mirror, one of Englands biggest newspapers, is hosting a spectacular event: The First International Air Race from London to Paris! Among the aviation pioneers fighting to win are the young Lord Arthur Pendragon, son of the man sponsering the race, and Merlin Emrys, a poor but enthusiastic sod from Arizona. The two men could not be more different, and they clash immediately, but they have more in common than they realise. One thing is the passion for flying. The other is a passion of a different nature all together. Before they can see who's the better man though, they have to overcome misuderstandings, sabotage, assault and their own pride. And Morgana is not really helping - even if she might disagree. - With amazing art by crimsonswirls - NEW: More art added!
29.6K từ
The Awakening
The Awakening
After many centuries Arthur and his court is revived, but waiting for them is not Merlin, but someone else. Who is this person, and why are they here instead of Merlin? *Writing gets better after a few chapters!!!!*
48.7K từ
Why Putting Someone in the Stocks isn't Romantic
Why Putting Someone in the Stocks isn't Romantic
Merlin's upset and Arthur's trying to do something nice, for once. It all ends well, in the end, at the very least.
1.4K từ
Lose Control
Lose Control
One night, an irritable Merlin takes a walk. He comes across a lovely girl and is smitten. But is there more to her appearance than meets the eye? Warning: Character near death.
2.3K từ