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Harry Potter Smut One-shots
Lure Wisely
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Trói buộc với bạn
Linh hồn lạc lõng của Voldemort đã tìm đường vào khuôn viên Hogwarts và chiếm hữu một con rắn phép thuật, đủ mạnh để cho hắn sự tỉnh táo cần thiết để sống sót. Trong khi săn tìm, hắn nhận thấy một mùi lạ và tìm thấy Harry Potter, nằm sõng soài trên mặt đất, với thân nhiệt cao bất thường... Xx Chỉ là một lời cảnh báo, chuyện này diễn ra vào năm thứ hai của cậu ấy, vì vậy... Và sẽ có rất nhiều cảnh nóng và cốt truyện có thể xảy ra, nhưng tôi không chắc~
119.8K từ
Malfoy's Bitch
Malfoy's Bitch
Bitten by a werewolf doesn't always mean that you'll transform into a werewolf but it definitely increases your animalistic instincts and behaviour. Harry will learn that at first hand.
6.6K từ
The Heat of the Wolf
The Heat of the Wolf
Packless and going into his first heat, Merlin is afraid. Unwilling to be taken by stray alphas, he plans to hole up in his small flat until it's over. He thinks he's being careful, but he is wrong. Arthur is the alpha of a centuries-old were pack living deep in the forest. Omegas are the only breeders and very rare, and this is making many were packs desperate. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters--they all belong to BBC, Shine, and long-ago legends. I make no profit from this endeavor.
87.8K từ
Dreams and Fantasies
Dreams and Fantasies
Various scenarios of various Sherlock characters doing unspeakably filthy things to "you," the reader and observer. A bit unorthodox yes, but we approached it kind of with the attitude of a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book. Give it a shot. (I own nothing of these characters. All Sherlock rights go to the BBC, Moffat, and Gatiss. I'm just having some fun.)
216.4K từ
Stranger at the Gate
Stranger at the Gate
As far as initiation rites go, kidnapping a human doctor from a defended town ought to seem extreme. When James Moriarty offers him the challenge, Sherlock never considers saying no. (Fantasy vampire AU)
85.1K từ
Lie There and Breathe
Lie There and Breathe
D/s World AU. Tony was Obadiah's abused Sub since he was a teenager, something that even after Obadiah's death no one knew about. Tony doesn't know how to be in a healthy relationship and is terrified of having another bad one, so he decides that he'll simply remain on his own; lonely, but giving himself the feeling of safety that was beaten out of him for twenty-odd years. Then he meets Captain America and the two of them Bond; Steve is ecstatic, Tony has a breakdown.
22.1K từ
In a world where the British Empire is still strong and slavery is her economic backbone, John has become a terrorist for the abolitionist movement. He is caught by Mycroft, enslaved, and given to Sherlock for training. The goal: To test a new kind of slave collar with the power to break even the strongest willed fighter. One that will make even John learn to love being a slave.
83.0K từ
The Fairy's Bride
The Fairy's Bride
“I imagine no matter the circumstances, the loss of one’s mate must be a rather traumatizing experience, particularly after so many years bonded.” Will laughs, just once, a quick, dark, rich sound that causes the hairs at the back of Hannibal’s neck to stand pleasantly on end. He does not shy away from eye contact with Hannibal the way he does with so many others, rubbing his thumb along his lower lip, enough to tug it gently out of place as he considers his response. He curls his lip back into his mouth to wet it before asking, “Tell me, Doctor Lecter, have you ever been mated? Willingly or…otherwise.” But for the barest tightening of his smile and a flash of something once brittle, now hardened, behind storm-colored eyes, one would never suspect the sort of madness and past traumas that lurk behind the omega’s guarded cerulean gaze. Not unless one knows exactly what to look for.
111.4K từ
【Passerby Qiao + Roper Qiao】First Encounter
【Passerby Qiao + Roper Qiao】First Encounter
Xiao Qiao's mission failed, and she was captured and taken as a military prostitute. Roper ultimately succeeded in rescuing her.
29.3K từ
Under The Bed
Under The Bed
Embrace your demons...because you can't run from them. Not for long.
425.7K từ
League of Shameless Smut
League of Shameless Smut
A choose-your-own-adventure story that revolves around the characters Ahri, Tristana, Caitlyn and Leona as they navigate their way through the depraved sexscape that their homeland, Runeterra, has become. Join them as they fuck and get fucked in service of their epic quest to restore Runeterra to its rightful state... one way or another. FEATURES:-- THREE distinct configurations of the main four characters, each with its own UNIQUE choices to make!-- LITERALLY HUNDREDS of scenes, as I struggle to give every single female member of League's BLOATED LINEUP scenes that make the most of her SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS!-- LESS BUT STILL A LOT of Bad Ends: the sexy, if ineffective, alternative outcomes to the decisions presented to you that make failing at least as FUN as succeeding.-- UPDATED... SOMETIMES! I'll try to stick to WEDNESDAYS! But don't get antsy if I skip a couple of weeks every now and then, because life has a way of interfering with my being a terrible human being!-- RIGOROUSLY TAGGED! I've already gone ahead and added tags for the shit that, knowing me, I KNOW will be appearing in some form or another, but as each batch of chapters is uploaded I'll add WHATEVER NEEDS ADDING!
22.3K từ
Eternal Dreams
Eternal Dreams
Madara wins and we take a look at everyone's perfect worlds.
2.1K từ
Under The Falling Skies
Under The Falling Skies
"So, Dean." The king clears his throat, looking at the barbarian who's eating a chicken's leg and scratching his belly with a contented face. "To end this conflict, I am offering you one of my daughters in marriage, so we can become allies and good friends. Choose whichever you want." The king gestures to his three daughters, all maidens of rare beauty.Dean belches loudly and pats his belly, causing loud laughter among his warriors. He takes a good look at the princesses, shifting his gaze from one to the other."I appreciate your offer, King Uldred, and I will accept it. Though I don't want any of your daughters," he says with a broad grin.The king frowns. "I don't understand.""I want him." Dean points at the young prince with his gnawed chicken's leg. "I'll have Castiel."
96.8K từ
Miguel O'hara relationship collection
Service for Snape
Service for Snape
Hermione Granger is summoned to Snape's quarters one evening to assist him in brewing a potion. WARNING: Story contains underage characters!
2.0K từ
spoiled monster
spoiled monster
For a kinkmeme prompt: public affections, pet names, Erwin and Levi ganging up on Eren. With bonus smut.
5.4K từ
Small Drop (Dream SMP One-Shots)
Gold? What Gold?
Gold? What Gold?
For this prompt from LJ: "Every dwarf has a go at Bilbo during the celebration of "we've got all our treasure back hurrah." Everyone has a merry time, even sleepy, well-fucked Bilbo Baggins who ends up getting more attention than the gold, anyway." And as usual, Thorin comes last. What it says on the tin.
15.0K từ
Three Blind Tooke
Three Blind Tooke
You had not known why the bodies were taken from the battlefield, however you stood by the belief that the Resistance would not be intimidated. Being Kylo Ren's prisoner complicated you in ways that you had never believed would be possible. Slowly you started to find shades of gray in a war not only in the galaxy, but within yourself as well. {Part One: Resistance is Futile - Chapters 1 through 24}{Part Two: Precarious Harmony - Chapters 25 through 42}{Part Three: Death is an Art - Chapters 43 through 68}
379.8K từ
Even When I Had Nothing
Even When I Had Nothing
Natasha warned Steve he might not want to pull on that thread, but it wasn't like he had much of a choice.
57.4K từ
The Heart of the Wolf
The Heart of the Wolf
Part 2 in a series. The Pendragon Pack heads West to where Cenred's family owns a ranch in hopes to find a safe place to raise their pups.Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. They belong to Shine, BBC, and legend. I do not make any profit from this endeavor; it is solely for entertainment purposes.
145.3K từ
To the End
To the End
Will struggles against desires that he's sure he shouldn't have -- or should he?
105.2K từ
Wizarding medical care is not always the route of choice.
42.6K từ
Fallout: Tales of a Wild Wasteland
Fallout: Tales of a Wild Wasteland
Alice is a traveler in the Wasteland, meaning she often gets pretty lonely. That all changes when she decides maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to get weird and wild with some strange (and not so strange) creatures.
11.8K từ
Âm vang trong tâm trí chúng ta
Âm vang trong tâm trí chúng ta
Steve Rogers bị một cơn đau đầu dai dẳng khi bình minh ló dạng trên bầu trời DC. Cùng lúc đó—Natasha Romanov trong màn đêm Moscow, James Barnes trong buổi chiều xám xịt ở Berlin, Tony Stark loạng choạng bước ra khỏi hang động ở Afghanistan, Bruce Banner trong cái nóng bức bối của sa mạc Nevada, Clint Barton nheo mắt nhìn ánh đèn Vegas, Loki Laufeyson dưới ánh mặt trời Scandinavia, và Hoàng tử T'Challa giữa khu rừng nhiệt đới Tây Phi cũng vậy. Chắc chắn chỉ là sự trùng hợp ngẫu nhiên thôi.
100.8K từ
If You Can't Stand the Heat
If You Can't Stand the Heat
Sherlock was born to lead, but chose a solitary life of intellect instead. John was born to breed, but chose a life as far away from domestic bliss as he could find. Lestrade should have been content of a life of work and casual sex, but he longed for a family. Mycroft had all the power of the world at his feet, but floundered hopelessly in the face of love. Separately and together they trip and fall through life, looking for happiness in a world where no one quite fits.
24.8K từ
KNY Kinktober 2022
KNY Kinktober 2022
We now return to 31 days of steamy, delicious smut centered around various different pairings this month of October. Hope you all enjoy~
33.1K từ
lost boys like me are free
bless me, father, for i have sinned
bless me, father, for i have sinned
rhaenyra is sent to catholic boarding school after being expelled for a second time. a third expulsion might be around the corner but her uncle daemon teaches at the school and alongside a few detention sessions and getting her on her knees to pray for forgiveness, she might actually make it through this school year. — chapters 1-8 is the whole story; after that chapters are drabble scattered throughout the timeline.
73.4K từ
The mission was a bad idea. Tony could have told you that before he ended up on his knees. Tony is a sub on a team of doms. Nothing particularly unusual about that. Except that Tony is keeping it together by a very thin thread and everything he's worked to keep inside for so long is unravelled by one moment and his own damn biology.
7.8K từ