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Tất cả những chàng trai trẻ
Truyện dài theo dõi thời gian của nhóm Marauders tại Hogwarts (và hơn thế nữa) từ góc nhìn của Remus - có sự khác biệt so với nguyên tác ở chỗ cha của Remus đã mất và cậu được nuôi dưỡng trong một trại trẻ mồ côi, và có phần cục cằn. Ngoại trừ điểm đó, phần còn lại tuân thủ nguyên tác. 1971 - 1995 Đây LÀ một truyện Wolfstar, nhưng tiến triển cực kỳ chậm. Thật sự là nhiều năm. Mất nhiều thời gian để xây dựng nhưng tôi hứa là đáng giá! VUI LÒNG KHÔNG SAO CHÉP LÊN WATTPAD. THẬT SỰ, TẠI SAO?? Danh sách phát Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/user/htl2006/playlist/3z2NbLq2IVGG0NICBqsN2D?si=Liyl_JKJSx2RUqks3p50kg (Do độc giả tuyệt vời, JustAnotherPerson, biên soạn) TỪ CHỐI TRÁCH NHIỆM: Tôi không ủng hộ những quan điểm chuyển giới bài ngoại kinh tởm của J.K. Rowling. LƯU Ý: TÔI KHÔNG CÒN ĐỌC HOẶC TRẢ LỜI NHẬN XÉT VỀ TRUYỆN NÀY
526.9K từ
Nhịp Điệu của Những Nhà Thơ Bán Thời Gian
Nhịp Điệu của Những Nhà Thơ Bán Thời Gian
“Chúng… là hỗn loạn,” Remus nói chắc chắn. “Và hỗn loạn là—”“Rock and roll.”Cậu nhìn Sirius sắc bén, và lần này, cậu đáp lại nụ cười của Sirius. “Đúng vậy.”“Có lẽ đó là lời bào chữa của tôi,” Sirius nói. “Tôi gây ra một chút hỗn loạn bây giờ, và có thể một ngày nào đó, nó sẽ biến thành rock and roll.” Sau khi mất mẹ ở tuổi mười một, Remus đã dành phần lớn bốn năm qua để chuyển từ trường này sang trường khác hoặc chạy vòng quanh London và giả vờ như cậu không phải là loại cậu ấm con nhà giàu mà cha cậu đã dạy dỗ. Giờ đây, khi mọi cơ hội đều đã cạn kiệt, Remus được gửi đến Trường Hawkings Independent như một nỗ lực cuối cùng để sửa đổi hành vi của mình. Ở đó, cậu gặp những người sẽ định hình phần đời còn lại của mình, và buộc phải đối mặt với những phần tính cách mà cậu đã nghĩ rằng mình đã đánh mất từ lâu. (thực sự không xin lỗi nữa vì slow-burn trong fic này. Bạn đã được cảnh báo <3) *Vui lòng không bình luận về fic hỏi về bản dịch vì tôi khó có thể thấy được. Nếu bạn quan tâm đến bản dịch/có câu hỏi liên quan đến fic, vui lòng liên hệ trên tumblr @motswolo x
979.9K từ
Tất cả những chàng trai trẻ - Nhìn từ góc độ của Sirius
Tất cả những chàng trai trẻ - Nhìn từ góc độ của Sirius
Đây là fanfic ATYD đầu tiên của tôi!!! Và chỉ là fanfic Harry Potter vì cần thiết thôi. Tôi chỉ viết lại từng chương của ATYD nhưng từ góc nhìn của Sirius vì tôi rất yêu câu chuyện này và không bao giờ là đủ. Tất cả công lao thuộc về MsKingBean89 và nếu vì lý do nào đó bạn tình cờ thấy điều này mà chưa đọc ATYD gốc, hãy làm điều đó ngay nhé!! Đọc bản gốc tại đây 24/8/23 VUI LÒNG KHÔNG ĐĂNG FIC CỦA TÔI LÊN GOODREADS/STORYGRAPHS/V.V… VUI LÒNG KHÔNG ĐĂNG LẠI TÁC PHẨM CỦA TÔI TRÊN BẤT KỲ WEBSITE NÀO KHÁC. VUI LÒNG KHÔNG IN HOẶC GHI TÁC PHẨM CỦA TÔI BẰNG CÁC WEBSITE BÊN THỨ BA KIẾM LỢI NHUẬN - HÃY LÀM BẰNG TAY HOẶC KHÔNG LÀM. KHÔNG BÁN NHỮNG BẢN IN GHI CHÉP CỦA FIC TÔI.
628.1K từ
A Little Bit of Everything
A Little Bit of Everything
Everything had gone to plan, Dumbledore had seen the end of the First Wizarding War. Certainly he had lost more than a few, but Harry Potter was still alive and well. He was currently tucked away in Surrey with his Muggle Family. He could contently wait for the boy to come of age now, and continue the last of the prophecy. Until an owl landed on his desk, providing him with the news he had not expected. - Regulus Black has survived so long on his cunning and ambition and wit. He wasn’t about to turn himself in to rot in prison, but a letter showing up to his family’s home peaked his curiosity. Who even knew he was still alive? - Regulus Black raising Harry Potter AU ~Mostly Canon Complaint~ - Rated Mature: For Depictions of Violence, Torture, Implied Assaults etc. Please Heed Warnings - We don’t support JKR here, my characters will be queer, non-binary, disabled and diverse and any hate will be deleted. - If you do not have anything kind to say please move on, this is a passion project in my free time and any hate in the comments will be deleted.
655.9K từ
Rewriting Destiny
Rewriting Destiny
They all thought after Voldemort's fall that the world would get better. But they were wrong. The Death Eaters used politics to accomplish what Voldemort never could. And with the dwindling Wizarding population and no one left to fight, there's only one solution: to go back in time to before Voldemort rose to power, and fix what broke the first time around. Time Travel AU. Nominated for Best James Potter and Best Peter Pettigrew in the 2018 Marauder Medals!
318.1K từ
The Last Enemy: Dark Marks
The Last Enemy: Dark Marks
The entrance to Hell is hidden at the base of a large willow tree, a human-sized hollow tangled in its roots, ready to swallow you whole... It’s 1976 and the events of the past term at Hogwarts have left their mark on all involved. But it’s a new school year now, with new teachers, new rules, and new regrets. Yet as the war clamoring outside the castle walls grows ever louder, the students inside will learn that some marks are impossible to wash away. Dark Marks is the second book of The Last Enemy series, which follows the lives of the heroes and villains of the First Wizarding War from 1975-1981. Watch the trailer! Now complete!
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all my cards are here
all my cards are here
Sirius cracked a well-practiced smirk, “Nice to meet you, Remus.” Sirius looked at his bandmates loading their equipment into Potter's car, “You wouldn’t happen to know a bassist, would you?” - Marauders Band AU - When the Marauders kick out their bassist, they ask local bartender Remus Lupin to step in. As the band gains success, Remus must navigate his new friendship with Sirius under the public eye.
112.2K từ
We Were Infinite
We Were Infinite
“The Marauders aren’t something that will just go away once we graduate.” James continued, taking a more serious tone and addressing not only Remus, but the fear that they all had found recently in the back of their minds about what may become of them outside the walls of Hogwarts. “We’re a family. We’ve proven that again and again, haven’t we? We’re forever. Unstoppable. We’re infinite.” The full story of The Marauders from September 1st 1971 - October 31st 1981. (Heavily centered around Wolfstar and Jily in later chapter)
347.7K từ
I Want To Be Good
I Want To Be Good
“Put me in Gryffindor,” Sirius told the Hat. * Long fic of Sirius' years at Hogwarts until 1994, dealing with his blood-supremacist family, a brewing war, and some not-so-platonic feelings for one Remus Lupin. * COMPLETE!russian translation by an incredible reader in the notes :)fuck jkr
453.0K từ
The Last Enemy: The Howling Nights
The Last Enemy: The Howling Nights
It’s 1975 and war is simmering beneath the surface of the Wizarding world...but at Hogwarts, it’s magic as usual as the fifth years prepare for their O.W.L.s amidst politics, pranks, and other poor choices. Severus Snape wants to prove his worth.Lily Evans wants a fresh start.James Potter wants Lily Evans, though no one is more surprised by this than him.Sirius Black wants to write himself a new story.Remus Lupin wants to survive the next moon.Peter Pettigrew just wants to keep up. But as tensions bubble over, sides will be chosen, friendships destroyed, families parted, and paths forever altered. The Howling Nights is the first book of The Last Enemy series, which follows the lives of the heroes and villains of the First Wizarding War from 1975-1981. Watch the trailer! Now complete!
208.5K từ
Would That I
Would That I
Sirius studied Remus’ face. He was curious what he thought of all of this, the only one of them who didn’t have a mark– theoretically– and the only one with a muggle parent. Muggles didn’t get marks, he knew. If Remus’ parents were soulmates, then they wouldn’t know it. He wondered if there was a way to tell, though. If they could just feel it, somehow, even without the help of some magical fate. Because it seemed like something you would just know, just from being near someone, from being close enough to them, from being in the same space. Like their souls would attract like magnets or like water droplets traveling down a window, waiting to merge until the last moment when they realized they were on the same path, and then they’d become one. Was that fate, Sirius wondered? He realized Remus was staring back at him, his eyes puzzled and curious and warm. Sirius looked away first and didn’t look back, pushing down something heavy and impossible in his chest. --- Or, the marauders soulmates au where your soulmate shares your scars in gold, and everyone is oblivious, pining, and/or in denial. Updates every sunday :)
172.2K từ
Chronological Displacement
Chronological Displacement
“Malfoy, we have to slow it down!” Harry yells over the growing racket of the time turner. Harry’s not sure how, exactly, they’re going to do that, but they have to try. Malfoy looks at him wildly, and hesitates for only a second before grabbing his arm. Harry looks uncomprehendingly at Malfoy’s hand on his arm. “We’ll be stronger together!” Malfoy shouts. Oh. Right. The spell. Harry points his wand at the time turner, along with Malfoy. “Finite Incantatum!” The time turner only seems to grow stronger. A bright light begins to glow out from the center of the device, reaching its edges over to Harry and Malfoy. The last thing Harry sees is Malfoy’s worried face, and then darkness. ——— In which Harry and Draco have a time-turner accident, and many things go wrong, but a lot of things also go right. Featuring: reptilian bonding night, canon-inaccurate animagus lessons, and a fuck-ton of pining. aka the fic where Harry finds his family, and fights to keep them.
89.1K từ
Impossible Things
Impossible Things
Sirius’s thoughts are a slow-moving, impending disaster. How he wants to pin Remus up against the cupboards, to crowd him into a corner; how he wants to intertwine their fingers, to brush his lips against Remus’s forehead, his jaw. Instead, he settles for ducking his head and sliding a finger through the belt loop of Remus's jeans—a ridiculous gesture so utterly intimate, even for the pair of them, that he only allows it because he’s just drunk enough. “Stop stealing my bloody clothes, Lupin.” He says, very quietly. Remus looks up at him, eyes dark, and murmurs pleasantly: “Better learn to do your own laundry then, Black. Consider it my fee.” *** It was an impossible thing, living with Remus Lupin--but Sirius was doing it anyway.
13.9K từ
Lead Me Into the Light
Lead Me Into the Light
“Wh– well– why–” James stammered, attempting to get his bearings, because if he didn’t, and he let Regulus tell him ‘kiss me’ one more time, his heart would probably give out. “Why don’t you get Sirius to help?” Regulus narrowed his eyes. “Because Sirius would just knock his teeth out,” he said as though it were obvious. “Yes,” James hissed, “and he’ll knock my teeth out if I kiss his little brother.” “You can take a hit, Potter, I’ve seen you on the quidditch pitch,” Regulus waved him off, and James groaned, leaning away from him. “Oh, yeah, great, so I’m the sacrifice,” he sighed. “Precisely,” Regulus stepped right into his space, and James felt his chest go a little hot. --- Or, Regulus asks James for a favor to get his ex off of his back, and James makes bad choices.
17.7K từ
the lost generation
the lost generation
The Marauders era at Hogwarts, Voldemort's rise to power and the subsequent war, family loyalties and dishonour, and the struggles of friendship in a difficult time.
546.9K từ
Berlin Angel
Berlin Angel
Berlin is absolutely miserable in February. Or it’s just Sirius. Alternatively: A story of how Remus Lupin stepped into Sirius’ life, flashed his trademark grin, and reminded him that life is a beautiful thing meant to be enjoyed. No risk, no fun!
89.6K từ
Colours of Redemption
Colours of Redemption
Severus Snape was meant to die. Instead he was placed into hell. Trapped in timeloops, Severus tries to make sense of the future knowledge he suddenly had. If he made one bad move, everything is reset for him to try again. Being placed into a new house and everyone being nice to him, Severus is doing his best but it is hard. Especially when James Potter is noticing him in a different way.
355.2K từ
Do I Wanna Know?
Do I Wanna Know?
When the Marauders return for their 6th year at Hogwarts, Sirius isn't the only one to notice that Remus got, well… hot over the summer. He is, however, the one to come up with the perfect solution. That is, until a certain James Potter and Lily Evans decide to put aside their differences in the interest of some combined mischief.
25.0K từ
The Hand That Feeds
The Hand That Feeds
Marlene McKinnon is a mess. She can’t sleep, she’s almost certainly going to fail all her NEWTs, and she’s 99% sure that if they don’t win the Quidditch Cup this year James Potter will throw himself headfirst off the Astronomy Tower. On top of all that, there’s a war on, yet their professors seem determined to pretend that the biggest problem any of them are facing is finding a Ministry internship. Marlene’s final year at Hogwarts has barely started, and she’s already pretty sure it couldn’t get any worse—that is, until she shows up for her first Potions class and hears the assignment.///Dorcas Meadowes is a stone-cold bitch. At least, that’s what everyone says. She doesn’t need well-meaning professors or overeager classmates or teammates or boyfriends or friends. She doesn’t need anything except to be left alone, the way she likes, until the day she finally leaves school. And she certainly doesn’t need Marlene McKinnon, with her sharp tongue and her snorting laugh and her stupid shiny hair, who seems intent on ruining everything that Dorcas has been working towards for the past two years. PLEASE DON'T POST MY FICS ON GOODREADS/STORYGRAPHS/ETC.PLEASE DON'T REPOST MY WORKS ON ANY OTHER SITES.
235.5K từ
Four To The End (prev Shifting Lines)- Book Three
Four To The End (prev Shifting Lines)- Book Three
Completed 9/29/24!previously titled Shifting LinesRemus’s third year has him dealing with taking all the electives, his friends starting to date, and, in addition to the stress of being a werewolf, he’s also finally realized something about himself that he is slowly trying to accept. Which just brings on a whole new slew of problems.The world of 4TTE will eventually include Wolfstar. Mostly canon with a few exceptions.Content warning tags are in each chapter.Don't really need to read the others before this I think, but if you want a summary of what's happened I have those posted under my worksI want to make it clear I do not agree with Rowling's views. I DO NOT AGREE WITH HER or anything she's been saying. While I am writing an HP fanfic, I do NOT promote her work or wish to give her money.This is a very pro-LGBT+ series, there will be a lot of queer characters once they're older (though we do start getting that in this book!). However, wizarding society in this is very anti-LGBT+. I will keep the hate to a minimum, but it will be a story where the characters are afraid to/cannot come out publicly. But this is a queer story written by a queer author!
792.1K từ
balancing act
balancing act
Regulus Black is perfect. He is poised, pretty, and the best ballet dancer in the world. He was never not anything but his best. James Potter is messy. He’s reckless, impulsive, and he is a distraction that Regulus should stay far away from. During a performance, Regulus gets injured and ends up having to spend time with his brother and the marauders on their first North American tour. It doesn’t exactly go as he expected.
350.2K từ
The PB to my J
The PB to my J
A Modern AU Marauders texting with prose fic set at University. Mainly Wolfstar - Will they? Won’t they? (They obviously will...)And a little bit of Jily too. This is my first multi-chaptered fic, so any feedback, good or bad or any tags you think need to added then please do let me know! Rated E for explicit sexual content, but these chapters are all marked in the notes and easy to skip without interrupting the plot 😊 EDIT: As of 28/07/21 I’m going through and adding bits/taking bits out so it flows better with the other parts in the series - let me know if you spot any plot holes that need sorting!
62.7K từ
James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, (pause for breath) and the Prisoner of Azkaban
James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, (pause for breath) and the Prisoner of Azkaban
At the end of first year, Harry pocketed the Philosopher's Stone- in a secret pocket that everyone else missed. Now, two years later, Harry is in his third year, his friends are having the time of their lives in Hogsmeade, there's an escaped mass murderer running around, and Harry is going stir-crazy. Fortunately, the twins have a solution! Although- they're going to need something in return, and it needs to be good. Good thing Harry kept that Stone, huh? And then things go completely bat-shit crazy. (featuring the Marauders vs 1993, an exhausted Professor Lupin, a bewildered Harry Potter, and an opportunistic Hermione Granger)
32.6K từ
The Lab
The Lab
“I don’t get it,” Sirius says truthfully. “Remus is such a nice person, why does everyone pretend like he’s some kind of wicked stepmother?” James laughs joyfully and winks at Sirius. “Are we even talking about the same person?” He holds out his hand above his head. “Big guy, about this tall, curly hair? Temper like a sleeping dragon? Smart, but a bit full of himself? Can kill you with his eyes?” Sirius raises his eyebrows and laughs as well. “No, I don’t think we are talking about the same person at all.” A love story about healing, new beginnings and growing up. Academia! Romance! Shared cigarettes, cute cats, lots of coffee and the most amorous business trip you have ever seen.
95.4K từ
Time is a Fine Invention
Time is a Fine Invention
Sirius Black expected university to be simple; a medley of moonlight trysts and Good Times. What he didn't expect was the yearning for home, the strains on his friendships, or falling for the hot-tempered History student Remus Lupin.
105.8K từ
Saving Severus Snape
Saving Severus Snape
Hermione's Plan: Travel back in time and show Severus Snape that he does have life worth fighting for. Not Hermione's Plan: Fall in love with him. **COMPLETED** (Banner by LightLeviosa5443@tda)
154.0K từ
One Last Try
One Last Try
Voldemort is dead, but so is Harry. Hermione watches more of her friends die in the final battle and it seems like it will never end. Then she's hit with an unknown spell. She wakes nearly thirty years in the past, in a world not too different, but so very strange. Adopted into a pureblood family she attends Hogwarts with the ghosts of the past. There's no going back, so it's forward from here, and well, if she couldn't win in the 90s, she's going to win now.
240.7K từ
It Never Goes Out
It Never Goes Out
The universe times it just right. They meet at a certain stage in life where everything is all impulse and curiosity, where you can get away with anything and maybe a scraped knee or detention to show for it, but it never lasts, it never hurts for longer than a week, at least, depending on what you’ve done. Maybe it’s because James Potter is too friendly for his own good, always running his mouth. He sets everything in motion, at least. But Sirius Black has never had real friends before, not like this, and a little brother plus a deranged old house elf don’t count. Even if they both let you win at chess every time you play. And Peter Pettigrew is used to playing along, and Remus Lupin just wants to share his passion for Muggle rock n' roll with someone who understands, you know? So they’re young and so it means everything to share a compartment on a train on a warm day in September, in 1971, and the universe got something right because that one day stretches an entire lifetime. And maybe beyond that, too. Maybe all the way to the other side. - The story of the Marauders and their time at Hogwarts. [1971-1978]
473.2K từ
Ever Thus
Ever Thus
“Right, well I’d say it’s about time to put an end to this nonsense, wouldn’t you?” James nodded sagely. “You’ve obviously still got some things to chat through with him, but he will talk to you about it, Remus. He thinks the world of you, you know that. But the important thing is that you do talk because nothing’s going to get sorted if you just sit cry-wanking in your room.” The world is excruciating and enthralling in equal measure. The gang try their hardest to navigate it as real, legitimate adults.
134.6K từ
Back To The Old House
Back To The Old House
To think of a time in James's life where he hadn't loved something to a completely maddeningly blinding level; would be impossible. Regulus could spit venom in James's face and he would still think he was the most lovely creature to grace the earth, it's wrong and James knows it. (Fic is written just typing up when i have the chance!)
264.4K từ
The Dementor's Curse
The Dementor's Curse
The fall of Voldemort was supposed to be the end. Unfortunately, the fall of the Dark Lord did not bring the peace and recovery the Wizarding World had hoped for. Three years later, when an old curse resurfaces in the heat of battle, Hermione finds herself in a race with time to save herself and the rest of the muggleborns. She must go back to the time that the curse first surfaced to find answers… But answers aren’t the only thing she finds in 1979.
512.7K từ
“Not everything is about winning, Reggie,” Sirius sighs. “It’s Formula One, of course, it’s all about winning. What else is there to live for?” Regulus replies. Or, James and Regulus are teammates for Formula One team Andretti and Remus and Sirius are teammates for Formula One team Black-Hill. They battle for the championship and have to navigate their feelings, all while living in the spotlight.
234.9K từ
Four To The End (prev Shifting Lines)- Book Two
Four To The End (prev Shifting Lines)- Book Two
Long haul Remus story. previously titled Shifting LinesBook two covers his 2nd year.The Marauders are growing even closer but how are things going to change once they reveal they know his deepest secret? Navigating through the change of becoming a teenager, Remus begins to think he might have another secret, one that is very confusing to figure out for a young wizard in the 70s.If you want to read the later books but not this one then I do have a summary of the story up, and you probably don't even need to read the first one before thisThe world of Shifting Lines will eventually have Wolfstar. Mostly canon with a few exceptions.I also want to make it clear I do not agree with Rowling's views. This is a very pro-LGBT+ series, there will be a lot of queer characters once they're older. That being said, wizarding society in this is very anti-LGBT+. I will keep the hate to a minimum, but it will be a story where the characters are afraid to/cannot come out publicly.Completed 5/18/21!!
693.5K từ
Of Cinema and Sticky Notes
Of Cinema and Sticky Notes
Remus Lupin is the office bore. Sirius Black is the office sweetheart. They fancy each other, on a purely aesthetic level.
12.4K từ