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here kitty, kitty
here kitty, kitty
jimin should have known better than to go snooping. and he certainly should have known that even little kitties can get stuck in a wall and be used and abused.
15.0K từ
The Art of Publicity
The Art of Publicity
After everything with the Accords, Tony Stark's reputation is in the toilet. Fortunately, he's got Spider-Man to make it better. (AKA Five times Peter and Tony's relationship made the internet implode a little)
43.4K từ
My Kinktober Ficlets 2019
My Kinktober Ficlets 2019
Day 1: MASKS-HalecestDay 2: WATERSPORTS-Wincest+AlastairDay 3: FROTTAGE-WincestDay 4: SPITROASTING-Posh Skittles/JackscilesDay 5: FEET-McCallcest [Drabble]Day 6: COCK WORSHIP-Schris/ScargentDay 7: INCEST-HalecestDay 8: LONG DISTANCE-ThorkiDay 9: BONDAGE-ThorkiDay 10: INTERCRURAL SEX-ScilesDay 11: COCK WARMING-Scalan/McDeatonDay 12: PET PLAY-SceucalionDay 13: STRENGTH+ROLEPLAY-WincestDay 14: CUNNILINGUS-Dean(na) x AlastairDay 15: MASTURBATION-WincestDay 16: FOOD PLAY-Dean x PieDay 17: BATHS-Ramsay x OFCDay 18: AGAINST A WALL+ASPHYXIATION-Schris/ScargentDay 19: PUBLIC SEX-JonmundDay 20: PROSTITUTION-Dean x AlastairDay 21: LACTATION-WincestDay 22: THREESOME-StererekDay 23: SIZE DIFFERENCE-Stiles x EnnisDay 24: SCAT-Derek x EnnisDay 25: BUKKAKE-Jack Kline x Wincest x OMCsDay 26: PEGGING-Robb Stark x Margaery TyrellDay 27: FISTING-Sam x John WinchesterDay 28: XENOPHILIA-Stiles x A PokémonDay 29: GLORY HOLE-Sam x John WinchesterDay 30: EXHIBITIONISM-Thorki x OMCsDay 31: A thank you note from the author
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No Other Way
No Other Way
In a world where the last words your soulmate will say before they die are written on your arm, those who died by Thanos's hand are trapped in the Soul Stone, left to watch over those left behind on Earth. The last thing Stephen Strange expects to see is a very memorable sentence on Tony Stark's arm. And when they escape the Soul Stone, it changes everything.
9.0K từ
an awkward position
an awkward position
kchanlp: NaruSasu + Itachi. Maybe hipster? In which big brother has to teach Sasuke how he should first and foremost close the goddamn door when his goddamn boyfriend is in his room doing goddamn... things.
8.1K từ
Listening In
Listening In
Silently lurking in the shadows is sort of Ghost's thing, so it's not entirely surprising that he finds himself eavesdropping more often than not. He just never expected to discover that Soap is in love with him.
8.0K từ
Colin Sees You As You Are
Colin Sees You As You Are
🐝**COMPLETED // Adding 3 Multi-Chapter Alternate Endings Now**🐝 What would have happened if Colin had overheard Marina and Penelope the night before he was set to abscond to Gretna Green with Marina? 🐝🐝🐝 After his engagement dinner the night before, Colin Bridgerton discreetly spent the day getting things ready to take his betrothed to Gretna Green the next morning. But he soon realised that more than a few things were not sitting right with him when he finished running around and settled in for the evening to pack. Like what had his friend and soon-to-be cousin-in-law intended to say to him before they were interrupted? What made his fiancée feel that his family was not accepting of her? Why couldn't he return her declaration of love? He knew he would not be able to find peace of mind until he got some answers and the clock was ticking away. There was only one thing for it, he had to pay a late night visit to the home across the street that housed both his friend and his fiancée. But when he overheard the two ladies in question having a heated discussion, he was hit with more questions than answers.
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Make Yourself
Make Yourself
Harry just wants to be safe within the freshly painted walls of Grimmauld Place, with his friends around him. But when he hears Draco Malfoy has been spotted at the local soup kitchen, he can't help but encourage a different type of stray to come under his roof.
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Wet Nightmares
Wet Nightmares
The scene is set. All it requires is a breath, from deep within his strong chest a single exhale oscillating through the atmosphere carrying with it a suggestion. Whatever sweet dream Megumi is having that night needs the slightest touch, like a hot needle piercing flimsy plastic, once Sukuna makes a hole inside there’s no way to stop the darkness from seeping in.And all he needs is the steady sounds of a body climbing into bed, a tired sigh, the brush of limbs across tightly pulled sheets, and the press of a head into a cotton-stuffed pillow.Sukuna settles back in his throne of bones and inhales, slow and deep, the energy he needs for this is minimal, and yet he wants to savor the first moment he breaches the space between him and his unsuspecting victim.The process of untangling the expected fight is long and arduous, but as his chest heaves with his steady exhale, he’s ready to begin. A.k.a. One night, Sukuna overhears Megumi playing with himself and will make sure it'll never be enough again.
63.7K từ
Cheating Derek: The One About Post Friday "Date Night"
Cheating Derek: The One About Post Friday "Date Night"
After Kyle and Jesse spit-roasted Derek on the hood of his Camaro before one of his and Stiles' usual Friday dates, Derek finds he still has one lawman left to deal with before this particular "date night" is over. Another installation in the "Cheating Derek" series.
10.8K từ
Tôi biết bạn là gì
Tôi biết bạn là gì
one piece (anime & manga) Vinsmoke Sanji cá sấu (một miếng) emporio ivankov inazuma (một mảnh) caroline (one piece) khỉ d. luffy Roronoa Zoro nami (một mảnh) nick robin Usopp (One Piece) portgas d. ace tức là chân đỏ zeff | zeff chân đỏ Thẩm phán vinsmoke khỉ d. rồng cá sấu & vinsmoke sanji emporio ivankov & vinsmoke sanji mũ rơm hải tặc | hải tặc mũ rơm & Vinsmoke Sanji cá sấu/khỉ d. rồng dịch Vinsmoke Sanji cá sấu xuyên không (một mảnh) nhân vật nữ chuyển giới nhân vật nam chuyển giới vấn đề danh tính rối loạn giới tính hoán đổi giới tính hoặc giới tính nhân vật chuyển giới sắp ra nội tâm hóa chứng sợ đồng tính chuyển giới bất an rối loạn căng thẳng sau chấn thương - PTSD nữ tính hóa vương quốc kamabakka haki (one piece) training tống tiền hiểu lầm lén nghe sự tự chấp nhận cá sấu bố (một miếng) cá sấu là cha mẹ của Monkey D. Luffy Sanji không phải là Vinsmoke Vinsmoke Sanji cần một cái ôm Vinsmoke Sanji rất tệ trong việc biểu lộ cảm xúc làm tổn thương Vinsmoke Sanji đã đề cập đến Portgas D. Ace cung truyện sau Marineford trước arc đảo người cá liên kết ngẫu nhiên vấn đề lòng tự trọng hận thù bản thân mặc trang sức nữ hoàng kéo cá sấu quá khứ (một mảnh)/Monkey D. Dragon người yêu thành người lạ (tương đối) chuyển giới nội tâm cá sấu trong quân đội cách mạng hồi tưởng Ivankov bảo vệ người đàn ông già yaoi mang thai ngầm crocodile is pregnant in the flashbacks but he isnt out yet but i still count it as mpreg
Sanji đang hoảng loạn. Anh bị mắc kẹt trên một hòn đảo xa lạ, bị bao vây bởi những người anh không hiểu, bị ép phải mặc thứ anh không thích… …và rõ ràng là nhận ra anh không hiểu về bản thân mình nhiều như anh tưởng. Vấn đề duy nhất là trong số tất cả những người có thể dẫn anh đến khám phá đó, bằng cách nào đó, người đã làm được lại là một cựu Thất Vũ Hải, Sir Crocodile. -------Một phiên bản thay thế về những điều có thể đã xảy ra ở Kamabakka, với Sanji đang vật lộn với chứng chuyển giới nội tâm và Crocodile tự hỏi tại sao anh ta lại để bản thân dính vào mớ hỗn độn này.
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5 Times Ressler's Past Catches Up With Him (and 1 Time He Runs Back On His Own)
5 Times Ressler's Past Catches Up With Him (and 1 Time He Runs Back On His Own)
Liz starts to notice some mysterious connections with the bloody gun running trade of South Cali and the pristine and professional Agent Ressler. Seems like someone doesn't like having red on their ledger. Talk about awkward family reunions. (AU! where Donald Ressler is Jax Teller's-kind of-estranged older brother)
10.3K từ
conversation means both of you are listening
conversation means both of you are listening
"you talk, but i don't hear the words you're saying," said the pot to the kettle OR Three times a conversation that was avoided, overheard, or postponed turned into actual communication.
4.2K từ
Pennies and Dimes for a Kiss
Pennies and Dimes for a Kiss
There aren't a lot of jobs that an 18-year-old high school dropout is qualified for, especially if he's trying to make rent and help get his band off the ground.
4.6K từ
listen up
listen up
Tony's intentions are, well, as pure as they ever get for Tony. Pepper and Rhodey's aren't.
1.3K từ