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Kinktober 2020- Dream Team
Thank God It's BDSM Friday
Thank God It's BDSM Friday
TGIBDSMF - Regina and Emma have been sleeping together for several months. With Henry on a field trip for the weekend, they decide to play with a little more with BDSM. As a result, they decided to enter into a 24/7 BDSM lifestyle. This story follows that journey.
95.3K kelime
Through the Sliding Door
Through the Sliding Door
I'm not sure why the mangaka decided to use the words Sliding Doors in a few of his titles. The mysterious door in the story wasn't a sliding door at all. But, whatever… I discovered his works and, although dated, they had a definite charm and innocence to them that is rare in a BDSM manga. Unfortunately, not all of his works have been translated to English, so some of them I make a best guess at what is going on. Without further ado, here is the story I came up with to follow the works of mangaka Awatake Takahiro.
97.3K kelime
binds are like steel that manipulate the will to live (body suspended by chains over razors and nails, it's a penalty)
binds are like steel that manipulate the will to live (body suspended by chains over razors and nails, it's a penalty)
When on their way to the mansion Louis asks, “Who are you?” He hears the slave shift in his seat. “‘M Harry.” "Wrong," Louis states. "You’re my bitch." -Or, Harry's a slave and Louis is his master.
18.4K kelime
Kinktober 2020
Sans leaned down over her attempted retreat, his golden canine glinting ominously in the wan light of the hooded lantern he had set outside the bars of her cage. He stopped an inch away from the side of her face, glowering and locking gazes with her in silence for another moment, before he finally spoke, shattering the void of noise between them as he did; the storm outside the shack seemed to blow louder without the vacuum of discomfort. “care to run that by me again, bitch?”
139.3K kelime
Like a Doll
Like a Doll
You've pretty much always been able to see weird, creepy things that no one else can see. But Mahito is probably the least creepy thing you've seen so far. It's just too bad. Behind that cute smile, he's hiding something sinister.
83.4K kelime
The Possibilities of a Midnight Boner
The Possibilities of a Midnight Boner
This was the longest they'd ever played. This had started nearly a week ago when John had sought him out and locked the rough leather dog collar around his throat and kicked him to his knees. He hadn't used his feet since. He'd been knelt in front of John for hours this evening, idly suckling at his mostly flaccid cock, the ring gag keeping his mouth spread wide. He didn't deserve to suck John to orgasm, was what the older man had said, so the ring in his mouth was at its widest, not allowing him to suck, only lick. He was a cock warmer, that was all. However, he was a cock warmer under very difficult circumstances; enduring to his limits.
1.7K kelime
New Rom(e)ance
New Rom(e)ance
Omegas ought to be well-behaved, obedient and docile. So, basically the exact opposite of Percy Jackson. His behavior does not sit right with the Romans, because he doesn't behave the way he should as an omega. Reyna would disagree with that. She thinks that an omega shouldn't submit just because he's an omega facing an alpha. She thinks that alphas should earn an omega's submission. And she is very determined to earn Percy's submission.
3.8K kelime
Carrying Atlas
Carrying Atlas
On a late night walk Snape stumpled upon no other than Harriet Potter who was once again in trouble. How deep the trouble ran and why none of those close to her realised how badly she was taking the loss of her godfather would remain a mystery but Snape had sacrificed too much to let her give up now. Or Harrie tries to cope through meaningless sex with strangers and Snape decides in order to keep her safe from depraved men only wanting to exploit her he has to become one of them and make it worth her while.
153.6K kelime
On All Fours [Where He Belongs and Begging For More]
On All Fours [Where He Belongs and Begging For More]
Part of the Dirty Cupid Series. While Steve's temporarily staying with Danny, Danny comes home to fund his own dog fucking Steve on the Living Room.
1.5K kelime
Ebedi Zevk
Ebedi Zevk
Fae kendini umutsuz bir durumda bulur. Bir sadist bilim insanının insafına kalmıştır.
2.8K kelime
Born to be ruined
Born to be ruined
Credits to canineQ for the ideas under the fic: ideas list Muzan uses omega Giyuu as a demon breeding machine to produce more demons and a free fuck hole. *Que lot of violence and non con, read at your own risk.*
5.9K kelime
Collars and Croissants
Collars and Croissants
A mischievous grin tugs at James' lips. “I love me a good croissant.” “You’ve never had a good croissant.” “No, I have. The uni bakery has this–” Regulus interjects, "If the next words out of your mouth are 'ham croissant,' I will throw myself on top of a knife.”
24.9K kelime
Peter goes on his nightly patrol and things go south. He ends up being kidnapped, and the Avengers have no idea where to look. Peter's tormentor has one goal: to get Peter to submit. He undergoes months of torture and begins to think the Avengers aren't going to find him.
20.4K kelime
If I Could, I'd Get You the Moon
If I Could, I'd Get You the Moon
She knew her brother would do anything for her. Give her anything. But what if the thing she wanted the most... was him?
72.6K kelime
Louis yeni kölesi Harry'yi satın aldığında, aklında sadece kendi zevki için kullanmaktı. Bundan fazlası yasaklanmış sayılırdı. DEVAM ETMİYOR
29.0K kelime
A Malfoy Welcome
A Malfoy Welcome
A pwp ficlet about how Hermione is welcomed into the family after she becomes Draco's wife.
716 kelime
Sana Bağlı
Sana Bağlı
harry potter - j. k. rowling Sirius Black Remus Acı Bakla regulus siyah james potter dorcas çayırları marlene mckinnon Lily Evans Potter Barty Crouch Jr. Evan Rosier Pandora Lovely Good Peter Pettigrew kingsley kelepçe sirius siyah/remus lupin küçük sirius black/kingsley shacklebolt - ilişki Kurt yıldızı platonik ay suyu arka plan dorlene sirius black ve james potter - serbest biçim Remus lupin & james potter - serbest biçim remus lupin & sirius black - serbest biçim remus lupin & regulus siyah - serbest biçimli remus lupin ve dorcas çayırları - serbest biçim sirius black & james potter ve lily evans potter - serbest biçim arka plan kuş NSFW remus lupin pov Sirius Black'in bakış açısı james potter pov cinsel gerilim çınlama Remus Lupin özlemi bilinmeyen sirius siyah sevgililer için arkadaşlar oda arkadaşlarından sevgililere flört etme Sirius & James planlarda kötü Sirius ve James planlara kötü isim koyuyorlar Lingerie kadın iç çamaşırı alışverişi dom/sub alt tonlar endişe çünkü onu seviyorum mizah mesajlaşma dans anal seks parmakla anal seks taylor swift referansları çünkü görünüşe göre kendimi kontrol edemiyorum kanon'a referanslar yine öz kontrol yok iyi başlangıçta eğlence amaçlı yazılan, sonra duyguların ve olay örgüsünün geliştiği bir hikaye corset jartiyerler collar bir nevi pandoras kutusu iyi adam kingsley phthalo yeşilinden tam olarak bir söz james ve lily sadece en yakın arkadaşlar platonik jily beta yok oooooops lütfen bana iyi davran
"Aynaları karşısındaki bakışları birbirine kilitlenirken Remus küçük bir adım öne atar, göğsü Sirius’un parmak eklemlerine değerek, kosetti kapatmak için yarı gönüllü bir girişimde kolları hâlâ arkasındadır. Remus ellerini yavaşça yukarı kaldırır, Sirius’un omurgasının tabanından başlayarak ve zaten kapanmış olan tokaları nazikçe takip eder. Sirius’un elleri yanlarına düşer, ancak Remus’un karnından, uyluklarının üst kısımlarından geçmeden önce ve doğal konumlarına yerleşmeden önce. Konuşmadılar. Başlarını çevirmediler." VEYA Remus yıllardır en yakın arkadaşına aşıktır ve herkes bunu bilir, ancak karşılıklı duygularından tamamen habersiz olan Sirius hariç. Öyle ki, Sirius, Remus'tan kendisine bir görevde yardım etmesini ister -- erkek arkadaşı için, ki bu kesinlikle Remus Lupin DEĞİLDİR, giyebileceği bazı iç çamaşırları seçmesi. Mesele şu ki, Sirius Remus'a önceden neye yardım ettiğini söylememiştir, bu da korkunç bir hata olabilir... veya ihtiyaç duydukları itme olabilir.
40.7K kelime
Derek discovers that Stiles has a kink.
2.5K kelime
Of Collars and Belonging
Of Collars and Belonging
What happens when a Muggle Dog Catcher catches Sirius during some Padfoot play time with Remus in the park. Friendship fic, Marauder era.
4.3K kelime
My good boy
My good boy
Sam is off at the library and Dean starts worrying he isn't coming back.
1.2K kelime