Losing everyone he held close after claiming the throne, Luffy falls into centuries-long slumber without realizing. Waking up, he has to face the unfamiliar world altered by time and historical events. That does not prevent him from setting new goals and waiting for those who are to come back, reborn.
A familiar Phoenix with mutual goals is there for him to keep him company.
Upon Harry's 15th birthday things occur that bring some things to light that were not expected in the least. Truths are revealed and memories emerge that shock him and the rest of the magical world.With the help of his seven closest he'll end the threat to the magical world before traveling through space and time into a new world and ending the threat to the free peoples of Middle Earth with the help of 14 in that world. He'll gather other allies in the magical world that will remain behind to make the changes needed to restore magic to what it was in the past.What changes can happen by having the support of heart family and one's soulmate in not only the magical world but Arda as well?