abusive dursley family (harry potter)

abusive dursley family (harry potter)

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The Brightest Star Of The Darkest Night
The Brightest Star Of The Darkest Night
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter tom riddle | voldemort nagini (harry potter) original harry potter characters harry potter & tom riddle | voldemort nagini & harry potter nagini & tom riddle | voldemort minor lucius malfoy/narcissa black malfoy - relationship nagini & tom riddle - platonic relationship minor bellatrix black lestrange/rodolphus lestrange - relationship minor rabastan lestrange/severus snape/ barty crouch jr harry potter is a horcrux harry potter is a little shit dark harry potter apathetic harry potter abused harry potter sassy harry potter prankster harry potter tom riddle | voldemort adopts harry potter voldemort is harry potter's parent somewhat good voldemort (harry potter) protective voldemort (harry potter) protective nagini (harry potter) parental nagini (harry potter) heir of slytherin harry potter barty crouch jr. is a good bro manipulative albus dumbledore wrong boy-who-lived (harry potter) fluff and hurt/comfort fluff and humor crack and angst good goblins maledictus!nagini kid harry potter harry potter is adorable parselmouth harry potter abusive dursley family (harry potter) good malfoy family (harry potter) alternative universe - naga au lgbtq themes don't like don't read harry potter-centric pov multiple character redemption creature inheritance creature fic creature harry potter naga harry potter other additional tags to be added harry potter has a different name harry potter has a twin english is not the author's first language not canon compliant wish magic knights of walpurgis death eaters are actually knight of walpurgis father and son - soulmates fatherhood sentient castle slytherin castle is sentient occlumens harry potter nagini raises harry potter aromantic asexual tom riddle | voldemort mild character bashing implied mpreg (background) temporary character death manipulative tom riddle tom riddle's diary background m/m/m world building
Harry Potter, the forgotten twin brother of Boy-Who-Lived, was beaten to death by his abusive Muggle relatives. But his Magic disagreed with dying so early, so it dug deep into his soul and brought out something that will help him survive. Who will take him from his destined cruel Fate? Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Lord Voldemort has fallen into the deepest voids because of his addiction to Dark Arts. So when his Prophesied equal and mortal enemy, who happens to be the keeper of his soul piece, comes to his aid and offers him another chance by helping him recover from the insanity, hence filling out the void that has been created by cruel merciless fate, what he will do? Can he refuse the little green-eyed chaos maker who declared himself as his son in everything but blood? James "Jim" Potter, Boy-Who-Lived, and the Wizarding World's child celebrity. But it's not a life he wants for himself. There is something else he wants with all his heart, something that he would exchange all his fame and glory for in a beat. What is it that he desires the most in the World? * Previously known as The Dark Prince: Rebirth*All characters belong to JK Rowling. Tags may change as the story progresses.
364.7K words
Wed for Peace
Wed for Peace
Harry found himself in the headmaster's office again. Dumbledore was staring towards the door so Harry turned around as well.Tom Riddle strode through the door and stopped in front of Dumbledore's desk. His eyes were still red but where there was a snake-faced moster with slits for a nose before there stood a man in his mid-twenties now.Riddle spoke: "Dumbledore, so nice of you to meet with me. I have a proposition for you."Dumbledore considered the man carefully before asking: "What proposition could you have that made you sure enough I would agree to it?"Riddle smirked. "I've come to offer peace." Updates can come inconsistently.
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Don't Let This Darkness Fool You (Book One)
Don't Let This Darkness Fool You (Book One)
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter draco malfoy theodore nott blaise zabini blaise zabini's mother ron weasley hermione granger fred weasley george weasley sirius black remus lupin molly weasley arthur weasley ginny weasley Albus Dumbledore daphne greengrass pansy parkinson narcissa black malfoy lucius malfoy dursley family (harry potter) original nott family characters (harry potter) original malfoy characters (harry potter) magdalena “maggie” malfoy (xbluebirdx112) draco malfoy/theodore nott/harry potter/blaise zabini draco malfoy/harry potter theodore nott/harry potter harry potter/blaise zabini harry potter/everyone harry potter is a little shit pureblood culture (harry potter) harry potter is so done bamf harry potter harry potter epilogue what epilogue | ewe slytherin harry potter good slytherins slytherins being slytherins protective slytherins harry potter's childhood with the dursleys abusive dursley family (harry potter) albus dumbledore bashing albus dumbledore being an idiot dursley family bashing (harry potter) ron weasley bashing fred weasley lives everyone is gay fluff and angst canon universe not canon compliant aromantic asexual luna lovegood protective fred weasley & george weasley established sirius black/remus lupin remus lupin needs a hug gay remus lupin werewolf remus lupin welsh remus lupin minor remus lupin/severus snape original character(s) song: call your mom (noah kahan) magically powerful harry potter magically powerful draco malfoy references to norse religion & lore protective theodore nott norse theodore nott slow burn like insanely slow we’ll get there Angst angst with a happy ending angst and hurt/comfort prolific abuse of the one bed trope
To say Draco Malfoy spent time thinking about Harry Potter was probably an understatement at this point. His friends knew it, he knew it. Draco had hoped that joining Lockhart’s dueling club would appease his father, and impress Potter. It didn’t go exactly as planned on either front, but that was besides the point. Draco had learned a lot during that duel, that he was horribly under qualified to defend himself, and that Potter was made of fire. Since then, everything else in his life had been white noise, all he focused on was Harry. And the thing is, he noticed. He noticed the way he flinched when someone dropped a plate or set a serving spoon down too hard. He noticed that when the Weasel would wrap an arm around him and his entire body went rigid. He had no idea how all of their lives would change when he decided to do something to help-- when it turned out that Potter was more of a Slytherin than anyone thought.
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