thirsty eddie munson

thirsty eddie munson

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i'll be the creature if you'll be my bride (and we'll be monsters together)
i'll be the creature if you'll be my bride (and we'll be monsters together)
“Yeah, but you’re entirely predictable. I mean, you’re a rich boy who’s good at sports and climbs the social ladder like it’s nothing. No way you like nerd stuff. You’re destined to be a douchebag, Harrington. The Munson Doctrine never lies.” As he speaks, Eddie can see Steve’s frown get deeper and his eyes get darker until he turns his head away and takes a shaky drag of the joint. He lets it out, still shaky, and seems to be gathering himself. Eddie is starting to brace for a punch or kick or something violent when Steve says, “You’re just as bad, then.” “What?” Steve takes another drag, his shoulders relaxing, and he looks at Eddie. “You’re no better, Munson. As much as you’d like to think otherwise, you’re also predictable. I mean, you’re a guy who feels like an outcast so he embraces the role and doesn’t bother to think he could ever be wrong about someone he’s never actually talked to before. Seems like you’re destined to be a douchebag, too.” For the first time in a long time, Eddie is speechless.
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