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What a Healing Pod Can't Repair
What a Healing Pod Can't Repair
The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be.--Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn't be coming for a very long time.
55.7K words
Homesick at Space Camp
Homesick at Space Camp
Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
74.2K words
Love Bite(s)
Love Bite(s)
In which Keith gets bitten by a Love Bug, and Lance is less okay with this than anyone honestly expected.
57.6K words
As Color Fades Away
As Color Fades Away
"There is no escape for you, Paladin," Haggar whispered, voice echoing from the very depths of his mind and filling Lance with a horror and dread he could not begin to describe. "Not from this ship. Not from death." She let out a soft laugh that rang with dark promise. "And especially not from me." / In which Zarkon desires the Black Lion and the Blue Paladin pays the price.
432.6K words
The Purity of Sin
The Purity of Sin
Lance's first diplomatic mission had gone wrong. Very, very wrong. Instead of allies on planet Macka, he and Keith found only enemies who want to sacrifice them to their Goddess. The two Paladins are going to have to work together to survive the harsh desert, severe injury and relentless pursuit with the added problem that in addition to losing copious amounts of blood Lance is losing his senses. One... By one... By one...
105.0K words
Trembling Lips
Trembling Lips
Lance is an emotional person who cries easily (and does the trembly-lip thing a lot) but tries to stay strong in front of the team. OR Five times Lance stopped himself from crying in front of his teammates, and the one time he couldn't hold it back.
17.8K words
“Searching... for what?” Shiro asked for them all. “Well, I didn’t really know at the time…Until I stumbled across this area. It’s an outcropping of giant boulders with caves covered in these ancient markings. Each tells a slightly different story about a blue lion, but they all share clues leading to some event years ago. Like a first arrival,” Keith’s hand paused next to the image of a meteor falling from the sky and landing in the ocean. And now it was Lance’s turn to squint. “-and then another one happening last night."- After his home planet is taken by the Galra, Prince Lance becomes torn between two lives: his home planet, or the world he crash-landed on, Earth. In order to find his birth brother and keep his new family safe, Lance goes undercover as a human at the Galaxy Garrison. And before Lance can get anywhere near a real Earth ship in order to do that, he finds his plans being thrown out of the window, because Lance is chosen as the Blue Paladin of Voltron. Destined to save the Universe. He ends up with a third family, one he'd die for just the same. [ON HIATUS!! so sorry, but I am editing the beginning chapters but I also have other projects I'm working on.]
723.8K words
Lilac Sweet
Lilac Sweet
Set after Season 2 Finale, stress and tension runs high as the Voltron Team spirals down into chaos trying to locate their missing leader. This causes a series of events which results in Lance being separated from the Team after he takes a hit from a Robeast while defending Keith. As the team attempts to locate their missing two team members, Lance tries to discover his own way in the universe without the assistance of Team Voltron, and ends up in a place and position he never thought he'd be in.
356.3K words
(You Can) Drop Your Façade
(You Can) Drop Your Façade
It was meant to be some sort of experiment. Admittedly, a rather twisted one, but an experiment nonetheless. He had not meant to take it this far, but unfortunately, he did. Lance McClain has not spoken in over half a year. No one has noticed.
29.1K words
A series of short fics that I ramble out about these poor, unfortunate VLD souls.Final Fic: (80) Follow You Home: Voltron is heading home. Except, for Keith, the destination of Earth isn’t his home. There’s no one waiting for him there. And, he tries to tell himself, that it’s not like the space family he'd made up here with Voltron would abandon him as they go seek out their own loved ones on Earth. But he’s so used to being left behind so why should this time be any different? Fortunately, Pidge is right there to remind Keith just how much he belongs with all of them. Some Author Favorites: (11) Crimson Promises: There's blood everywhere except where it should be, which is inside Lance. All Hunk can do is hold him as he shivers, respond to his confused, pained breathless words and pray that help arrives soon.(26) Cave-In: Shiro and Lance are trapped in a cave-in. It’s really nothing bad, no one was hurt and help is already on the way, even if they’ll be in this dark, cramped space for a few hours more. Something though is wrong with Lance. And Shiro thinks he knows what might be the cause.
105.7K words
I'd Tap That
I'd Tap That
Keith has never really been good with words. He says what he means, and more often than not, what he doesn't mean, leading to several uncomfortable situations.One of said occasions happens on a planet during a mission, where Keith's attempt at complimenting the blue paladin is entirely misinterpreted, but Keith isn't able to properly apologize before the mission goes south, resulting in Lance being subjected to the 'gifts' the locals possess.So now Keith is at an impasse, with his communication skills severely lacking in the comforting department, and his growing feelings towards Lance making everything so much more difficult than it needs to be.If only there were a way to talk to the blue paladin without using words... .. ..-. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .... . / .... .- -.. / -.- -. --- .-- -. / .-.. .- -. -.-. . / -.- -. . .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / ... --- --- -. . .-. .-.-.- EDIT: now with art by Sianobisgo send them some love!
37.9K words
Love: The Only Legal Thief
Love: The Only Legal Thief
Lance is just a college kid working part time at a coffee shop and struggling to pay his rent. He knows that he's gonna make it one day. He's just got to wait it out and graduate. He's just gotta keep his head up and straight even as he can feel the discrimination and odds fight against him. Enter Keith and Shiro. Two big time lawyers who are just looking for the right person to spend their time with. The third half that they've been looking for, and once they find him. They're not going to be letting him go so easily from their grasp once they find him. Ah love, the only thief in the world that can steal something so important, and get away Scott-free.
42.8K words
If you're my soulmate, what the FUCK is wrong with my soul?
If you're my soulmate, what the FUCK is wrong with my soul?
Lance was seven the first time his mama told him about soulmates. How you can take your soulmate's pain from them and they can take yours. On that day, Lance swore his soulmate would never have to suffer and from then on insisted on taking their every injury from them. He dutifully ignored the fact that they'd never once taken away his pain. They must have had a reason... Keith was seven the first time he heard about soulmates. He thought it was a load of bullshit. Why the hell would someone you've never met want to take away your pain? How could he accept someone only caring about him because they were soulmates? Out of principle, he refused to ever take away his soulmate's pain. Whoever thought the two would later meet in space and be more than a little pissed off at each other?
51.0K words
He wants [needs] to be held
He wants [needs] to be held
I feel like I give a lot away in the tags but I'll try to do a summary.---The team has never really acknowledged Lance's struggles and the Lions have taken notice. After his death protecting Allura being disregarded and the team continuing on their mission(s), the Lions decide they will act as the support Lance needs while putting the team in their place.During this journey, secrets are revealed, plans are discussed and a certain not so hot-headed, bigger, cooler and grizzled Keith tries to make sense of his feelings.---Just read the tags...I suck at summaries.
40.0K words
The Ecstasy of Submission (Kinktober 2017)
The Ecstasy of Submission (Kinktober 2017)
Lance and the other members of team Voltron stumble on what can only be described as a pleasure room in the bowels of the Castle of Lions. They get to work on putting the room through its paces while exploring a variety of kinks ;) Includes a good deal of Langst.
57.4K words
The Boys of Altea Studios
The Boys of Altea Studios
Lance and Keith are both models at the top gay porn site: Altea Studios. Both have a reputation, Lance as the best bottom, and Keith as the roughest top. It was only a matter of time before the two were paired for a scene together. Thing is they both start going wildly off script and it becomes the hottest thing on the site. Everything else just blossoms from there.
39.2K words
Drastic Measures
Drastic Measures
Lance is struggling with his insecurities and fears that the team doesn't need him. But their true feelings become clear when Lance literally sticks his hand into a life or death situation.
8.6K words
the sunflower you lost
the sunflower you lost
There was a short pause, and then he took a step closer, cupping Lance’s cheek with his hand in a soft embrace. “Tell me…Is there anything you would not do for your father? For your people?”Lance swallowed, lost in those bisque orbs. “…Of course not. I am loyal to my blood.” In which Lance is the original blue paladin, but only remembers in a sunflower field in his dreams.
49.5K words
Something Has Got to Give
Something Has Got to Give
Lance's chest ached and he listened as the locker room door swung shut before he slowly turned his head to look at the bond mark sitting just at the edge of his peripheral vision on his neck. His fingers traced it, knowing the shape by heart. Shiro had bonded him nearly three years ago. Shiro didn’t remember.
47.7K words
My Soul Has Your Claim, My Soul Is In Flames
My Soul Has Your Claim, My Soul Is In Flames
Does anyone know Lance is in love with Keith? Of course not. And Lance would very much like to keep it that way, thank you! Keith already doesn't want anything to do with him ever since coming back from that space whale; the last thing Lance needs on top of his crumbling self-worth and shaky standing in the team is a rejection that shatters his heart in pieces, too. But now, Lance got himself in a bit of a pickle. Which is fine, because Lance has a plan to get out of it! A wonderful, brilliant, masterful, completely fool-proof plan. His team won't look at him like he's more incompetent than they already do, he won't have to spend the rest of his life trapped on some alien planet, and Keith will never find out just how head over heels he is for him. It's a win-win-win situation. Of course, with Keith, things are never quite so simple, and Lance's plan soon causes a domino effect that changes the entire course of his life. Or: Maybe Lance should have been a little more specific when he said he'd do anything to get home. Because now... "You must bestow a kiss on the one your soul most desires." ...Fuck.
146.1K words
Four times where Lance feels insecure, and one time where Keith has had enough.
11.4K words
his own worth
his own worth
In the middle of the conversation, Lance stops talking and no one notices. It’s not like he had been leading the conversation, for he hadn’t been, but somehow the fact that his lack of input or opinion isn’t noticed tightens the grip loneliness has on his heart. He looks down at his food, his face burning, his throat tightening up.
6.2K words
A Drug Called Time
A Drug Called Time
Anathematized after a poor interaction with time-traveling aliens, Lance finds he has the ability to rewind time. Despite its limitations, Lance uses the power to the team’s advantage, both in war and to mess with his friends. Then he realizes he can confess his feelings to Keith with impunity. There’s only one problem: the parting words of the aliens who cursed him. His death is prophesied, and not even they know the details of his future. So Lance decides to make the best of what little time he has left. If that means he spends every waking moment showing Keith his love, before reverting time over and over again so Keith won’t remember it, then so be it. Even if that means he’ll die without Keith knowing how he feels. Except, there’s one contingency Lance didn’t consider…
99.8K words
so much more than space dust
so much more than space dust
“Allura!” “-get him out of there-” “It’s too soon, it’s not-” “Look at him!” Lance wasn’t sure where he ended and the stars began. Maybe he was the stars, maybe he’d always just been the pain and the stars and the voices. “-OUT OF THE POD!” When a cryopod malfunctions, Lance is left with amnesia. As he struggles to figure out where he fits in the new formation of the team, the rest of Voltron is racing against the clock to figure out where Lotor will strike next- and their only clue is hidden somewhere in Lance's lost memories. Lance will have to find a way to remember what he's missing- or come to terms with what he's forgotten.
47.6K words
The Universe Put Us Together For A Reason
The Universe Put Us Together For A Reason
"AU where the date that you met your soulmate is written on you. When you met them, the date changes to their name." Lance waited for the day that he would met his soul mate. He knew that she would be perfect and everything he ever wanted. Except she wasn't a girl.
91.2K words
Wait a dobosh! Lance is an omega?
Wait a dobosh! Lance is an omega?
Running out of suppressants is never a good thing... especially in the middle of a mission. But it's ok, because alpha suppressants should totally work? A pills a pill right? Oh how he was so very wrong. After winding up the play thing of Shiro, Keith decides to swoop and save him. Gradually our broody alpha saves our traumatised omega, and the pair find themselves expecting... a whole heap of trouble. Lance is a ball of insecurities thanks to being the only omega on the ship.Shiro is kind of a dick...And Keith's smitten by LancePidge gets a catHunk gets PidgeKrolia gets a sonAllura gets a headacheAndCoran... gets a new bracelet Everything up to the end of 91 was written prior to season 6, so you may see some season 6 themes creeping in, buuuut, the end game of this fic was decided long ago* This fic takes place over about 4 years
653.3K words
Of Lions and House Cats
Of Lions and House Cats
Welcome to the City of Monsters. Crime runs rampant in the streets, and the Voltron Alliance was established to combat the rise of crimes involving superhuman abilities. Revered as upholders of justice and peace, there are measures the Alliance cannot afford to take in order to maintain their public image. All they can do is protect the innocent, defend the law, and keep the peace. The Galra have been dominating both the city and the criminal underworld for too long, however, and what's needed is change. Change is not meant for heroes. Change is meant for revolutionaries, for rebels. (Enter Lance.) tldr; Keith is a superhero who's been pining after the cute boy who works at the music shop across the street from HQ. He also doesn't know that the cute boy is the same vigilante he wants to bring to justice.
173.2K words
COMPLETED!!! Continued in Crystal. Sequel to Warmth. It's been two days since the end of Warmth. Keith no longer regrets mating Lance, even if the Altean prince insists on flirting with every living thing. Desperate to get Lance in his bed, Keith turns to Coran for advise and learns the secrets of Altean courting. Just when Keith decides to properly woo the Altean prince, Sendak and the few survivors from the defeated Galra battlecruiser attack destroying the Castle's main power crystal and severely injuring Lance in the process. With Lance in Sendak's grasp, Keith, Shiro, and Allura locked outside, Pidge is forced to retake the Castle alone while Hunk and Coran leave to find a Balmera to retrieve a replacement power crystal and get a small glimpse of the Galra Empire's true brutality in the process. All while keeping Allura's existence a secret from Zarkon. Chapter 31 summary: In which Lance takes the first steps to weaving his web resulting in a leap of faith, all under the watchful eye of...
111.9K words
The Color Of Our Planet From Far Far Away
The Color Of Our Planet From Far Far Away
A story in which Lance and the team has a lot of difficulties, because they don't sleep and sometimes make poor choices as a result and others are forced to suffer more than they deserve due to those poor choices. Or Lance gets hurt because the team didn't listen and everyone desperately wants to fix it.
30.5K words
Bite Me, Mothersuckers
Bite Me, Mothersuckers
Lance finds out if he doesn't pay his rent, he's gonna be evicted. So, unless he wants to be homeless and broke, he needs to find a roommate. But when Lance discovers his weird new roommates are vampires, he gets a little more than he bargained for. --Or where Lance is broke af and moves in with two bloodsucking homos.
83.9K words
Langst Prompts
Langst Prompts
These are langst prompts that I was given on tumblr. I will keep updating this as long as I keep writing prompts. Not currently accepting prompts!
175.8K words
King and Reaper
King and Reaper
Allura had told them once that Voltron was their destiny. If anything, Keith thinks, Lance had proven that while finding the lions might have been on the dime of some greater plan, compliance to their supposed fate was not strictly required in any remote sense of the word. In fact, by Lance's standard of doing things it was all rather bullshit. (Or: The story of the destruction of Earth and its aftermath, feat. questionable science in regards to weapons of mass destruction, gratuitous Star Wars references, theoretical chess games with the emperor of most of the known universe, explosions, the greatest bromance of all time, the worst romance of all time, far too many guns, concussions, extreme misuse of the French language, awkward flirting, and Lance in an overly-dramatic trench coat.)
35.5K words
In the heat of the moment
In the heat of the moment
Lance runs out of suppressants and is outed as an Omega. Keith wants to be his alpha. So much angst, sugar sweetness, more angst, gotta have a baby, and all the lovins. Plus there's Shatt! What's not to love. Please don't get too wrapped up in timelines, dynamics, or the lack of season 4. This is fiction.
25.0K words
A Want To Be Wanted
A Want To Be Wanted
Following a nearly fatal rescue mission, Lance can’t seem to shake the fear that he’s not as important as he thought he was. He wants to belong on the team, he wants them to trust him, but one thing happens after another and Lance isn’t sure anymore. Things are harder still, when the voice in his head comes to life.With repeated attacks from Space Pirates, family fights and the ever-growing fear that Lance isn’t good enough, and he’s barely keeping his head above the water. Lance doesn’t want this.This wasn’t the adventure he wanted in Space. And when Lance overhears the crew talking about him… Well, the things they say drive him away. He doesn’t even say goodbye before he leaves.
472.0K words
Once Bitten, Twice Stupid
Once Bitten, Twice Stupid
Lance has lived a pretty simple life since being turned into a vampire. He’s got his house, his cat, and his two besties that have no idea he’s a vampire thanks to his awesome acting skills... He thought he was happy, that things were fine, that he wasn’t drawing too much attention to himself... and then he met Keith. Big, dumb, hot, emo, stupid Keith. Keith that went and flipped his life upside down, because, seriously, Keith really was a special kind of stupid. Vampire Lance x Vampire Hunter Keith You'll find the Tumblr Masterlist HERE 🦇🦇🦇 Art by the amazing Sssabotagee
745.7K words