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lay down your sweet and weary head
lay down your sweet and weary head
Thorin dies. Thorin wakes up. He is understandably confused by this, especially since he appears to be in the Erebor he knew as a young dwarf, about to be attacked by a dragon. A time-travel fic with Thorin as the one living his life twice.
125.3K words
to change the course of the future
to change the course of the future
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." - Galadriel In an attempt to get the Arkenstone back for Thorin, Bilbo discovers the ring he's been using is the One Ring. Seized by a need to destroy gold, especially gold with the ability to ensnare creature and king alike, he sets out alone for Mordor. Anything to forget about the love that gold cost him. What he doesn't know is that Thorin is no longer under the thrall of gold, and is desperately racing to catch up with him to keep him safe. They may have just started on another adventure, but this one may not end as well as their first quest.
180.3K words
Recovery, Redemption and Romance
Recovery, Redemption and Romance
When Thorin is injured in the Battle of the Five Armies, Bilbo surprises everyone with his healing abilities.Then as Erebor starts to rebuild he continues to surprise people with his knowledge and skills. On top of everything else that is occuring there is a dwarf king and a hobbit who might be trying to court one another without the other knowing - while their companions are either helpful or confusingly gleeful. Direct Spoilers for the end of the book though this is an alternate ending.
118.6K words
Planting a Hobbit
Planting a Hobbit
Bilbo liked Erebor, he really did. Even if everyone seemed convinced he was going to leave. In which soil causes international incidents, Thorin is over-dramatic, and dwarves are rubbish at keeping secrets. Oh, and they build a garden. Eventually.
13.5K words
Child of the Earth and Sky
Child of the Earth and Sky
Certain events in Bilbo’s life were always destined to come to pass, but the will of Belladonna Took is not to be trifled with, and her choice may yet change the lives of many. This is the story of how Bilbo became the kin of the Eagles of Manwë, and all that happened after. (Original idea and prompt from Ewelock’s amazing art, eva4art's gorgeous follow-up piece, and reddresscloudysky’s excellent speculation on tumblr).
143.6K words
From One Age to Another
From One Age to Another
Upon their return to Eryn Lasgalen and Erebor respectively, Legolas and Gimli each have a new adornment. Their fathers would like an explanation. (They're not going to like it.) L/G, mostly bookverse, some movie elements.
12.1K words
Gathering Dwarrows
Gathering Dwarrows
'Bilbo Baggins stared irritably at the thick silver bands before him, thinking them more like shackles without chains than the symbols of love and maturity they were supposed to be. He did not want to be bonded, did not want a husband or wife, and did not want the responsibility that came with these damn things.' Completely ignores the storyline, you've been warned.
62.3K words
History Teaches Us
History Teaches Us
To reclaim their kingdom, the Company of Thorin Oakenshield will need all the help they can get.
200.0K words
The Master of Death
The Master of Death
Crappy Summary is Crappy!! Death had gone to personally collect the Potter Family's souls that fateful Samhain night. But to his surprise, someone survived and after a look into the future of the child, he opts to be a Troll to his sister Fate and raise the child. Taking the Potter child away to be raised in a relatively safe location, he also throws a few wrenches into a certain Headmaster's plans by making Harry Potter his Master from infancy on ward! How will Harry handle that plus a brewing war in the Eastern lands of Arda? And when he is brought back to his home world, how will he handle that? Well read and Find out!
281.8K words
Love's Death and Life
Love's Death and Life
AU. Extended version of Loves Death. Stranded in Middle Earth after the war Harry is content living a boring life in Bree. That is till a small company of hobbits arrive one night and turn everything upside down.
37.7K words
An Unexpected Proposal
An Unexpected Proposal
As Bilbo sat smoking in his empty hobbit hole, he couldn’t help but wonder – when did his life become so boring? Or better yet – when did his old life stop being enough? He suspected the answer to that question lay somewhere around the time when he had refused Thorin Oakenshield’s offer of marriage.
100.3K words
(Un)Familiar Ground
(Un)Familiar Ground
The Shire is spread out at Bilbo’s feet like a green duvet that stretches out as far as the eye can see. The air is full of birdsong and the indistinct murmur of a small town; conversation, laughter, and squabbling all blending together into a single cohesive whole. Bilbo stands on young strong legs without thinking and takes three shaking steps away from the polished flagstone that makes up the front step of Bag End. There is Farmer Maggot driving a herd of geese to market and there, there is Hamfast Gamgee tramping down Bagshot Row looking like a tween again with a flask of Gamgee rotgut poking out his back pocket. He is surrounded by faces and voices he knows, all of whom should be older and altered. Many of which should be dead. ‘Is this the undying land?’ Bilbo wonders and pinches himself. It feels real. It feels too real. If feels… familiar. Bilbo gets sent back from the Undying Lands for one last try. Sometimes perspective makes all the difference.
31.6K words
In Places Deep, Where Dark Things Sleep
In Places Deep, Where Dark Things Sleep
Ten years later, and Harry wakes up in deep in the Mirkwood as the Elves begin their starlight festival. But because it's Harry, nothing about it is going to be easy, especially since the King doesn't seem to want to send him home.
54.9K words
New Braids
New Braids
Gimli scandalizes Legolas by offering to braid his hair after the battle of Helm's Deep. Aragorn is far too amused.
1.4K words
Tales of a Disgruntled Hobbit
Tales of a Disgruntled Hobbit
As Consort Under the Mountain, Bilbo quickly realizes that there's a lot more to dwarves than meets the eye. Short drabbles that focus on the lives of the Company after the Battle of the Five Armies and before the War of the Ring. Expect quite a lot of little Frodo, hurt/comfort moments, and Erebor's favorite royals.
45.1K words
The Guardian Of Life
The Guardian Of Life
After centuries of being alone, of yearning for a place he could call home, of loving and losing over and over again, he had given up and decided to spend the rest of eternity alone. But nothing had ever gone according to plan with him, so why should it work now?Drawn into yet another war, into yet another battle with the fate of the world at stake, will he lose himself to darkness again, or will he find what he has been looking for in the midst of sorrow and pain?
111.7K words
A Very Respectable Hobbit
A Very Respectable Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins is going on an adventure and along the way he might just learn that being respectable isn't all it's cracked up to be. A look into how Bilbo got to know and befriend the dwarves and maybe, just maybe, come to care for one in particular. Slow burn Bagginshield, rating may change.
251.0K words
A Single Dream is More Powerful Than a Thousand Realities
A Single Dream is More Powerful Than a Thousand Realities
Lyla Baggins, a respectable hobbit, with a Tookish streak, agrees to follow a group of dwarves far to the East, over ranges and rivers, to reclaim their homeland. Her mission is simple: defeat a dragon and convince the leader of the company, Thorin Oakenshield, to trust her. That may prove difficult, though, since he doesn't even know that she's a girl.
225.2K words
Beneath the Ever-Bending Sky
Beneath the Ever-Bending Sky
When Thorin summons the company to the Lesser Hall and Bilbo explains what she wants done, there is a long silence, followed by thunderous argument. “I suppose we shouldn’t have expected better,” Bilbo mutters as Óin and Dwalin bellow at each other. It’s typical, Thorin thinks, and is disgusted with himself for the rush of fondness he feels.
37.7K words
Death Be Not Unkind
Death Be Not Unkind
Bilba Baggins, Hobbit Burglar of Erebor finds herself back in Bag End, young and healthy once more, she begins enjoying her afterlife in Yavannas Garden (the Hobbit equivalent to the Halls of Waiting) when thirteen familiar Dwarves turn up at her door, raid her pantry and start throwing about her dishes. Gandalf is convinced she's the right Hobbit Burglar for the job, but Bilba's done all this before and no one remembers but her. What's a Hobbit to do?
65.9K words
Compos Mentis (Rávamë's Bane: Book 2)
Compos Mentis (Rávamë's Bane: Book 2)
To put it mildly, Eleanor Dace is up to her pointy elven ears in it. In the past few years she’s managed to get herself stranded in Middle Earth, joined the Fellowship as its resident healer, and now it turns out she has a Maia trapped inside her head. On top of that, the only people in Arda who have answers to her bizarre situation, or how it happened are either dead, or bound by an ancient oath to never speak of it. Meanwhile, as Eleanor struggles to make sense of what little information she’s scraped up on her past, things within the sundered Fellowship start to move in an even stranger direction. A decision that saved someone's life has some unexpected repercussions, and as Eleanor starts to notice some worrying changes in herself and her abilities, an even bigger issue looms: Is it finally time to come clean about where she really came from? And who she really has living deep in the vaults of her mind. In the chaos of a brewing war, only one thing is certain for Eleanor anymore. If she can’t somehow figure out who she once was, and the reason why she chose to erase her own memories in the first place, she might not survive long enough for the plucky spirit sharing her head to say ‘I told you so.’
138.0K words
Night and Day
Night and Day
A meeting with Éomer and the apparent death of Aragorn make both Aragorn and Legolas re-examine their feelings for one another.
11.9K words
Lapsus Memoriae (Rávamë's Bane: Book 1)
Lapsus Memoriae (Rávamë's Bane: Book 1)
Every Tolkien fan has a “Tenth Walker” in them — but Eleanor Dace hasn’t read a word of Tolkien since she was thirteen and was still fantasising about adventuring in other worlds. Now she’s twenty-two, a third year English Literature student about to graduate from college; when she discovers that her teenage fantasy just got a bit too realistic for her liking. Now she’s trapped in Arda, a world she has little idea how to survive in, trying to recover a missing set of memories that might help get her home. Or they might just make things go from merely life-threateningly bad; to apocalyptically worse. With little more than her hazy recall of the Lord of the Rings trilogy to draw on (and a sarcastic second personality giving cryptic advice in her head) Eleanor begins to realise that there is something sinister going on in Middle Earth, besides the return of the One Ring. Something more than just mere coincidence brought her here, and only remembering what it is will get her home again. Oh, and in case things weren't complicated enough already — her ears just got a whole lot more pointy. [My spin on the ever popular cliche: “a girl falls into Middle Earth.” Rated for language.]
163.5K words
Heartbeat of the Mountain
Heartbeat of the Mountain
Bilbo adjusts to caring for a nephew and realizes that the Shire holds no future for him anymore. It is time to return to the mountain. With Frodo in tow, he sets off to find out if Thorin regrets his decisions and to discover if the mountain can handle not one, not two, but three troublemakers.
21.5K words
Under Goblin Town
Under Goblin Town
There is a reason why the hobbits don't leave the Shire. The story of Bullroarer Took had more to it then what Gandalf knew about. The goblins have a long memory and hold a grudge against any and all hobbits, especially Tooks. A story of where Bilbo didn't fall down deeper in the goblin caves and finds the Ring, but was brought in front of the Goblin Kings wrath.
88.6K words
So Cloaked and So Crowned
So Cloaked and So Crowned
Legolas might not know what a Dwarf's beard and braids mean, but he does know Gimli. Gimli must trust in that when the rest is taken from him.
5.9K words
And What Happened After
And What Happened After
Ten years after the Battle of the Shire, Bilbo and Thorin are happy in Belegost. Then Bilbo goes to visit Moria...
43.0K words
Home is Behind
Home is Behind
Dwarves do not marry or love outside their race. It would have been nice, if they could. It would have saved Bilbo Baggins' life, if they could. They cannot though, and will not. He will die of his broken heart, but he is mortal so it would have happened anyway. It's painful, it's disheartening, but it is reality. So Bilbo leaves Erebor for Mirkwood, to keep the secrets of his people safe and to spare the family of his heart the sight of his Fading. Then the true nature of his Ring is found out. Bilbo will destroy this evil before the Fading takes him. He can live until then, complete this task to protect the people he loves.
49.5K words
Dragons, Arrows and Blacksmiths
Dragons, Arrows and Blacksmiths
"But, but I thought dragons only picked comely young virgins." Bard argued. (Dragon!Thranduil attacks Bard's village and a certain unfortunate blacksmith gets 'chosen'.)
38.6K words
Bilbo Baggins fears for the day when the Breeders will come for him, as that day draws closer an old friend visits, bringing along with him Dwarves, adventure and most all.... Hope.
63.1K words
Silmarillion Prompts
Silmarillion Prompts
So I have a prompt list. Several actually. And every day I write a short story based off my prompt word/phrase of the day. All of them are Silmarillion-related (dips into The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings here and there). Expect everything ranging from utterly cliche romance to mildly explicit gore and horror. No one ever said Arda was a nice place. But do note that I won't be posting any smut here. Prompts are meaningful snapshots, and unless the sex is really important, I'll be skipping it to get to the point.
680.8K words
In Fading Light
In Fading Light
After the battle at the black gates, with the chance of losing everything, Aragorn come to realise something he has long repressed.
63.1K words
As the Company recuperates at Beorn's house, Kili is captured on a solitary hunt and presented to Azog by a band of rogue goblins. After days of searching, Thorin believes his sister-son to be dead, abandoning the rescue and continuing on towards Erebor. But Kili is very much alive. And as time passes and hope of rescue fades, the youngest heir of Durin is forced to forsake his family ties, the customs of his people, even his own humanity, in order to survive.
731.1K words
The Hobbit: The Unexpected Wizard
The Hobbit: The Unexpected Wizard
Voldemort shoots an unknown curse at Harry in the final battle, which transports him to an entirely new universe.
36.3K words
Left Behind
Left Behind
Separated from the company after he saved them from the spiders, Bilbo finds them done upon waking so he goes off in search of them. Eventually, he comes to the understanding that he's been abandoned or left for dead. Wounded, hungry, and heartbroken, he trudges on until he collapses from exhaustion. King Thranduil is known for this cold, aloof personality and for his detachment towards others. Yet, he can't help but find himself fascinated with the mysterious creature his son and Tauriel brought back with them from the outside. At first, he only wants to care for the small finicky creature. But soon enough his constant self-reminders that his heart belongs solely to his deceased wife aren't enough to keep Bilbo from inadvertently wedging himself right into Thranduil's heart where he doesn't belong. It's easier to deny his feelings and desire when he learns Bilbo's heart is otherwise attached. That is until he learns that it is attached to the most unworthy creature of all, the exiled dwarven King. Now, Thranduil is determined to show his hobbit the error of his affections.
16.6K words