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5 관련 내용
즐겨찾기 태그
Watching the Jedi Master's Future
Watching the Jedi Master's Future
The Force decides to show certain Jedi and Senators the future of a certain Jedi Master.
27.4K 단어
폐허에서 우리는 일어설 것이다
폐허에서 우리는 일어설 것이다
두 나라의 평화를 찾는 이야기, 질투심 많은 황제의 이야기, 그리고 두 나라를 멸망으로부터 구하기 위해 팀이 꾸려지는 이야기입니다. 알테아 왕국은 이웃 갈라 왕국과 평화를 추구하지만, 폭정을 일삼는 자르콘 황제는 자신의 나라가 쇠락하는 동안 알테아가 번영하는 것을 거부합니다. 알테아와 갈라의 평화를 위해서는 왕자, 장군, 암살자, 발명가, 대장장이, 그리고 암살자 길드가 필요합니다. 이들은 시그너스 대륙 전체에 평화가 지속되도록 보장해야 합니다.
89.5K 단어
Your Cross, I'll Bear
Your Cross, I'll Bear
“You make him sound like the hero of a shonen manga or something” he couldn’t help but comment. “Who knows” Koma replied just as Irimi stood to deliver the order. “Maybe he is” he winked. “And you would be the sidekick right?” Kaneki sweatdropped, but chuckled all the same. A story with Hide as the main charcter, huh… he thought, wringing his cloth in the sink before hanging it on the rail and picking up his notepad.Well, if it’s him… then it would surely be one filled with hope. (Or: that fic where Hide wakes up in the past just in time to prevent the Tragedy that was Kaneki Ken's life... by taking it on himself.Of course, it doesn't have to be a Tragedy) (Follows canon)
99.6K 단어
Rhys and His Drunken Plans
Rhys and His Drunken Plans
Rhys gets a little drunk one night and tries to show his boss just how he won't take his shit anymore. Maybe he shouldn't have been drunk while trying to get the message across... Maybe he was just passionate about his free rights?? Oh Rhys, was this a bright idea?
1.4K 단어
Wasted Vigor
Wasted Vigor
It's so hard to fully appreciate the flutterings of his little moth with Atlas yammering in his ear...
1.4K 단어