

37 관련 내용
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이것은 악의적인 행위가 아닙니다
이것은 악의적인 행위가 아닙니다
드림맵 tommyinnit (비디오 블로그 rpf) 윌버 수트 토비 스미스 | 터보 테크노블레이드 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 필 왓슨 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 크리스틴 로살레스 왓슨 랜부 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 강아지 플루프 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 그레이슨 | 퍼플드 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 니키 | 니하추 샘 | 어썸듀드 aimee | aimsey (비디오 블로그 RPF) 캐시 앤 | 스니퍼리쉬 윌버 soot & 테크노블레이드 & 탐미닛 & 필 왓슨 토비 스미스 | 터보 & 토미닛 랜부 & 탐미닛 & 토비 스미스 | 투보 그레이슨 | 퍼플드 & 탐미닛 (비디오 블로그 RPF) technoblade & tommyinnit 평행 세계 - 슈퍼히어로/초능력 행복한 결말이 있는 고뇌 보풀 비질란테 탐미닛 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 히어로 윌버 슬롯 히어로 테크노블레이드 (비디오 블로깅 rpf) 히어로 필 왓슨 (비디오 블로깅 rpf) 윌버 소트와 테크노블레이드는 형제입니다 애정결핍 토미닛 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 테크노블레이드는 목소리를 듣는다 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 잠자는 대신 이걸 썼어요 동기 부여를 주셔서 감사합니다, 디스코드 서버 여러분 날개 달린 필 왓슨 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 로맨스 없음 보호적인 윌버 수트 베타 없이는, 우리는 엘만버그처럼 죽는다 밤프 탐미닛 (비디오 블로그 RPF) 윌버는 부잣집 애야 부자를 먹어라 불안 태그가 있는 데에는 이유가 있습니다:) 네, 플루프의 캐릭터 태그를 추가했습니다 그것에 대해 어떻게 생각하나요 테크노블레이드는 의족을 하고 있습니다 밴프 그레이슨 | 보라색 마약 구토 비개인화 죽음 직전 체험 마이너 바디 호러 긁어 부스럼이 낫는다 해피시 엔딩 거기까지 가는 건 좀 힘들어요 캐릭터 죽음 저는 천천히 점점 더 불길한 태그들을 추가합니다. 배신 도덕적으로 회색 여기저기서 다소 위험한 결정들이 있었네요 마치… 정말 위험한 상황처럼 "보관 경고를 사용하지 않기로 함"에 대해서는 편하게 생각하세요 젠장 윌버 슬롯
토미가 인생의 혼란에서 벗어날 수 있도록 우주가 충분히 친절할 수 있을까요? 제발?딱 하루 동안만요 --- 좋아, 그럼 갈비뼈 몇 개 부러진 채로 인터뷰에 온 건 나쁜 생각이었을지도 몰라요. 하지만 그는 어떤 선택을 했을까요?그냥 오지 말고 계속 실직 상태로 지내세요? 상황에 따라 그의 인터뷰 중에 몇 가지 나쁜 일이 일어날 수 있습니다.벌컨이 설계한 건물에는 인공지능이 있어서 원치 않는 사람이 들어오지 못하게 막았을 뿐만 아니라 사람들이 무단으로 무기나 부상을 입었는지 검사할 수 있었습니다.또한 그는 실제 성인이 아니었기 때문에 불법 문서에도 문제가 있었습니다.하지만 가장 큰 위험은 히어로 조직에서 일한다는 것입니다. 그리고 그는 자경단원이죠.이건 엄청 불법이에요 --- 아니면, 또 다른 자경단 토미 오... 이번엔 적어도 뇌세포가 하나 있어요 (누가 뇌세포를 가지고 있는지 알아낼 수 있어요)
528.5K 단어
Theater Major
Theater Major
Tommy hasn't seen or spoken to his brothers in almost seven years. And it was supposed to stay that way. In fact Tommy wasn't ever supposed to see or speak to his brother until they apologized to him. Or at least that's what he thought. Now in his senior year in the most prestigious school in the country due to a very strange set of circumstances, Tommy is shocked to find his out his brothers are coming home a semester early and are going to be staying at home with him again. With his whole world shaken and his perfectly crafted world crumbled by this news, Tommy figure out how to manage his knew home life with his current school life. Not to mention he's also part of the school theatre program that is much more demanding than anything he's ever done before. Tommy has to make it through his last semester of high school, last show with the school that has done so much for him and now his entire schedule and life has been thrown to the wind by his family. And why are they acting like nothings wrong?----Or Tommy's a theater kid who now has to deal with fact that his brothers are disrupting the life he had ever so perfectly created in the massive wake they left behind.
85.1K 단어
A Sky Underground
A Sky Underground
Tommy had been a play piece in man’s game before his life with Dream. He still remembers it- thrust into a ring to gnash and claw and burn others like him for an opportunity to live another day. Even now, years later, he would sometimes sit scratching his claws desperately and endlessly against the exposed metal of his glorified cage to dull them. He would never again be like that, the mutt kit stripped of his innocence with blood splattering his face and copper in his teeth. - or, the au where dream ‘rescues’ tommy from 2b2t only to lock him away again and use him as a glorified attack dog. tommy is an electricity hybrid of dubious origins training under sapnap. eventual sbi rescue maybe and found family because canon failed me
92.4K 단어
The Ghosts Within Our Hearts [ABANDONED]
The Ghosts Within Our Hearts [ABANDONED]
Tommy has been in exile for five months; his beach party failed at the end of the first, and he hasn’t seen anyone other than his dear friend Dream since the end of the third. Haunted by memories and fleeing the remnants of Logsteadshire, he escapes into the untamed wilderness to the North like the feral animal he is. Or; Technoblade’s retirement is abruptly cut short. ----------------------------------------------- A slow-paced, canon-divergent, multi-arc recovery fic with realism and fantasy elements, filled with funky-fresh family dynamics, and a very kind cow. A tale where Tommy is usually sad, Technoblade is trying his best, and nobody has a good time for long. ----------------------------------------------- Arc I - A Slow Recovery and a Pog Cow; Chapters 1-19Arc II - Executions and Old Friends; Chapters 20-28!!///Abandoned before Arc III///!! This fic is about the DSMP characters, not their CC's! I try to respect all CC boundaries, so there is NO SHIPPING and only canon family stuff. NOTE!!///: I will not finish this story, for reasons outlined in Chapter 29. I did, however, state how I planned to end it. Hope you enjoyed reading :]
72.9K 단어
all scotch, no soda
all scotch, no soda
Vulnerability meant trust, though, and trust was a thing not so easily given. - Post-exile and canon divergent, follows the consequences of Tommy’s isolation. Expect chases, heists, bloodshed, and the mending of a family. (Title from You’re All Scotch, No Soda)
68.3K 단어
Corvid Lost
Corvid Lost
(MASS EDIT FINISHED! NEW CHAPTER AVAILABLE! PLEASE BE AWARE SOME COMMENTS MAY NO LONGER MATCH THE CONTENT DUE TO SAID EDIT.) "You call that a fucking bird?!" Tommy nearly shrieked at the sight of the...creature...in Techno's arms.That's no bird, that's not a fucking bird if Tommy's ever seen one. His wrists and ankles taped up to prevent him from swiping at his rescuers, the creature glared weakly at Tommy with icy blue eyes. Glazed in pain and confusion and fear.That's NOT a fucking bird! When strange things start to happen at the ranger station, people going missing or suddenly appearing, the crew realise that there are things in the desert....terrible things.
97.7K 단어
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed
“…And the final demand of the Emperor in return for the safety of the citizens of Hypixel, is for General Technoblade to be taken as a war prize.” The throne room erupted into a cacophony of noise around him, but Techno barely heard any of it, the sound just a ringing in his ears as he swayed on on unsteady feet, the own voices in his head screaming at him as well. Or, Technoblade is taken as a war prize by the Emperor of the Antarctic Empire…
150.8K 단어
You'll be Okay Kiddo & It Will be Okay (I Promise)
You'll be Okay Kiddo & It Will be Okay (I Promise)
You'll be Okay Kiddo (Book 1)After Running away two years ago from yet another crappy foster home Wilbur, Techno and Tommy find themselves on the streets with no where to go. But hey, at least they have each other.((Them finding a home with Phil is the plot))Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy are already brothers and then Phil finds them in his shed and decides they are his sons.I suck at summaries. It's a found family au. It Will Be Okay (I Promise) (Book 2)"Why... Why didn't Icarus's dad catch him?"aka SBI Family au where the boys went from wild homeless children to living with Phil.aka Phil found 3 boys in his shed and now that they're legally his responsibility he has to find a way to be a good father. Which isn't easy when they're all traumatized. Basically 101 unhealthy ways to deal with trauma and 102 ways to do your best but always feel like it's not enough. Obviously this is not about the actual people, if they want it taken down though it will be immediately.
99.3K 단어
A Dead Man's Waltz
A Dead Man's Waltz
What if the afterlife wasn't horrible for Tommy? What if Tommy finds he likes being dead more than alive? This fic contains underage drinking, smoking, and suicidal thoughts and actions, so be warned. Just read the tags. Thank you to Malicious for being my Beta!
78.9K 단어
Cast out my sins incarnadine, turn the green ones red
Cast out my sins incarnadine, turn the green ones red
He felt his feet leave the ground, gravity seemingly nonexistent as his stomach lurched again, frantically fighting the unforeseen force dragging him into the air. Even though he was only hovering a couple inches off the ground, maybe a foot at most, Wilbur was terrified. All he could think about was the paralysing fear that was coursing through him, head pounding with added pressure as he was lifted higher and higher into the light. Or, Wilbur is abducted by aliens to be their pet.
121.7K 단어
I want to hold you in my arms and burn
I want to hold you in my arms and burn
Tommy Craft, youngest child to the famed Philza Minecraft, was raised within war. Raised to fight, raised to kill, raised to revolt. As such, “childish antics” were war crimes that pushed boundaries between friends and enemies. To be young, to not realize what was happening right before his very eyes- broken bonds and shattered memories of days long since past- how he wished he could be young inside and out, and not feel a decade older than he was; to not feel the pressing weight of abandonment on his shoulders day in and day out. Disappointed gazes- Techno, Phil, Tubbo, Wilbur- pressing into his back every. Single. D a y. Exile, he figured, wouldn’t have been too bad had Dream not shown up to belittle him everyday, forcing him to burn his valuables, lest he get a sword punctured through his chest. However, two months in, he’s had enough. No more shall he lay, wasting away, as Dream hounds him day after day with insults and demeaning remarks. No longer shall he stir in his anger when he can actually do something. It’s time that “Tommyinnit” is laid to rest amongst the carcass of fire and ash, and a new form take his place. It’s time to be reborn.
29.6K 단어
Lava Tears
Lava Tears
Tommy's fucking sick and tired of everything. No one was talking to him, no one visited, no one spoke.He spent his days in the Nether, hosting a staring contest with the boiling lava that bubbled and spat beneath him. And he decides he's had enough.
30.2K 단어
Art book (Requests closed)
The End is Your Beginning
The End is Your Beginning
When Tommy finally left exile, he didn’t escape to the tundra. He escaped to a world he’d never known before, of beauty and magic. A family grew there with him, helping to heal his bruises and broken heart until he could stand proudly as himself again. Or—-tommy, while running away from exile, accidentally falls into the end, and builds a home there Fanart, kudos, and comments appreciated! Insta and Twitter- littledoodler12
65.3K 단어
The Real World
The Real World
"Ten, paces fire!" Time stopped. Tommy’s entire body went numb. He tried to open his mouth to say something, but his body was determined to keep him silent. His vision went dark, and he could no longer feel his headphones over his ears. The mouse in his hand. The slight breeze of his ceiling fan. For a few seconds, he couldn’t feel anything. His senses came back to him all at once. The first thing Tommy noticed was the weight in his right hand -- a bow. His nostrils stung with the lingering scent of gunpowder. In front of him was a masked figure. Their right arm was bent, their elbow by their face. In their left hand was a bow, aiming directly at-- ~~~ Aka Dream and Tommy get transported into the SMP world and have no idea what the fuck is happening
54.8K 단어
Champagne Burnouts
Champagne Burnouts
George is the son to parents that own a multi-million dollar eco friendly car company. Cars have never been George's favorite subject. He knows which are the most expensive on the market because of his father but he's never understood the hype. After the usual rich party for his family's company things take a turn for the better, or worse George can't decide, when he saves a man from a drunken assault. After being introduced to a new world George has to make a tough decision. Champagne or Burnouts? Dnf Street Racer AU You know the drill. This is fiction. None of this is real. If the people in this become uncomfortable with fanfiction it will be taken down. To me the story is a movie and the people are actors in said movie. :) Spotify This is also much cooler to read on Wattpad btw
98.5K 단어
The Antarctic Princes
The Antarctic Princes
The Antarctic Empire is prosperous, some would even say it's the most successful country in existence. A military powerhouse, Economically stable, more than enough jobs to go around and overall good quality of life for everyone who lives there. Often the only thing people complain about and move away because of is the harsh winters and short summers. Meanwhile, there's L'manberg, a mismatched Hodge-podge of a country, with proud citizens who fought tooth and nail to be able to make something out of the scraps of a country they have. nobody ever really connected Prince William Soot Craft to the Charismatic President Wilbur Soot, or Prince Theseus Innit Craft to the boisterous Vice President Tommy Innit. Maybe it was because the Antarctic Empire was so far away from Esempe and L'manburg, either way, it doesn't really matter since Tommy and Wilbur would like to keep their relations to the Empire private thank you very much. But when the elections roll around and the two brothers are exiled from their own country the two decide that maybe its time to return home.
42.7K 단어
used to play pretend
used to play pretend
He's TommyInnit, a 17 year old vigilante who happens to spike interest in the famous hero group SBI. - discord server : https://discord.gg/nUvqPvtp6w
28.8K 단어
The Prices Paid For Shattered Bonds
The Prices Paid For Shattered Bonds
Dream was a lot of things and while he might've thought they were good things at first, he turned out to be very wrong. He paid the price for his assumptions in blood. But maybe, there might be a hope for him. Maybe he could even share that hope with others, it all just needs time. -=-=-=-=-=-=-Dream gets turned on and becomes enemy number one earlier than in canon, runs off after getting hunted, and becomes his true Disney princess self while believing the people he left behind are better off without him. They're not, an imposter has took his place and is wrecking house. Then he starts getting visits and, somehow, they don't recognize him. TLDR: Fake Dream causes a lot of shit and Dream just wants to be his Disney Princess, cottage core, off-brand snow white self in peace.
122.5K 단어
Greater the Love, Greater the Loss (and Gain)
Greater the Love, Greater the Loss (and Gain)
"I'm sorry," Tommy said, trying to pull away. "But I don't know who you are." He almost regretted it when he saw the broken look on the man's face. Still, there was that twinge of almost-recognization. The stranger (was he a stranger?) looked disappointed, but not at him. Tommy almost wished he was the person this guy was looking for, he looked nice. Despite accusing him of being his son and almost crying on him, this was the nicest anyone had been for a while. "It's okay," the man said with a small, pained, smile, tears still in his eyes. "I'm sure you'll remember soon. And when you do, just ask around for Grian, alright?" AKA: Grian starts getting nightmares after season eight of Hermitcraft begins and begins to regain memories he didn't know he was missing. Servers away, Tommy notices something's wrong.
34.7K 단어
Idk the title yet lol
Idk the title yet lol
Dream has epilepsy when he was a kid.He hasn’t had a seizure since he was 14 and basically forgot he had epilepsy. What happens when it comes back 10x worse than what he had before? Even worse, what happens when it comes back, after 7 years, on stream ———————————————- Hello! This fic isn’t being updated anymore, I have rewritten it so if you want to read this fic I’d suggest reading the rewrite; this one kind of cuts off abruptly and the explanation yo why I’ve rewritten it is in the last chapter :D Again, this fic is NOT discontinued, just rewritten :]
53.0K 단어
There’s Genuine Care In That Soft Gaze
There’s Genuine Care In That Soft Gaze
A dull whimper escaped his throat, quiet, but loud enough in the silent alley to gain the man’s attention. The stranger turned sharply, dark auburn locking onto stone grey. Tommy pushed himself back, pressing his back against the wall with a sharp yelp. The man stumbled away with a shocked gasp, wide eyes still locked with Tommy’s. Tommy counted the rhythm of his heartbeat as they stood there quietly, neither daring to move. 1----2---3---4—5 “H-Hello,” The stranger said softly, stepping close to the mass of rubbish and boxes the boy was hiding behind. He carefully lowered himself to his knees, reaching with a cautious hand to slowly move one of the boxes out of the way. Tommy’s breath caught in his throat as his only shelter was stripped away, leaving him open and vulnerable. “Are you lost?” The man continued, voice quiet and calm and with a certain carefulness Tommy didn’t think he’d ever heard. Or: Tommyinnit is a raccoon shapeshifter. His last foster family found out and kicked him out onto the streets, horrified. Luckily, he meets someone who wants to help, and ends up with a family. A genuine one this time
34.3K 단어
Benchtrio's Amazing Guide to City Living
Benchtrio's Amazing Guide to City Living
Grian always bursts into their little, cozy attic right before things can go terribly wrong. Like that one time Ranboo had wanted to cook dinner. Tommy is pretty sure Grian had been asleep at the time of the occasion, judging by how messed up his blond hair was, yet he ran up two floors -four sets of stairs, fifteen steps each- and then burst through the door with a shout of "NO, DON'T DO IT!!!". It had been an eventful night that one, ending with a scolding and a very much grounded Ranboo. Which is weird, because Grian isn't Ranboo's parent, he is just their neighbor. And, at this point, it's just the norm for Grian to know what they are up to. The trio's theory is that the avian has a sixth sense or something. "Oh, hey Tommy and Tubbo!" Grian greets as he bends to pick up the fallen, heavy-looking boxes. "You're looking chipper today. Work went well, I'm guessing?" "Oh, Hell yeah! We mugged a guy!" "You did what-" Or: In which fic we explore the way Benchtrio can bring death and destruction to an innocent city, cause chaos and endear themselves to heroes and villains alike. Very fluffy, very crack-y.
171.2K 단어
Myosotis Alpestris (Forget-Me-Not)
Myosotis Alpestris (Forget-Me-Not)
When The Blade opened his door at an ungodly hour of the night he expected Tommy to be on the other side with a loud greeting and hands open for new gear to destroy. Maybe, if the universe smiled upon him, Phil would be stopping by to catch up. He didn't expect a woman to cough up a glob of blood on his doorstep and promptly collapse. (Or a very slightly canon-divergent reader-insert which explore's Techno's habit of taking in strays that betray him--and one that sticks around)
48.3K 단어
Sounds of Someday
Sounds of Someday
Ranboo swallowed around the weapon. “So, you’re finally going to kill me, huh? Get it right this time around.” Ranboo couldn’t not speak. He was- actually terrified at the new situation. “You going to slit my throat or bury that into my chest?” Technoblade’s face contorted. “Oh, do you have a ritual or something? Like, a small monologue, or an ‘any last words?’ or-“ “Oh my god, be quiet,” Technoblade finally said. OR An au featuring bounty hunter Ranboo who is too good at his job.
38.2K 단어
Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth
Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth
You (now with the handle 'Reader') have woken up in a Minecraft like world with no memory how you got there. There's nothing for you to do except adapt and keep going. But you're unaware of your place in this world, or the characters that lurk there.
77.0K 단어
Karlnap 24 Hour MrBeast Stream
Karlnap 24 Hour MrBeast Stream
Karl is tired af during MrBeast’s 24 hour live stream and really misses his boyfriend.
1.4K 단어
Tommy Been Snatched (Prompts)
Tommy Been Snatched (Prompts)
Prompts about Tommy being kidnapped by just everyone cause why not.
12.4K 단어
Home (old version)
Home (old version)
"I'm trying, okay?! I'm trying to be better and I'm trying to be apart of this family, but that's kind of hard when you haven't had a real family in 11 years!" or : it's another adoption au with sleepy bois inc :) Home - Cavetown
27.2K 단어
Dnf smut
Between Sunshine and Family Warmth [DISCONTINUED]
Between Sunshine and Family Warmth [DISCONTINUED]
Life isn't easy. It'll never get easy and will continue to rise and rise and rise until you almost can't breathe anymore. When you're taught that everything is fragile and that walking on eggshells will only get you nowhere, it means nothing. Your heart beats in your chest, tightening around what you hope to be family warmth, and yet all you have is the same inky black darkness staring into your soul. So you keep searching for something, anything to keep you warm from the jagged darkness that surrounds you, and all you find is nothing. Hope is gone, lost even. What would happen if you were given that chance of family warmth once more? ____________________________ or Phil "accidentally" keeps getting attached to the kids he fosters and keeps "accidentally" adopting them.
20.2K 단어
The Inner Workings Of TommyInnit
The Inner Workings Of TommyInnit
"You know the world doesn't revolve around Tommy right?""Indeed... but your world does" Or One of them fics where the Dream Smp people get to see Au's and other stuff but this one is only Tommy centric and I am forget half the characters exist for a hot second.
8.6K 단어
Dream-centric Oneshots
Dream-centric Oneshots
Just a place to put a bunch of oneshots/twoshots/anything I have ideas for and don't have the motivation to make into a full story. They're all Dream-centric. I am definitely accepting prompts, in fact, I'd be thrilled to get some! The tags will update as I post the chapters. I hope someone likes this!
30.3K 단어
Karl and Quackity have rough sex and decide to FaceTime Sapnap to watch and help them. Karl is then denied of his orgasm and teased continuously by his 2 partners. If you want to request, either comment or add me on Discord at #abbyy5554
1.8K 단어
All That Glitters is Gold
All That Glitters is Gold
Wilbur finds an egg in the woods, what can go wrong? Lots, lots can go wrong. Or, Wilbur finds a dragon egg and things get better for a while before returning to shit. And Sapnap just wants to go back home without having to kill a child for an egg.
65.0K 단어