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Il mio Sugar Daddy non può essere un mafioso!
Il mio Sugar Daddy non può essere un mafioso!
Lo studente-atleta Yuuri Katsuki sta lottando per conciliare allenamento, studi e spese. Quando il suo coinquilino gli presenta la lucrativa prospettiva di diventare un "sugar baby", incontra Viktor Nikiforov, un uomo enigmatico le cui tasche sono più profonde della Fossa delle Marianne. Viktor vuole Yuuri a qualsiasi costo e Yuuri è abbastanza preso da ignorare il fatto che, effettivamente, c'è una pistola nei pantaloni di Viktor. Nel tentativo di mantenere Yuuri al sicuro, i suoi amici non notano le stranezze dei loro stessi benefattori. Per esempio, Otabek ha appena firmato il suo primo contratto esclusivo con un adolescente con problemi di gestione della rabbia e tre guardie del corpo. L'avvocato "papà" di Chris passa metà del suo tempo a viziare Chris e l'altra metà a imbrogliare il sistema legale. La "sugar mama" di JJ è tanto di supporto quanto psicotica. Lo studio del fidanzato di Guang Hong potrebbe essere una copertura per il traffico illegale di armi. E Phichit? Beh, Phichit potrebbe essere il loro proxeneta.
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your tongue told me every lie
your tongue told me every lie
Lan Zhan’s own hands shake when he grips the flesh of Wei Ying’s ass, dipping a thumb into his twitching hole and — wondering. Condoms do not break easily, Lan Zhan knows.
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My Love Is As Cruel As The City I live In
My Love Is As Cruel As The City I live In
"You don't need to do that" Charlie insisted, as Nick patted his pockets looking for his phone."Do what?""Ask for my number. I know that's not what this is"It couldn't be. Charlie didn't do this. He didn't give boys his number. He didn't give anything more than one night. It wasn't worth it..........Charlie Spring is doing...ok.Life is complicated but there's one thing he keeps simple. He doesn't date, not after the mess of his last relationship. Enter Nick Nelson.
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2023 Kinktober
2023 Kinktober
My 2023 Kinktober prompts! Specific tags and ships are listed in each chapter. There are nineteen GhostSoap, two Soap/Reader, two Ghost/Reader, two Poly 141, one Price/Reader, one Gaz/Reader, one PriceGhost, one SoapGaz, one GhostSoap/Reader, and one Poly 141/Alerudy/Reader.
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Long Way Home
Long Way Home
In a society where your secondary gender is diagnosed and your mate predestined at birth, there’s little need for romance. You will find your mate one day and fall into the role you were diagnosed at and live happily ever after, or so it says. When they’re diagnosed, Sherlock and John are both too young to understand the implication. They’re part of the 0.1 % diagnosed before their 17th birthday, forced to grow up quickly to keep up with their bodies. And they don’t know it yet, but they’ll also be part of those unfortunate fellows who will only meet their mate after their 30th birthday. And while Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade is more than happy to finally be diagnosed as an Alpha, Mycroft Holmes could have lived forever without the world knowing he was an Omega. But they’ve not been asked, so they make do.
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It broke!
It broke!
Stiles’ insistance on using condoms irritated Derek to no end. Logically, rationally, he understood why. Stiles was too young to have a baby. He wanted to go to college, have a career, and all that. Derek understood. A part of him didn’t care. He was an alpha werewolf who wanted to breed his boyfriend.
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The months seem to go by so fast, no one bringing up his missing wife. The children adjust to their new minder and decide they adored Newt. Percival sometimes thinks of blood on stone but he moves on and the thoughts come less. Kissing Newt feels divine. Beyond lust alone, something profound. Percival can’t help but be gentle, careful as he tastes Newt. He’s trembling against Percival, seeming so darling. When he pulls back a bit, Newt opens his eyes slowly, blinking tears as he looks down at Percival in the dark light. “What do you remember?” “Enough,” Percival admits.
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Rey gets a summer job working the counter at a farm supply store. She meets a shy Amish man named Ben.
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Creepy (But, Okay)
Creepy (But, Okay)
In which Peter signs up for a membership at Steve's gym, and things spiral from there when Steve finds himself utterly smitten with the kid. (Sort of inspired by 'You' on Netflix!)
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