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Satan has a new #1
Satan has a new #1
¬¬¬ HAITUS Prompt: Fic idea where a lonely person sells their soul to Satan to be their friend. And Satan just rolls with it until he realizes at the time of their death he genuinely likes them.Since he can’t renege on the contract he takes them to Hell and puts them in a high position of power. Demons hardened by millenia of torture now have to answer to a shy, self-conscious, quiet, depressed, lonely person who has unintentionally become Satan’s #1 And it has now taken over my life. Please enjoy literal devil!peter and Stiles!!
63.9K parola
Buon dolore
Buon dolore
"Cosa rimarrà del mondo, se non ci sei tu?" - In seguito alle conseguenze dell'incendio alla Eichen House, Stiles lascia Beacon Hills nel tentativo di impedire che altri pericoli entrino nella vita delle persone che ama. Sfortunatamente, le sue speranze di una vita tranquilla lontano da tutto vengono rapidamente cancellate quando si ritrova braccato dagli Avengers. *inizio modifica 27/12**capitoli da 1 a 6 modificati**capitoli 4 e 5 sono stati uniti*
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