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Mistress of Death Amongst Immortals
Mistress of Death Amongst Immortals
Leilani Alula Potter, the first girl to be born into the Potter line, has vanished, along with Hermione Granger. After accusations of being the next Dark Lady, Leilani, Hermione, and her husband decide to use an experimental Interdimensional Travel Device. Leaving the wizarding world behind. HP/TVD crossover. Starting a little before the pilot. (No Teddy. HP Books/Movies do not exist in TVDverse.)
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Furry Magic
Furry Magic
Harry catches a nasty virus and it changes his whole life.
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tell me
tell me
There is an ancient power deep within Naruto that he, nor does anyone else know about. Only those who seek this power for their own selfish reasons know of its existence.When Uzumaki meets a certain Uchiha, things start to stir within the werewolf world, more questions come forward and wolves start to act out strangely, Naruto has no memories and the Uchiha can't control his wolf. Join in with Naruto and Sasuke as they try to determine what the ancient secret is, what is Naruto and what could powers beyond their control want with him?
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Fang & Claw
Fang & Claw
Alpha Chief Steve and an Omega, Bucky were a mated pair of lycans; mated since they were old enough to be allowed to in the White Star tribe. When Bucky went missing, a suspected victim of a vampire attack, Steve grieved over him and their broken bond. He was sure Bucky was dead. Years later, Steve leads his pack on an assault against the vampire coven responsible for his mate's death. Inside, they discover a dungeon where a vampire is being tortured.
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Trope Soup
Trope Soup
Story Synopsis: On the twenty-third of September, the year of our Lord, two thousand and seventeen, MotherofBulls and SaintDionysus thought it would be a good idea to get drunk and write as many tropes possible into a single fic. Lord help us. Again...we were drunk while writing this.
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Lupo assassino
Lupo assassino
Il mondo è stato diviso a metà. O, almeno, gli USA lo sono. Dopo il Grande Risveglio, dove migliaia di Licantropi hanno scoperto cosa erano, gli Stati Uniti hanno deciso che gli umani sarebbero stati da un lato del confine e i Licantropi dall'altro. Naturalmente, alcuni umani erano determinati a rimanere nelle loro case, creando città-isola sparse tra il Selvaggio. Ed è qui che entra in gioco lei. Squarciata tra due mondi, tra l'odio per se stessa e l'accettazione della sua natura. Una cosa è certa; qualcosa deve cambiare. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Questo potrebbe essere letto come un OC, o un reader insert, a seconda delle vostre preferenze! Spero che vi piaccia <3
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Eyes Of Gold
Eyes Of Gold
"I got told to avoid them. To stay in the woods. It was the safest there. I didn't listen; I was young and stupid." His irises dilated again, this time to slits. "When you saw me, you didn't run or scream. You almost touched me, but then that motherfucker shot me, and I bit you." He grabbed your scarred hand, holding it close to your face. "I did that. Me."
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