Nightwing is the newest member of the Justice League! Or at least, that's what he tells everyone that he runs into at the watchtower. But now, the watchtower is taken over and what will the leaguers do?
Having stayed up the night before grinding, it was very hard for her to pay attention to her new Sensei being smug or her teammates introducing themselves.It was even harder to pay attention to them when a statistics window opened for her.
Sanji was panicking. He was stuck on an island he didn't know, surrounded by people he didn't understand, forced to wear something he didn't enjoy...
...and apparently realising he didn't know as much about himself as he assumed.
Only problem was the fact that of all people who could have lead him to that discovery, it somehow ended up being an ex-warlord, Sir Crocodile.
-------An alternative version of how things could have gone at Kamabakka, with Sanji struggling with internalized transphobia and Crocodile wondering why he had even let himself get involved in this mess.