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Here Be Dragons
Here Be Dragons
Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something?
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You're Coming With Me
You're Coming With Me
Poplar, London. 1963. Patsy has returned from Hong Kong following her father's death. After a passionate reunion with Delia, they set about rebuilding their lives together. Delia begins her journey as a midwife, helped on by Val and Phyllis. Nonnatus house employs a new midwife in Lucille. Trixie suffers a relapse and both Patsy and Delia are battling with their own health, mental and physical - but seeking help is never easy. Everything comes to a head when Patsy suspects abuse within a family and Nonnatus House is shaken by a tragedy. A fic based loosely off series 7 if Patsy and Delia were to not disappear and travel the globe. Written as close to the style of the show and its characters as possible with some original characters and plot twists to be had along the way. EDIT: This fic is on hiatus due to personal circumstances. I will come back to it though, I promise!
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The Sky in the Castle
The Sky in the Castle
There was once a land where a boy named Michael Fisher spoke to a star as it fell due to a misunderstanding with his tutor - in that land, the star grew skittish with Sophie’s arrival, and Michael had someone with him who could talk life into things. The trouble was that this land was not that land.
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