Shade, an all-powerful demoness of lust and depravity, descends upon a group of mortals throwing a house party. With sinfully sexual potential brimming, Shade wastes little time in enacting her will. This family and their close friends are in for a night they will never forget.
I'd love to hear your feedback! If you have any ideas or comments please feel free to share :)
Update: Previously titled "Shade, the Sex Demoness". Changed to avoid confusion with series title.
Steve rolls his eyes, gives Eddie a look of affectionate exasperation. ‘How are you gonna fuck me if you’re mad at me?’
That makes Eddie laugh against his will, it just kind of punches out. ‘Oh believe me, I’ll manage.’
He locks the door.
The candles burn steady.
The window is open.
Sex magic is dangerous.