تقدير الذات

تقدير الذات

7 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
2, 4, 6, & 8
2, 4, 6, & 8
(Or: You Have How Many Siblings?) Thanksgiving is taken very seriously in the Barton Family (or, rather, between the Barton siblings). Typically James hosts, considering Skyfall manor is the only place large enough to fit them all. However, it was rather recently...blown up. Yeah. Will's apartment is far too small, and John, Aaron, Jason, and Brian have the same problem. William has recently shipped out to Afghanistan, and while none of the Barton clan would be opposed to a vacation in warmer climates, it's not the best backdrop for Thanksgiving dinner. Clint, on the other hand, has just moved into Stark Tower. (Or: That One Where the Avengers Get to Meet Clint's Family.) Note: Chapter four is up but chapter five is just a character masterlist.
70.1K حرف
Book Club
Book Club
28 year old Charlie loves his new job but misses his friends who are dispersed throughout the country. At their encouragement, he attempts to make new friends with his much older coworkers and is roped into joining a book club as their youngest member. Charlie's world is turned upside down when one of his new friends introduces him to her son, a gorgeous primary school teacher.
81.8K حرف
As It Is Written
As It Is Written
The first time the teachers send a note home with Clint, about his problems, about how he’s dumber than the other kids, his dad’s not angry. He just laughs, which, Clint realizes, isn’t actually better.
3.9K حرف
تبحث عن إيقاع مثلك
تبحث عن إيقاع مثلك
يقول فيكتور: «أعلم أننا التقينا حقًا بالأمس فقط، وقد يكون هذا مغيبًا عن الركب كثيرًا، ولكن هل سيكون الأمر على ما يرام إذا أخبرنا الناس أننا نتواعد؟»
85.2K حرف
An Omega's Wish
An Omega's Wish
A party where both Omegas and Alphas are invited. Omegas are treated to a night of free drinks and socializing with new Alphas while those Alphas... Well, they have more malicious intent. Emile soon learned this after moving in with an Alpha he met at the party. Happy Endings don't always happen when you're treated like second-class citizens.
4.7K حرف
To The sticking place
To The sticking place
La fin justifie les moyens. L'échec n'est pas une option. Il y a toujours un choix, sauf quand il n'y en a pas. Ce sont les mots qui régissent la vie de Ianto Jones et il refuse de permette à quiconque, même au capitaine Jack Harkness de changer cela.Jack/Ianto. AU.TRADUCTION DE LA FIC DE ZEPHYRAS.
97.8K حرف
Just Shut Up
Just Shut Up
Bright lights focused on the center of the arena, illuminating the floor of ice. Numerous banners and flags were waved in the air by avid fans and loyal supporters while they screamed their favourite skaters’ names. Every skater was a bundle of nerves, especially Yuri.
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