

347 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
MHA watches Death Battle
MHA watches Death Battle
What kind of shenanigans and reactions will MHA characters have when they watch Death Battle? Answer: laughter, romantic drama, and real drama. Enough Talk! Its TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLE!
493.8K حرف
My Prince
My Prince
A series of SVSS one-shots. 1. Moshang Beast AU2. Stalking Shen3. BingJiu Yandere World4. GYX vs BL Deities5. Bingpup and Nyanzun6. BingYuan ABO7. Perverts Around Me8. Telenovelas are Hell (B9)9-14. Mamazun15-18. TLJ's Adventures19-20. 🥒✈ Commentary on 7️⃣9️⃣21. System Bingge22. BingYuan Roleplay23-24. Fall in love or die (79)25. BingLiu26. Psycho Pass AU27-30. Villain CEO Boyfriend31. Life of Cucumber32. K-drama33. Demon in Pendant (B9)34-36. Secret Agent Idol37. GYX/SJ38. OG Vibe39-40. Bingderella's Stepfather41. Airplane42. How to (not) save the villain43. I am your servant (B79)44. QiJiu ABO45-46. Food (HaremJiu)47. MoShang Roleplay48. LGJ/SJ49-50. Voice Actor (SJ/SY)
229.6K حرف
Wait, What?
Wait, What?
Dumbledore explains Lily why it is vital that Harry and his twin brother are seperated.
2.7K حرف
A Dramatic Reading
A Dramatic Reading
Umbridge finds seven books about Harry Potter from another dimension in the Room of Requirement and decides to read them aloud to the school in an ill-advised attempt to discredit Dumbledore. Hilarity ensues. Features an actual plot, realistic reactions, decent pacing, *and minimal quotations*.
53.3K حرف
Harry Potter and the Bucket List
A Thousand and One Songs of Ice and Fire
A Thousand and One Songs of Ice and Fire
A series of things that could've happened, that should've happened, that would've happened (some may still happen) ... but never came to pass
296.3K حرف
Storm's Saga
Storm's Saga
Collection of One-Shot centered on the universe of Star Wars, and especially around Obi-Wan. Is staged here, Obi-Wan who saves the galaxy in all possible ways, from a simple misunderstanding to a failed coup because Palpatine deserves to die in excruciating pain. Time travel, adoption of adorable clones, the Force deciding it doesn't care anymore...and much more! Or: Obi-Wan destroys Palpatine in every way possible (OS) You have the French translation on FF.net and Wattpad, "La Saga de la Tempête" that I wrote myself (it's my real version, before I translated it into English)! This translation will one day be posted on AO3! The Portuguese translation is available on Wattpad, Storm's Saga, translated by Jacknovak67! Thanks a lot for this translation!
216.3K حرف
Ahsoka Exxxile
Ahsoka Exxxile
Based of the Parody game.
10.3K حرف
Inside the Faraday Cage
Inside the Faraday Cage
Lauren curled her lip. "What? Are you like, retarded?" "Yes," I said, unironically. "I have autism." The chatter of those sitting at our lunch table suddenly died and they stared at me with varying levels of discomfort. Jessica laughed nervously. "You’re joking, right?" I turned to her, staring somewhere above her shoulder. "No."
35.5K حرف
A Terrific Tale
A Terrific Tale
Part 4 of the Dramatic Reading series. Hogwarts learns the secrets of Harry's third year, while Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape read the future that has been written for sixth year.
54.7K حرف
In which, a university AU with everyone being reincarnated from the past era and most of them retained their memories... Most... Because a certain Qing Jing peak lord didn't seem to have any recollection from his past life. Past prevailed, secrets uncovered, hidden stories told, everyone was shocked... Luo Binghe? Still obsessed. In which, everyone learned most 'crimes' Shen Jiu had done in the past, was not actually true after all. Liu Qingge could attest. Self-indulgence
16.9K حرف
Dazai and Chuuya's teenage camera roll
Dazai and Chuuya's teenage camera roll
When Dazai's past at the Mafia is known by everyone at the agency and Dazai tells everyone that he still has his old phone, the agency can't help but go through it. or Dazai and Chuuya filmed a bunch of videos on Dazai's old phone when they were 15-18 and the agency watched all of them. With absolutely incredible art by Dice_11037: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrHS9-es8b8/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= and a mood board by twiitpadhttps://pin.it/WNxuq66Fl EDITING
15.8K حرف
Ciaphas Cain, Warmaster of Chaos
Ciaphas Cain, Warmaster of Chaos
Ciaphas Cain just intended to spend time partying with the local elite to make his lifetime posting managing a bunch of PDF on a backwater world like Slawkenberg more comfortable. Now his face is on the flag of rebellion across the system, he has an enamoured Daemon Princess stalking him from the Warp, and the lunatics are looking to HIM for leadership …TV Tropes page : https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/CiaphasCainWarmasterOfChaos
223.1K حرف
دليل ستايلز للتحدث مع الذئب
دليل ستايلز للتحدث مع الذئب
مرحباً يا زميل الإنسان! إذن أنت قد تعقدت حياتك بالذئاب البشرية! سواءً بالصدفة أو عمداً، فقد تغيرت حياتك الآن بشكل لا رجعة فيه. لكن استرخِ. أنا هنا لمساعدتك. بصفتي عضواً هشاً من فصيلة الإنسان العاقل قضيت سنواتٍ أركض مع قطيع (إلى درجة أنني متزوج من ذئب بشري)، فقد اتخذتُ حرية شرح بعض الإيماءات، والتعبيرات الصوتية، والعادات، وغيرها من الخصائص الغريبة التي تأتي جزءاً لا يتجزأ من أصدقائك من ذوي شكل الذئب. سواء كنت تواعد أحدهم، أو تعيش معه، أو تربطك به صلة قرابة، أو كان هناك واحد بجوارك، فإن دليلي الشامل للتحدث بلغة الذئاب سيجعلك تتفاعل مع أصدقائك ذوي الفرو في وقت قصير جداً! هل هذا العواء غاضب، حزين، أم متوقّع ببساطة؟ لا مشكلة! لا تستطيع التمييز بين النفخة والزئير؟ استرخِ! هل هذه دَفْنٌ أم شمّ؟ لا تتشتت بعد الآن! تابع القراءة، وتواصل مع ذوي شكل الذئب كما لو كنت واحداً منهم!
6.3K حرف
The Doppelgänger Effect
The Doppelgänger Effect
Hisashi Midoriya isn’t All for One. The two of them just look exactly alike.
4.8K حرف
Apex Predator
Apex Predator
In which Konoha's beloved jinchūriki finds herself in an odd new world with only Kurama by her side. He insists bijū bombs are the only way to fix this issue. OP characters doing OP things. -COMPLETE-
152.9K حرف
MHA watch Death battle Season 1 part 1
MHA watch Death battle Season 1 part 1
after meeting a mysterious person Izuku and his friends learned and watched a series called Death battle what will happen as they watch it? find out. multiverse story, Deku x massive harem and other surprises.
117.1K حرف
The Author's Thinly Veiled Fetishes: The Smuttening
The Author's Thinly Veiled Fetishes: The Smuttening
A series of Monster Girls (and girls of monstrous nature) doing what they do to dudes. Non-consentual, heavy, fetishy SEX. Primarily dominant female. There will be mostly happy endings. Tags will update with chapters. If you have a request, just comment! Also try my other work https://archiveofourown.org/works/51554968/chapters/130303552 for name brand.
71.9K حرف
A Noble Lord's Duty
A Noble Lord's Duty
Harry Potter travels back in time to take up his many Lordships, get himself some future wives – as per tradition – and turn the wizarding world upside down. Cliché? Well… that's the point.
103.6K حرف
Does Voldemort Even Lift, Bro?
Does Voldemort Even Lift, Bro?
Taking the cliche/trope of Harry Potter working out to its logical and completely ridiculous endgame. Now it's time to meet Beefcake Harry, Dudebro supreme. Also, starring his mentor... a great big buff guy named Thanos. And stoner Dumbledore, because why not?
139.9K حرف
Voltron Cafe
Voltron Cafe
Lance is the number one butler at a maid cafe, and his number one customer? Just his old High School rival Keith.
111.2K حرف
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Minotaur
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Minotaur
Satoru Mikami after being killed is reborn as a Minotaur. He finds himself younger, bigger, and stronger than ever. An evolved and unique with a vast array of impressive and numerous skills, especially with the unique skill Predator. A Skill that allows him to devour others and obtain new skills.
67.7K حرف
For anyone who bothers to look beyond the man's ever present smoke and mirrors, it's pretty clear that Tony is a highly flawed, complicated and complex individual. Sure he has secrets he won't talk about, and not just the so-called extenuating circumstances in Philadelphia either. Still, no one had a clue that he hides the mother of all secrets, one that could rip apart the fabric of society if it were ever to come to light. After almost two decades though Tony feels like his secret is fairly safe, which only goes to show that he should never let his guard down...not ever.
220.8K حرف
Welcome, to another chapter in the Dekuverse!
Welcome, to another chapter in the Dekuverse!
When Staff and Students of U.A High are summoned by A mystery man sitting at the center of the Universe named Sith without Midoriya. What will he show them, what Secrets and possibilities are shown? Actually, since requests are open, you Decide!
32.0K حرف
Trans Supremacy Tales
Trans Supremacy Tales
Chapters can be read in any order. Character start appearing in chapter 13. Ever imagined what it'd be like if TERF delusions were true? Bite-sized anthology porn about a world where trans women are huge, hung, aggressive, misogynist tops who like to invade cis womens’ spaces and genitals, and where cissies will be called transphobic and silenced if they try to fight back. If you stick around you even can read about the supremacy of trans men and NB people, too.
33.4K حرف
دروس من Asgard - بإذن من Loki 2 - العالم المظلم
دروس من Asgard - بإذن من Loki 2 - العالم المظلم
دليل مُوجز لأي شخص تساءل يومًا ما الذي يجري في المدينة الأبدية. المزيد من الفكاهة أكثر من المُفسدات، ولكن إذا كنت من مُحبي الدقة، فلا تقرأ. أسرار أزجارد مكشوفة.
460 حرف
Over the Rainbow | The Strange and Bizarre Tale of How Izuku Midoriya Wound Up with Multiple Girlfriends
Over the Rainbow | The Strange and Bizarre Tale of How Izuku Midoriya Wound Up with Multiple Girlfriends
"Suffice it to say, Izuku was not very optimistic about his prospects this year. While his social life had certainly improved drastically in the past year, he couldn’t see anyone liking him in that way. He wouldn’t deny that he’s fantasized about the idea of it receiving chocolates once or twice(mainly from a certain pink-cheeked friend), but he knew that those dreams were completely unrealistic."- oh how wrong he was.
23.3K حرف
A Daily Dossier
A Daily Dossier
Part 3 of the "Dramatic Reading" Series, a reading-the-books series with actual plot and minimal quotations. In between the public readings of Book 2 and Book 3 that Harry requested, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape read Books 5 and 6 to try to find out how to get rid of Voldemort for good.
17.9K حرف
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment
Kyle is a proud anarcho-capitalist race realist redpiller, but he is still a virgin. He finally finds a way to have sex with a woman on his favourite subreddit, but things get out of control when he tries it out. A shameless parody of /r/Anarcho_Capitalism, /r/DarkEnlightenment and Return of Kings.
6.5K حرف
Rape = Sex + Trainer
Rape = Sex + Trainer
Somewhere in an abandoned building, there's a crazy Ninetales feasting on the flesh of innocents. An unknowing youngster invades her territory, and Ninetales doesn't have the heart to eat the poor child. Instead, she molests him.
5.7K حرف
Uzukage RULES
Uzukage RULES
Naruto becomes the strongest ninja of all time and rebuilds the Uzumaki clan and becomes Uzukage. This is how.
9.2K حرف
Max & Monica's Sexy Adventure
Max & Monica's Sexy Adventure
Griffon's armies are attacking the future, raping and enslaving everyone. Now, it's up to two time-traveling youths to restore the past so that the future can fight back. But to make that many descendants in such a short time would require an orgy the likes of which the world has never seen.---In this parody/re-telling of Dark Cloud 2, absolutely everything is sexualized, and no pretty girl will go unfucked. New chapters added periodically.
37.2K حرف
When Harry Met Lord Potter
When Harry Met Lord Potter
Lord Potter bites off more than he can chew, as we always knew he would, and finds himself exiled to an alternate future where swearing at people until they back down no longer works. Rating entirely for LP's vocabulary.
1.0K حرف
Tricks and Treats
Tricks and Treats
Light tries to play a Halloween trick on L, and ends up throwing a wrench into his own plans instead.
1.6K حرف
Pretty Little Drawings
Pretty Little Drawings
Who hasn't ever drawn a naughty picture on a scrap in their homework notebook? Hmm? Harry is no exception to the rule. Except that it's his Potions homework, and he turns it in without realizing.
16.4K حرف