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أرواح متوافقة

1,241 المحتوى المعني
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Heir Apparent
Heir Apparent
When a Voldemort in his thirties encounters a time-travelling, seventeen-year-old Harry Potter, he makes a dangerous—and hilarious—assumption. He assumes that Harry is his son. And his son, of course, deserves the very best. A confused Harry plays along for the sake of self-preservation, but living with his “father” is proving to be intolerable in more ways than one. “You are mine,” Voldemort said gently, and smiled when Harry flinched. So the boy did know Voldemort, after all. He knew Voldemort was to be feared. “I will look after you, my own.” “I don’t belong to you,” Harry spat, despite his fear. Oh, what a delight he was! He was no cowering, simpering sycophant, like Voldemort’s other followers; no, this child had a spine of steel. Not many could stand before Voldemort without quailing. “You are my son,” Voldemort declared. “Of course you belong to me. Your every cell, your every fibre, your every heartbeat. You are mine in flesh and blood and soul. You are mine in magic. And you will not deny me.” Now with Chinese, Korean, Russian and Portugese translations, and featuring art by Mona and Hypnodisc!
65.0K حرف
نادي سوبركورب مايل هاي
نادي سوبركورب مايل هاي
فتاة خارقة (تلفزيون 2015) سوبر كورب - فاندوم كارا دانفرز لينا لوثر أليكس دانفرز سامانثا «سام» أرياس سارة لانس لوسي لين (dcu) وكيل فاسكيز (تلفزيون الفتاة الخارقة 2015) كيت كين (DCU) غاري جرين مونا وو جيس (تلفزيون الفتاة الخارقة 2015) أندريا روجاس مون إل (تلفزيون الفتاة الخارقة 2015) جوليا فريمان إسبيرانزا «سبونر» كروز أريد اثنين مورجان إيدج ماريا رامبو عامل غير ثنائي فاسكويز آفا شارب كارا دانفرز/لينا لوثر سامانثا «سام» أرياس/أليكس دانفرز (قاصر) لوسي لين/الوكيل فاسكيز قضيب الفتاة ألفا/أوميغا سوبركورب أوميغا كارا دانفرز ألفا لينا لوثر اذهب! السيد لينا رتينغ الجماع الجاف محاصرون في المصعد نادي ميل هاي ذكر سوء المعاملة لعبة سوبر كورب النهائية الإباحية مع المشاعر إنكار المشاعر الزغب والقلق كارا دانفرز الغيورة واقي العدسة كرة القدم | لاعبة كرة القدم كارا دانفرز إرسال رسائل جنسية كون المرأة رائعة الجنس غير المحمي كرسي جنس تربية غريبة الجنس في الحمام الجنس في السيارة الجنس الشرجي ممارسة الجنس على الأثاث من الجنس إلى الحب ممارسة الجنس على مكالمة زووم أرواح متوافقة لينا لوثر الغيورة إرسال رسائل جنسية للمكياج حلم الجنس جنس عبر الهاتف تثبيت لدغات التزاوج لا توجد قوى خارقة
لينا هي الرئيسة التنفيذية لشركة Fortune 500 التي تركز على جعل شركتها قوة للخير. كارا هي نجمة كرة قدم صاعدة تستعد لكأس العالم. عندما يلتقيان على متن رحلة يكون الجذب فوريًا, ولكن بسبب العلاقة السيئة، تتبع كارا سياسة مواعدة صارمة «بدون ألفا». إنهم يحاولون أن يكونوا أصدقاء ولكن جاذبيتهم قوية جدًا بحيث لا يمكن إنكارها، مما يؤدي إلى العديد من اللقاءات الجنسية غير المريحة والتصويرية أثناء عملهم على حل مشكلاتهم. تدرك كارا أن لينا هي نوع مختلف تمامًا من ألفا، لكن هل ستكون قادرة على التغلب على تاريخها؟ هل ستتغلب لينا على مخططات عائلتها الشريرة؟ في النهاية يتعلمون أنه عندما يعملون معًا، لا شيء يمكن أن يفرق بينهم.
398.9K حرف
كيف كان القدر مقصودًا
كيف كان القدر مقصودًا
هاري بوتر - جيه كيه رولينغ هاري بوتر توم ريدل | فولدمورت الموت (هاري بوتر) ألبوس دمبلدور فريد ويزلي جورج ويزلي دراكو مالفوي نارسيسا بلاك مالفوي لوسيوس مالفوي بليز زابيني ثيودور نوت تريسي ديفيس (هاري بوتر) دافني جرينجراس عائلة دورسلي (هاري بوتر) لونا لافجود هاري بوتر وتوم ريدل | فولدمورت دراكو مالفوي/هاري بوتر دراكو مالفوي وهاري بوتر هاري بوتر وتوم ريدل لونا لوفجود/ثيودور نوت لونا لوفجود وهاري بوتر دراكو مالفوي & ثيودور نوت & هاري بوتر & بليز زابيني تريسي ديفيس ودافني جرينجراس لونا لافجود و ثيودور نوت دافني جرينغراس/بليز زابيني هاري بوتر الساحر القوي هاري بوتر القوي هاري عبارة عن قرف صغير الكون البديل - الاختلاف الكنسي إصلاح السفر عبر الزمن هاري بوتر هو هوركروكس هاري بوتر الرمادي الأخلاقي ألبومات دمبلدور - تقريع ألبومات دمبلدور المتلاعبة تقريع الحديد ويزلي هيرميون جرينجر - تقريع إهانة مولي ويزلي عائلة دورسلي الجيدة (هاري بوتر) توم ريدل هو تحذيره الخاص فولدمورت جيد إلى حد ما (هاري بوتر) مرشد فولدمورت (هاري بوتر) ساني فولدمورت (هاري بوتر) سيد الموت هاري بوتر غراي هاري مستحضر الأرواح هاري بوتر تحقير جيني ويزلي إستحضار الأرواح ميراث المخلوق أرواح متوافقة سول بوند أكل لحوم البشر أفكار أكل لحوم البشر رعب body horror السير لونا لوفجود أسطورة وينديجو وينديجو فيلا دراكو مالفوي مخلوق هاري بوتر قصة مخلوق مخلوق دراكو مالفوي الدم والدماء دم وعنف صور رسومية لأكل لحوم البشر حمامة ميتة: لا تأكل طويل ويميل نحو بناء العالم يتم التعامل مع الكراك بجدية
جلست الذكرى الممزقة لتوم ريدل على شرفة رقم 4 في Privet Drive، وهو يضغط بشدة على الهوركروكس الموجود في جبين هاري بوتر. أو حيث يتم إرجاع هاري بوتر بشكل غير رسمي إلى الوراء وإجباره على التعامل مع أنين فولدمورت داخل رأسه. على الأقل كان لدى الموت اللياقة للاعتذار.
398.3K حرف
كان كل شيء مجرد لعبة (إعادة كتابة)
كان كل شيء مجرد لعبة (إعادة كتابة)
هاري بوتر - جيه كيه رولينغ دراكو مالفوي هاري بوتر بانسي باركنسون بليز زابيني هيرميون جرانجر رون ويزلي مينرفا ماكوناجال سيفيروس سناب بوبي بومفري مولي ويزلي أرثر ويزلي فريد ويزلي جورج ويزلي توم ريدل | فولدمورت حزام بيلاتريك باللون الأسود لوسيوس مالفوي نارسيسا بلاك مالفوي كوربان ياكسلي دراكو مالفوي/هاري بوتر هيرميون جرانجر/رون ويزلي بانسي باركنسون/بليز زابيني أعداء إلى محبين علاقة مزيفة/وهمية إعادة كتابة القانون اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة - اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة ولكن في وقت لاحق مع ذلك فقدان الشهية علاقة سيئة مع الطعام الحزن/الحداد تعذيب ضمني/مرجعي عواقب التعذيب علاقة (علاقات) طويلة الأمد حرق بطيء war post-war switches أسفل دراكو مالفوي توب دراكو مالفوي الجزء السفلي من هاري بوتر توب هاري بوتر drarry يمرون بالكثير لكن الأمر يستحق ذلك Angst الكثير من القلق الزغب والقلق هراءٌ يُفسدُ الأسنان فوضى قلق جنسية - تحصل على كل شيء السنة الرابعة من هوجورتس السنة الخامسة من هوجورتس هوجورتس السنة السادسة يا السنة السادسة السنة السابعة من هوجورتس السنة الثامنة من هوجورتس أرواح متوافقة رفقاء الروح الرومانسيون إعادة كتابة أنا أكره النسخة الأصلية، يرجى قراءة هذا growth يتطابق مع القانون ولكن مع دراري المرة الاولى الحب الاول انفصل العلاقة الأولى القبلة الاولى علاقة سرية أعدك أن الأمر يستحق كل هذا العناء too many people asked me to put a happy ending tag so here you go
إذا كان هناك شيء واحد يتوق إليه دراكو مالفوي، فهو رؤية هاري بوتر يتألم. كيف يحدث ذلك، لا يهتم. عندما يُسحب اسم بوتر من كأس النار، يرى دراكو أنها فرصة مثالية لتحقيق أكبر رغبة لديه. إلا أن سانت بوتر يحالفه الحظ في السباحة في عروقه. يحتاج إلى تشتيت انتباهه... وأفضل طريقة للقيام بذلك هي جعله يقع في الحب. هذه هي النسخة المعاد كتابتها والإصدار المفضل لك لقراءتها.
616.5K حرف
One Quiet Question
One Quiet Question
Growing Up Harry learned many lessons for life such as being quiet is the best way to avoid trouble and don't ask any questions. What happens if during his first trip to Gringotts he goes against both of those lessons?
140.4K حرف
Through The Fire
Through The Fire
Minerva McGonagall checks up on little Harry Potter and finds that not all is as it should be. She makes a decision that will change everything for the Boy Who Lives.
212.5K حرف
Terrible, But Great
Terrible, But Great
“Harry Potter.” The cold burrowed into his flesh, the scent of cloying death and molding earth clogged his senses. “The Boy Who Lived.” A strange sense of loss and disappointment rose within him. That brilliant, yet cruel boy could’ve been so much more if he’d not stepped down this bloodied path. Terrible, but great. He pitied this creature. “Come to die.” Harry Potter faced the flash of green light with the bravery of a Gryffindor and the broken heart of a Hufflepuff. --- When Death gives Harry a third option, one that can save everyone he ever cared about, he takes it unflinchingly. Even when that means doing the impossible: falling in love with the enemy, Tom Riddle.
244.7K حرف
The Family You Choose
The Family You Choose
Some people are born with soulmarks. Zuko has them, but his grandfather burned them off because they "make you weak." Team Avatar has a few things to say about that.
36.0K حرف
Voldemort intended the object to be used by his most loyal follower in the event that his horcruxes were destroyed, but it ended up in Hermione’s possession instead. It sent her back to a time when he was much less the monster that she’d always known him to be. Nothing could have prepared her for the intelligence and charm of Tom Riddle. He isn’t who she thought he was. Hermione discovers that it’s a dark descent into the madness of the man she should hate, but can’t… a descent she will never emerge from. COMPLETE
458.4K حرف
My Soul, Your Heart
My Soul, Your Heart
Harry loses almost everyone he loves and discovers he is unable to follow them into the after life. He gets bored of moping in Grimmauld place so moves to the US, much to the thrill of MAUSA (who Harry firmly ignores). He settles in Forks, a quiet town that should give him the dull life he desires, though a Nicotine fuelled, long haired, leather wearing teen with a couldn’t care less attitude was bound to stick out a little. What Harry didn’t expect was a coven of 7 bunny sucking vampires, a pack of wolf shifters and an annoying little muggle who couldn’t keep her big nose out of other peoples business. To make matters worse one of the Bunny munchers is under the impression that Harry is their destined soulmate and keeps trying to talk to him (Merlin forbid). Rating and tags might change, who knows lmao(this started out as shits and giggles and escalated from there)
88.6K حرف
The Screaming Shack
The Screaming Shack
A slightly altered tale of events sees James Potter escape with Harry. Whisking him away to live alone, in solitude. Away from the world of witches and wizards, even muggles, to keep him safe. This story follows Harry's young formative years, discovering his body and his daddy's, having regular and extreme amounts of sex, and being introduced to a whole new world and community of people. Warning: Harry is 5.
278.9K حرف
The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever
The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever
Everyone is born with Words on their arm that connect them to their Soulmate. James finds his, Sirius had everything figured out back in First Year, Peter doesn’t talk to girls anyway, and Remus thinks he’d very much just like to put his earmuffs back on and disappear.
3.8K حرف
In a world where the first words your soulmate will say to you appear on your left wrist at your tenth birthday, Peter gets the short end of the stick.
3.9K حرف
The Memory of You
The Memory of You
Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fell in love against all odds, but there was one big problem — he was already married. Pressured, Hermione does something she promised herself she would never do again and erases their affair from his memory. Completely devastated, she avoids seeing Draco or the Malfoys at all costs. But is their love too strong? Are they inevitable? What will happen if he finds out about their previous relationship?
471.4K حرف
Bequeathed from Pale Estates
Bequeathed from Pale Estates
In a Westeros where Soulmates are bound and Marked by the Gods to bind Houses together and pay blood debts, Lyarra Snow and Oberyn Martell are about to get a shock...
433.8K حرف
and you needed someone to show you the way
and you needed someone to show you the way
Tony knows what the team really thinks of him. It's a delicate balance: they tolerate him because of his money and his toys, and he gets to stay on the team and fight with them. He's okay with that. So long as he hides the fact that Steve's and Bucky's names are written on his skin in the most embarrassing act of one-sided love affection ever, everything will be fine. It just figures that a fantastically stupid villain, a kidnapping plot and a video camera will bring Tony's well-kept secret out into the open.
24.4K حرف
A Modern Manservant
A Modern Manservant
A modern magical comedy very loosely based on Ugly Betty. Publishing king Uther Pendragon has had enough of his playboy son seducing every female assistant he has ever had so he hires Merlin, a man he is sure Arthur will never sleep with. Merlin would be more insulted by this fact if he wasn’t so busy trying to juggle his duties, save Arthur's skin from ruthless fashionistas and keep his magic a secret at the same time. Expect appearances by oil-lathered knights, the occasional mad druid, a perverted Will and a mental caretaker who lives in the basement and keeps harping on about coins and destiny.
112.6K حرف
مرتبط بك
مرتبط بك
وجدت روح فولدمورت الضالة طريقها إلى أرض هوجورتس واستحوذت على ثعبان سحري، قوي بما يكفي لمنحه العقلانية التي يحتاجها للبقاء على قيد الحياة. أثناء مطاردته، شعر برائحة فريدة ووجد هاري بوتر، ممدداً على الأرض، ودرجة حرارة جسمه مرتفعة بشكل غير طبيعي... Xx تحذير فقط، هذا يحدث في سنته الثانية، لذا... وسيكون هناك الكثير من المشاهد الجنسية الصريحة وقصة محتملة، لكن لا أعرف~
119.8K حرف
What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This?
What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This?
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!” Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her. “What?! What was that sound?!” “You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder. “Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!” “Mike,” she argued. “Who’s Mike?” Scott asked. “Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
196.1K حرف
A Salty First Kiss
A Salty First Kiss
Izuku Midoriya's family beach trip went awry when an attempted act of heroism lets to an unexpected first. Jumpcut to twelve years later: Izuku was struggling to stay afloat when his stepfather threw him a chance. What was meant to be a reprieve turned into something else entirely when he finds someone washed onto the beach. A memory he should have buried long ago, a kiss he could never forget, and a debt he could now repay. Or. What do you do when you have an angry Merman in your bathtub that speaks a different language? Or again. What do you do when a stoopid hooman rescues you and then proceeds to start courting with you?
419.4K حرف
soulmates tbh
soulmates tbh
"It’s been five months," Derek says darkly. "Why am I still getting these proposals? You know these are probably all fake marks." Five months since the paparazzi had snapped that photo of him with the overzealous fan tugging at his shirt, five months since millions of people on the Internet realized that the birthmark revealed was in fact, the mark, five months Derek was inundated by claims from people who desperately wanted him to believe that they were his soul-mate.
1.4K حرف
This Gonna Be Good
This Gonna Be Good
At the very end Harriet goes back to the very beginning to right the wrongs and protect the ones she loves. !!!Currently under construction!!!
422.6K حرف
Oh, To Be The Lady's
Oh, To Be The Lady's
When your wife hesitates to let you go to the village market alone, you scoff at her overprotective nature. With Alcina’s Mark, her claim, sitting proudly on your neck for all the world to see, only a fool would even think about trying anything with you. Right? **Now a Series of Semi-Related One-Shots - Updates every Monday**
277.9K حرف
CLOSED AGAIN! SORRY Have you ever wanted to read about a pairing doing whatever you wanted? Well this is the story for you! I'll write whatever you want, with any pairing! (See rules) If you are looking for a specific pairing, try clicking “Entire Work” and then use your web browser’s “Find on Page” tool and search the desired character’s name. I didn’t initially think I would have this many chapters (and these chapters are targeted towards the person who requests them), so I apologize for not making it easier to navigate!
77.9K حرف
The Problem With Soulmarks Is
The Problem With Soulmarks Is
The fiasco that is Harry's life could be summed up in two words — Avada Kedavra. Those words have haunted him for as long as he can remember, endangering him with their very existence. He'd resigned himself to a life without a soulmate, to pain and sorrow... but then the Blacks happened. Or, one Black in particular. Whose idea was it to let a Black woman invent time travel, anyway?
141.0K حرف
The Crown and the Crow
The Crown and the Crow
Somewhere out there is your forever one wearing your Mark on their skin; it's just a matter of finding them.
8.9K حرف
Permanent Ink
Permanent Ink
The words that bloom on Katsuki’s arm are painfully familiar, to the point that he can hear the grating, wobbly voice saying them in his ear. They’re specific in a damning way, but at the same time vague enough that it could be someone else who says them. Someone he still has to meet in a situation that hasn’t yet occurred. …Okay, so that’s a bunch of bullshit and he’s not pathetic enough to cling to desperate hope like that for too long. But he’s got some time to convince himself it’s possible his soulmate is someone else. Anyone else. Deku’s birthday is still a few months away, after all.
117.8K حرف
A Whole New Life
A Whole New Life
After Harry and Hermione died at Malfoy Manor, Harry meets his reaper in the afterlife. To his surprise, this isn't remotely the first time he had died, but to finally fulfil his destiny this time he will be sent back with his memories and some additional preparation thanks to some long dead people like the founders and a few of his ancestors. This time Dumbledore's manipulations and the Weasleys' love potioning won't happen, rest assured. Back at Ollivanders with Hagrid, Harry starts changing things rapidly, especially since he ran into his soulmate - Hermione. Upon a first touch she starts to remember everything. Minerva McGonagall and the Grangers rescue Harry from the Dursleys and as Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, with advanced magical skill, knowledge of Dumbledore's and Voldemort's plans and his soulmate on his side a whole new life can begin. My personal interpretation of the Grim Reaper challenge.
203.8K حرف
Strike of Lightning
Strike of Lightning
Uther's commandment was very simple: If there should come a day when Arthur met his soulmate, he would drive a sword through their chest and kill them on sight.
4.8K حرف
where flowers bloom
where flowers bloom
"Where flowers bloom, so does hope." - Lady Bird Johnson Soulmarks are miraculous things, little flowers representing one’s soulmates. And though Midoriya Izuku is blessed enough to have been born with so many, he believes that none of them could ever want him, a quirkless person, as their soulmate. This is how the existence of soulmarks forever changes Izuku and the world around him. [This fic now has a TV Tropes page!]
346.8K حرف
Soulmate Shorts AKA The Crackship Armada
Soulmate Shorts AKA The Crackship Armada
Concept borrowed from amusewithaview's Soulmates AU, where the first words soulmates say to each other appear on their skin. Featuring characters from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. paired with Avengers, X-Men and more.Note: I do have a poll but it's on; I can't figure out how to reproduce it here! The below link will take you to the poll there. Poll That should take you to my fanfiction profile. At the top of the page is a link to the poll. I'm not sure if you have to be a member there to vote or not, sorry, though if you aren't it's easy enough to set up!
182.9K حرف
make it taste like love
make it taste like love
Taehyung and Jungkook are two alphas who hate each other until one morning, Taehyung wakes up as an omega and Jungkook is the only one who can help him figure out what happened....too bad Taehyung is now desperate to bare his neck to Jungkook instead of fighting.
159.0K حرف
Your Mark on my Skin
Your Mark on my Skin
Everyone had a mark scrawled somewhere across their body. A name, usually a signature to represent their soul mate, their one and only true love. Stiles has known who his mark belonged to since the third grade. He doesn't understand how Derek can be so oblivious.
5.5K حرف
Wayward and Down
Wayward and Down
Pack is family. Family is everything. This is Stiles' senior year, and it's nothing he could have imagined. or That time it took not one, but two separate troll attacks and a malevolent coven of witches for Stiles to figure out how he felt about Derek.
32.3K حرف
It's Nice to Finally Tweet You
It's Nice to Finally Tweet You
Merlin's eyes scan the headline. Arthur Pendragon reveals mark in attempt to find the one. "I pity the guy who's unfortunate enough to get him as a soul mate.” In which Arthur is a famous celebrity, Merlin is a beloved teacher, and they break Twitter once. Well, twice. Okay so it's a whole bunch of times actually but it's not their fault. Really it's not.
15.4K حرف