مرحلة ما بعد اللعبة

مرحلة ما بعد اللعبة

26 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
After a Quidditch loss, Draco vents his frustration in the Slytherin showers. “Do you know why you lost?” she said, interrupting his reverie. Her voice was still careless and lilting. He stiffened, she might as well have dumped ice water on his ardour. His lip curled into a derisive scowl. “Because Weasley is a suicidal idiot.” Granger laughed under her breath and then proceeded to lean back against him, like he was just a wall that she happened to have at her disposal. “No,” she shook her head, eyes closed under the spray, “Ginny’s an idiot about Quidditch, same as Harry and Ron both were, but she’s not suicidal. She just wanted to win more than you did. That’s why Slytherin always loses against Gryffindor.”
3.8K حرف
Up and Down
Up and Down
Book One: Legacy of Pain (29/29 chapters) - complete Anne's malady is a curse, is it not? The newest Ravenclaw is not so sure. When all else fails, her Muggle upbringing provides a yet unexplored pathway. After all, the simplest explanation, however improbable, must be correct. If only it were as simple to fix it. Doubly so when balancing an unorthodox relationship with the solemn duty of a heritor of ancient magic and the seductive whisper of the Dark Arts, the shadow of death looming over them all does not make it any easier. Book Two: A Goddess Bound (11/11 chapters) - complete Book Three: Tempered, Quenched, Hardened (27/27 chapters) - complete Book Four: Bloodbonds (33/33 chapters) - complete Will add an epilogue later. Crossposted on Wattpad.
228.9K حرف
Atreus begins to notice things blooming between his father and Freya.
57.9K حرف
أن أكون لي
أن أكون لي
لقد مرت عقود منذ انتصارك الأخير معًا. منذ أن وقفت بجانبه. لقد واجه صعوبة كبيرة في متابعتك بعد مغادرتك. ولكن الآن، عندما يصبح الأصدقاء القدامى أعدائك، يعتقد أستاريون أن الوقت قد حان للعودة إليه - حيث تنتمي. الشيء الوحيد الذي أرضاه حقًا.
97.3K حرف
Reconnecting With Nature
Reconnecting With Nature
A few months after saving the day, you decide it’s high time to pay your lover a visit, to see if your hearts still beat as one.
23.1K حرف
in the bone
in the bone
It all began when Corvo started kissing the Mark for luck.
2.8K حرف
Seeing Guzma back with his parents is a bit more painful than you might realize at first.
78.5K حرف
Sought and Found
Sought and Found
At the end of the journey, she completed her sacred orders. Seek out all Pokemon. A gift upon her, that Arceus would walk beside her. She was found worthy. And she blinked."But... That's no justice at all!"Arceus had sent her here, to this place."Dawn!"Was this her reward?She adjusted the worn conductor's cap on her head.She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. When Akari was taken from her time, she was in the middle of something rather important.
123.6K حرف
Dragonspine Exile
Dragonspine Exile
Aether had helped the entirety of Teyvat, and was left alone on his search totally empty-handed. They tried to save their homeland without hurting anyone, and instead of recieving help they were left alone to rot in the snow. So, if Teyvat betrays you... You should betray them back, right?
126.3K حرف
The Broken Road That Led Me to You
The Broken Road That Led Me to You
Mae and Bea go on a road trip, share some feelings, and try to figure life out together after the hell they went through in Possum Springs.
80.6K حرف
Chasing Cinderella
Chasing Cinderella
For Majima, the watch was his final farewell. For Makoto, it was just the first step in finding him again.
36.8K حرف
Bet You
Bet You
Task Force 141 and Los Vaqueros reunite to stop Shepard from being involved with the Tijuana Cartel and Russia. Or... In which Task Force 141 and Los Vaqueros place a bet on when Ghost and Soap will finally stop avoiding the elephant in the room and get together. Alejandro and Rodolfo realize there is something more between them.
18.5K حرف
The war rages on, and Naoya, as always, sits in front of a computer screen.
523 حرف
Something Impulsive
Something Impulsive
Yet he is surprised when a figure steps out from behind some bushes, holding a gun with both shaking hands. The weapon is aimed in Michael’s general direction. There are tears in Ron’s eyes, big and pathetic behind his glasses. “All right,” Michael says calmly, raising his hands to indicate that he is currently unarmed. “Seriously, what the fuck is this?”
701 حرف
Play Things
Play Things
Edgeworth comes clean to his husband about Manfred von Karma.
667 حرف
I Can't Bear the Thought of Losing You
I Can't Bear the Thought of Losing You
A continuation of my previous fic "I need you more than I thought I would". Takes place several years later, right when Rose is about to start college, trying to live a "normal" life and dealing with two very protective parents, who are still disgustingly in love. Karl might be thinking about making their relationship a little more official.
11.7K حرف
and all the years after
and all the years after
SPOILERS: Chapter 9-End Ignis finds happiness, even after.(Mostly because of Prompto.)
5.3K حرف
A Wheel Which Turns All Night, Going Nowhere
A Wheel Which Turns All Night, Going Nowhere
Five years after the events of Pokemon Black and White, a grand party is being held in your honour. It's really the last thing you could want though. For you, today is not a day for celebration.
738 حرف
What is Your Favourite Colour?
What is Your Favourite Colour?
"Tifa can have red," Marlene began emphatically. "And papa's favourite colour is green, and I want the pink one..." She trailed off, brow wrinkling as a question occurred to her. "Tifa? What's Cloud's favorite colour?" "Oh, it's-." Tifa halted, a yawning sensation opening in her stomach. What was Cloud's favorite colour? And like water through a broken dam more questions flooded into her thoughts. Did he like dogs or cats more? What had he wanted to be when he grew up before his desire to emulate Sephiroth? What was his favourite television program, film, band, book? She felt dizzy, only stopped from clutching at her own head in shock by the sight of a confused and now nervous Marlene. A chance question from Marlene makes Tifa realise all the things she doesn't know about Cloud.
1.6K حرف
All That We Survey
All That We Survey
Jane and Dave are on a mission to thoroughly map certain areas of bodily terrain.
4.7K حرف
so good ( that you can't explain it )
so good ( that you can't explain it )
After the game, Marc and Rafael discuss how much Neymar deserves a little extra that night. Because honestly, he earned it.
3.9K حرف
Wedding Bells
Wedding Bells
At their friends' wedding, Rose and Alisha reflect on the relationship between humans and the seraphim after all these years. They also flirt quite a bit. Written for Day Five of Rosali Week 2017: Stay with me.
1.7K حرف
Small Tales of a Small Town
Small Tales of a Small Town
Drabbles, flash fics, and anything else that comes to me concerning one of the best video games in years. Rating will change from story to story, but never get explicit.
1.5K حرف
M.E. 752 Prompto really has no problems telling Regina about her “Father”, but there are times when he believes his little girl to be a little TOO inquisitive… [requested by Night_the_Dragon]
1.9K حرف
Her Eyes
Her Eyes
If someone ever wanted to know if Rude cared for them, all they needed to do was watch what he did with his sunglasses. If he kept them on: they were anything from enemy to acquaintance to ally. If he took them off: best friend, soul-mate or lover. Oh sure, there were times he wound up not wearing his eye-wear due to accidents or damage, but he never chose to take them off on those occasions. If he cared for someone, Rude would take his sunglasses off voluntarily. And the list of people he would do that for was extremely short. Rude reflects on Tifa's eyes and what they have seen.
1.3K حرف
Cut Your Losses
Cut Your Losses
M.E. 783 Arguments happen, and rarely do they end well. This is something that Regina’s known for a long time, and she knows an apology is needed to fix things… and yet she can’t do it. [requested by akamurasaki]
3.1K حرف