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sirius black & james potter

sirius black & james potter

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「你被迷戀了,是嗎?」 「絕對,無限期的迷戀。」 「很好,」他說,突然感到非常大膽,「我們是一對不錯的,因為我也很迷戀。」 一個關於人性的故事。 雷姆斯是一位有抱負的作家,負責撰寫一本關於即將來的非常受歡迎的樂隊 The Marauders 的書。天狼星(天狼星)立即不喜歡他,因為他不希望他的生命被某個陌生人所困擾。陌生人變成朋友,朋友變得更多。 通過當時的音樂講述的愛情故事,以歌詞,隱喻,顏色,以及困難的人的態度被偽裝的情緒。
harry potter - j. k. rowling sirius black remus lupin james potter Minerva McGonagall dorcas meadowes regulus black mary macdonald (harry potter) peter pettigrew alastor "mad-eye" moody marlene mckinnon lily evans poppy pomfrey sirius black/remus lupin sirius black & james potter sirius black & dorcas meadowes regulus black & sirius black minor james potter/lily evans - relationship sirius black & minerva mcgonagall remus lupin & lily evans potter remus lupin & mary macdonald remus lupin & alastor "mad-eye" moody remus lupin & poppy pomfrey minor or background relationship(s) marlene mckinnon/dorcas meadowes aristocrat sirius black tailor remus lupin welsh remus lupin pov sirius black sirius black-centric falling in love strangers to lovers slow burn muggle au modern au sort of alcohol abuse/alcoholism sirius black is not okay but he will be bad parent walburga black domestic abuse mostly past briefly referenced suicide attempt regulus black and sirius black angst angst with a happy ending it's gonna get worse before it gets better but it does get better not as angsty as it sounds - i promise supportive james potter minerva mcgonagall is housekeeper of godric hall wolfstar & healthy communication is the real ship flirting through the medium of buttons this whole fic is an excuse for remus to dress and undress sirius set in west england & wales sidequest in Tuscany fluff eventual smut fluff and smut sandwiched between a healthy does of angst and sexual frustration speaking of smut sirius black has a praise kink also a slight degradation kink remus has a kink for sirius in his suits anal fingering anal sex orgasm delay light dom/sub character development that's not smut but i can't rearrange the tags ah fuck it - the writer has a character development kink
他是貴族最古代家族的小天狼星布萊克三世勳爵、薩瑟蘭公爵、斯塔福德公爵和戈德里克霍爾的大師。他不會被一個簡單的裁縫送到尾巴。他不會抱怨一件稀少的西裝。他令人驚嘆,滴著銀色和黑色和深紫色的色調。正是他,他的美麗,他的身體,而不是某人的工藝,使他成為強大而強大的人物,引起了每個無情的靈魂的注意力。他們要求更多。而且他會更多。他會成為一切 父親去世後,天狼星將擔任英國最具影響力的貴族家族的領導者。天狼星絕對不適合它。畢竟,他擁有財富,頭銜,巨大的財產-加上錢可以買到的所有東西。他還能想要什麼?但是還有一些缺少的東西,他無法忽視的空心痛,而且他顯然決心用西裝填滿。這解釋了為什麼他發現自己一次又一次回到威爾士邊境的古樸小工作室。這肯定與有吸引力的裁縫和他愚蠢的笑容無關。