This Time, We'll Do Better
A modern young woman from Westeros, Sansa Tully, loves history and is especially intrigued by the past of her family. During a long-anticipated visit to the famous historical Red Keep she is shocked to find herself hurled into the past as a prisoner of the royal court. How to find back to her own time - and before that, could she fix things that went horribly wrong in the past? And could the mysterious Hound from the song help her along the way?
In the meantime, Arya Stark embarks on a journey of her own with a newfound friend; Brienne of Tarth tries to survive the aftermath of Renly’s death with new allies and enemies, one more irritating than all the others put together; Ned and Catelyn Stark attempt to save their family and hold it together in the face of many challenges – their eldest daughter being one of them; and Tyrion Lannister gets pulled along while trying to find a meaning and purpose for his life.
Time-travel fix-it AU fic based on canon, where hopefully this time, they will do better. Multiple POVs, plots and pairings.