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Derek có một người hàng xóm mới không ngừng nhìn chằm chằm. Trích đoạn: “Anh bị mù,” Derek nói dứt khoát, cơn giận dữ tan biến khỏi anh đột ngột đến nỗi anh cảm thấy gần như chóng mặt. Thị lực của anh trở lại bình thường, móng vuốt của anh co lại thành móng tay bình thường. “Cảm ơn vì lời nhắc nhở đó, thiên tài ạ,” đứa trẻ nói chua chát. “Tôi vẫn có thể tự vệ, nên đừng bước thêm một bước nào nữa.” “Chết tiệt, tôi... tôi xin lỗi,” Derek lắp bắp. “Cái gì?!” Mày đứa trẻ nhíu lại. “Ý tôi là — cái gì?! Anh đang xin lỗi đấy à?!” Môi nó mím thành một đường thẳng cứng rắn. “Sao thế, đây là một bộ phim Hallmark nào đó mà anh đang nhận ra lỗi lầm của mình vì không muốn cướp của người mù à?! Điều đó thật là xem thường, anh bạn ạ. Tôi muốn cho anh biết rằng —” “Đợi đã.” Derek ngắt lời, đó rõ ràng là sự khởi đầu của một lập luận thuyết phục về lý do tại sao anh ta nên cướp của đứa trẻ, anh cảm thấy đầu mình bắt đầu quay cuồng. “Đây là — đây là một hiểu lầm. Tôi — tôi không cướp của anh. Anh — anh an toàn rồi, được chứ? Tôi đang lùi lại ba bước. Chỉ cần — chỉ cần để tôi giải thích.” “Giải thích tại sao anh lại xông vào căn hộ của tôi? Ừ, cứ việc đi nào, tôi nóng lòng muốn nghe câu chuyện sử thi này lắm.”
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Like Real People Do
Like Real People Do
“Could I get a name for the order?” Marlene asked. “Serious,” the man replied. “Like the star,” he clarified, and Remus mentally scratched out 'Serious' and rewrote 'Sirius' in his head. “The… star?” Marlene asked, her pen hovering over the cup as she hesitated. “S-I-R-I-U-S,” Remus said. He stocked croissants into the display case, not looking up. “The Dog Star,” he added, “brightest star in the sky, actually. Visible from both hemispheres.” When he looked over, the man– Sirius– seemed surprised, his eyebrows raised as Remus spoke, and when Remus finished, he blinked a few times before smiling lopsidedly. “Er– yeah,” he breathed a laugh. “That.” There was a baby on his hip. Somehow, it had taken Remus a second glance to notice that. --- Or, Remus works as a barista and Sirius comes in every morning with the world's cutest baby, and man, these two just wrote the book on mutual pining, huh?
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Big Kids, Young Adults
Big Kids, Young Adults
"Jungkook had been so sweet growing up. He had the cutest little bunny smile, and he used to like snuggling something as he walked around, like his Elmo plushie or his teddy bear. He had been so cute. And now he was so grumpy." (In which Jungkook forgets his place at home, and the rest of his family does their best to support him and each other.)
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Daddy Do's
Daddy Do's
“Hi Mr. Stilinski!” Lydia said pertly. “My name’s Lydia, and this is my daddy. His name is Derek Andrew Hale and he watches all of your videos on YouTube a lot, but he still can’t braid.” [Stiles is a celebrity YouTube hairstylist. Derek may or may not have a crush. Lydia just wants a French braid for school picture day.]
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You're Not Who I Thought You Were
You're Not Who I Thought You Were
Stiles is lonely. The only person who really talks to him is his best friend, and even Scott seems eager to ditch him whenever someone better comes along. Following a stupid decision made late one night, his small world opens up as he discovers things he never before thought possible and he meets a mysterious man who could be the answer to all of his problems. AUTHOR'S NOTE: As of May 10th, 2021, I'm in the process of re-editing this fic. Chapters 1-6 done so far.
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Little!Reader BTS Requests Pt. 2
carpe diem
carpe diem
Regulus Black is a qualified neurology doctor and training to become a neurosurgeon at only 23. Having moved back to London to escape his parents after they moved to France when he was 15, Regulus is doing fine. He’s qualified, he’s already progressing his career, has a great set of friends, and is building a solid reputation as one of London’s best young doctors. He hasn’t spoken to Sirius since his older brother ran away over seven years ago and he doesn’t care, because he doesn’t speak to any of his family anymore and after all, Sirius was the one who left him behind. And then James Potter walks in to the ward one day to give his mother some lunch, claiming that all hospital food is an abomination, and everything comfortable in Regulus’ life comes crashing down.
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right in the head
right in the head
That was the other thing: when Keiji had said he wanted to make his way home, Bokuto had agreed—as if it didn’t matter where they went. He hadn’t said "we should look for a community" or "there’s probably nothing there anymore". He’d just asked which way. ((the bokuaka zombie au literally no one asked for))
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Behind My Eyelids Are Islands Of Violence
Behind My Eyelids Are Islands Of Violence
Harry has epilepsy. No matter what time it is or where he's to be located, Louis will always come running. Title from "Migraine" by twenty one pilots
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Jungkook Oneshots and Sickfics
Jungkook Oneshots and Sickfics
"A small smile graced Jungkook's face. He tried to focus on staying close to the pavement. His legs hurt from the whole day of dancing, but he refused to stop. He would show the whole world that it was possible to juggle multiple things at once." Requests are OPEN Updated every FRIDAY! Please read the warnings at the beginning because I don't want anybody to get triggered.
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Intermediate Braiding Skills
Intermediate Braiding Skills
In which Lydia assembles her Halloween costume, learns to make friends, and shamelessly exploits her father's crush on Stiles Stilinski.
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I'll build a house inside of you
I'll build a house inside of you
Natalia is stacking blocks very carefully when the adults come into the room. None of them look at her, because they're all looking at her father. He's wearing combat gear, and the hair on the left side of his head is slicked back with blood. He smells like smoke and something unnameable, sweet and dark and a little sickly in her nose. Father is saying, “Don't be ridiculous. The only thing children are good at is disobeying.”
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Oh, Mama, Don't Fuss Over Me
Oh, Mama, Don't Fuss Over Me
“Sirius,” Remus said. That was the only warning. He said it softly, like a statement, almost casually– so casually that Sirius turned expecting him to ask something about what they were having for dinner, or telling him he wanted honey in his tea, or complain about how off brand sports-drink didn’t taste as good as Gatorade. Instead, Remus’ knees were already buckling. His arm was sliding off of the granite corner of the countertop, and his shoulder was colliding with the barstool to his right, and his body was thudding against the hardwood, and the only warning Sirius got was his name. That was it. He was moving before he even realized what was happening.
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Sleep Over Jitters
Sleep Over Jitters
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Someone will remember us
Someone will remember us
Or in which Laenor and Rhaenyra were able to keep their agreement resulting in Princess Aemma Velaryon, the second ruling queen of Westeros.**crossposted on Tumblr
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Park Jimin is a one-thousand-year-old vampire. His other, his soulmate, his better half, has long since died from Stigma, a virus affecting only his kind. But Jimin survived, cursed to walk the earth alone forever. Until, one day, he meets the social terrorist known only as Cypher, who is the spitting image of his long dead love, Yoongi. Only he's human, and a global criminal. Future Dystopia Vampire AU w/ ReincarnationInspirations: Batman Beyond, Dark Angel, Black Mirror, Vampire Academy, and AL2TF
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Some Things Can't Stay Hidden Forever
Some Things Can't Stay Hidden Forever
Ever since Alastor lost his staff in his battle with Adam, he knew that the secrets that his magic helped him keep couldn't stay secret forever. The biggest of which, of course, being his seizure disorder. He had really hoped he could feign health until his staff was fixed, but sometimes things didn't work out the way that the Radio Demon had planned. This was one of those times.
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Idk the title yet lol
Idk the title yet lol
Dream has epilepsy when he was a kid.He hasn’t had a seizure since he was 14 and basically forgot he had epilepsy. What happens when it comes back 10x worse than what he had before? Even worse, what happens when it comes back, after 7 years, on stream ———————————————- Hello! This fic isn’t being updated anymore, I have rewritten it so if you want to read this fic I’d suggest reading the rewrite; this one kind of cuts off abruptly and the explanation yo why I’ve rewritten it is in the last chapter :D Again, this fic is NOT discontinued, just rewritten :]
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It had never interrupted his work before, he had it under pretty good control. Harvey and Donna knew of course, and made sure he avoided his triggers. So when a Times Magazine photo shoot comes along, Mike is excused from attending. Jealous of Mike's position as Golden boy, his ability to get out of company publicity and hide away in Harvey's office, the associates play a prank on him. They don't know, they swear, but Mike gets hurt anyway. With lasting consequences.
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Hope It's Just a Painful Dream (Return Me To Your Side Again)
Hope It's Just a Painful Dream (Return Me To Your Side Again)
"Denki hasn't spoken to anybody or been spoken to since that night. He feels as though he might as well not exist. No, not like that! Well, maybe a bit like that." Denki has a quirk accident while training with friends, injuring all of them and himself. He finds himself outcasted by everyone he knows. Recovery and forgiveness are long roads, but Denki doesn't plan on quitting anytime soon.
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Thicker than Water
Thicker than Water
Marty has been in hell for a few decades, living life as an average demon in Pentagram City, that is, until he discovers I.M.P. has been hired to murder his still living daughter, Liz. Through a botched assassination attempt, Liz reunites with Marty in Hell - a father she hadn't seen for over 30 years. With no other choice but to trust Marty to protect her against the hazards of Hell, they work together to discover the identity of the demon who wants her dead. Thankfully, there is safe refuge in the Happy Hotel. Also contains artwork from various artists. For sneaks peeks and updates follow me on Tumblr and Twitter: rebelcourtesan
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He was a grown man and he usually managed to stay on schedule - with the help of a village worth of people - but every so often the stress of work and life would catch up to him and throw everything out of whack. OR The one where Tony has epilepsy and it becomes an issue at the worst time.
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“M-Momma…” Izuku hiccups, “I…I…s-saw…something bad.” Izuku's quirk ends up being something more than he bargained for. When one of his terrible visions comes true, Izuku is left an orphan and adopted by the heroes who save him, growing up in their care at UA. With a quirk that causes him extreme emotional and physical distress, Izuku will have to learn how to live with it if he wants to become a hero after all.
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Không lọ thuốc
Không lọ thuốc
Nhà Cú (hoạt hình) thợ săn | đội cận vệ vàng (The Owl House) Gus Porter công viên liễu mối quan hệ thân thiện vee (ngôi nhà cú) Camila Noceda rachel (tóm tắt oc) kingston (mô tả ngắn) thợ săn | đội cận vệ vàng (The Owl House) & mọi người động kinh sự nhầm lẫn bệnh hoạn động kinh cục bộ suy giảm co giật tonic-dòng săn lùng trước dấu gạch chéo blood chứng sợ emetophobia giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ thợ săn tự kỷ | vệ binh vàng (Ngôi nhà cú) tình bạn giữa những người mắc chứng tự kỷ Luz Noceda bị ADHD kích thích thay đổi tâm trạng sự kỳ thị người khuyết tật đã ăn sâu vào tiềm thức Hunter và Amity là những người bạn tâm sự về nỗi đau both hunter and amity describe their experiences and it can get a bit graphic tấn công tình dục ngầm/được ám chỉ thêm thẻ đó trong trường hợp chỉ có khoảng 2 dòng tham chiếu đến nó tuổi dậy thì rang hoa lilith tài liệu tham khảo mario kart biên giới vũ trụ (Ngôi nhà của cú) thuốc anger suy nghĩ tự tử tự gây tổn thương (không chủ ý) Phiền muộn for plot convenience please imagine that masha already knows vee's identity ngôn ngữ ký hiệu tính dục ở tuổi vị thành niên Camila Noceda bị ADHD đã chỉnh sửa điều này để có nhiều ký tự/định dạng tốt hơn i’ll post the google doc of the original story though in case you guys like parts of that one better
Từ khi Hunter cùng bạn bè trở thành cư dân bất đắc dĩ của Cõi Người, một sự thật đáng lo ngại cứ ám ảnh tâm trí cậu: Cậu không thể tiếp cận được thuốc chống động kinh của mình. Cậu đã hy vọng bộ não mình sẽ đủ nhân từ để cho mọi người ổn định trong cuộc sống mới trước khi cậu phải tiết lộ tình trạng của mình. Nhưng tất nhiên, nó đã phải tự bộc lộ (chỉ một tuần sau khi họ đến) bằng một cơn động kinh. Một cơn rất nặng.
68.6K từ
Ink Stains
Ink Stains
Or, "I was kidnapped by hot demons who broke my legs then made me attend their school because they can't send me back for some reason, FML." ** ** The men in the room were understandably surprised when instead of just appearing in the council chamber, the person they summoned dropped from the ceiling with a torrent of water and debris. As she landed, there was a crunch, despite her apparent efforts to roll into it. Nobody moved, even as she laid on the floor. A single expletive rang out from someone. Followed by coughing. Slowly, she sat up, wincing a little as she moved her legs and started to take in her surroundings. "Welcome to the-" Her eyes widened as she realised a little more of the situation. "Fuuuuuuck…" She passed out, slumping sideways. A bloom of red began to reveal itself against the white of her dress, spilling out onto the floor. And that was when the panic started.
78.4K từ
How Much Can One Android Hurt?
How Much Can One Android Hurt?
This is an A-Z Whump Challenge. Let me know if you like, please.Will contain some spoilers for the main storyline of D:BH, depending on how you play. If you know what happens, don’t be scared to read, if you don’t know, and don’t want spoilers don’t read. If you don’t care, feel free to read.
40.5K từ
Time Does Not Reveal
Time Does Not Reveal
There's no answer for a long moment. He's just considering telling him everything - isn't that what best friends are supposed to do? - when his car door shuts gently. He winces a bit, but Ted climbs back into the driver's seat without comment and restarts the car. The silence lasts until they pull back onto the road, but it's still not the question he's expecting. "You still want to get that massage?" He considers for a minute. "No." Preseries.
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Cub Condition
Cub Condition
Sean & Daniel are enjoying a beautiful day outside in the skatepark. One accident, however, would have effects far worse than the wolfbrothers could have ever imagined.
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Shaky Business
Shaky Business
As the group approached the ornate door at the end of the hallway, one of the guards sped up slightly so that he could hold the door open for Shouta. He nodded a 'thanks' before entering Adachi's office. The man was seated in his chair behind a polished wooden desk. He looked up and caught Shouta off guard with a bright smile. "Ah! You must be Shirakumo, right?" Adachi extended a hand, which Shouta hesitantly gripped and shook. "That's right, sir. Oboro Shirakumo."
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