Echo, Murmur, Dream, Here
Lan Wangji was not delusional. He knew Wei Ying was dead. The sharp stab of hope had spread out and dulled.
But there was something firmer than hope, firmer also than fantasy, which he would not leave behind. Even if Wei Ying was gone and would never come back, nothing would take his place in Lan Wangji’s heart. He thought about that occasionally, when he glimpsed the moon through stark branches on a forest trail, or when he felt drowsy and distant in the seat of honor at banquets.
It was simple. He would always love Wei Ying.
Over 16 years, Lan Wangji’s faith is rewarded as rumors solidify: The Yiling Patriarch survived Nightless City and became a powerful sect leader in a distant land.
Mirthless, jaded, aloof: this stranger sounds nothing like the Wei Wuxian whom Lan Wangji loves. But as political backstabbing and a monstrous magic threaten to destroy the cultivation world, Wei Wuxian will return one last time.