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The Sun Still Rises
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The Dark Guardian
The Dark Guardian
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when you are fully known and loved, you have a home
when you are fully known and loved, you have a home
Zuko finds his place in the Gaang. It's not easy getting there, but in the end it's so, so worth it. Will be updated (mostly) on Wednesdays!
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say something
say something
With his free hand, Andrew pulled out his phone and looked again at the message Neil had sent him about it. talking is hard today. Not 'I don’t want to talk' or 'I have nothing to say' but 'talking is hard'. *** On a bad day, Neil struggles with his own mental state, and Andrew figures out how to be there for him. As they wade through this together, both young men realize its okay to lean on each other and that they are capable of both reaching out as well as hanging on. Also, Betsy has shipped them from the beginning, let's be completely honest here.
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I'm Fine.
I'm Fine.
Your were well on your way to your masters degree, or at least you were until your mom skipped out of town and left you to take care of your drunk of a stepfather and your younger siblings. You could have said no, told Jerry to clean himself up and be an adult, told off your mother for not taking the kids with her when she ran from her abusive marriage. But then you’ve never been one for talking very much. The thought of talking back to the man who labeled himself your father… well you’ve seen what happens. So now you’ve given up your future, your half finished degree and research papers all but forgotten as you play housewife and stay at home mom for your younger siblings, shielding them from as much of it as you can and trying not to embarrass yourself in front of the sweet goat woman and funny skeletons that moved into your building. Oh yeah, Monsters were a thing now.
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let them hear me shout (for you)
let them hear me shout (for you)
Andrew’s mind was already racing, but before he could allow himself to focus on the worst-case scenarios he gritted out a sharp, “What happened?” He heard Aaron take a breath in. “Neil doesn’t have any brain or spinal injuries.” --- This takes place over the course of December and January of Neil’s Sophomore year, following the events in ‘say something’ and ‘bite your tongue’. An injury that could have been career-ending has Neil facing multiple challenges at once. He has everything to lose -- and Andrew won’t allow all they’ve fought for to be for nothing. The first chapter is the Andrew POV to 'i won't say we aren't family'.
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Now I See Daylight
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The Devil Is In (The Details)
The Devil Is In (The Details)
Rookie detective Adora is fired after she refuses to stop investigating the mysterious death of criminal kingpin known as Hordak. But Adora has never been one to give up easily. With the help of her former boss, Angella, she is able to begin an independent undercover operation. Now she has to find a way to join the ruthless gang known as the Horde. Fortunately for her a certain feline hybrid presents her with the perfect opportunity…NOTE: Adora is deaf in this AU.Disclaimer: This fic started in jan 2019 and is in no way meant to capitalize on ongoing civil rights movements.
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Vì Gia Đình Mà Hi Sinh
Vì Gia Đình Mà Hi Sinh
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“Ferdinand and I have a very special relationship, he’s my first love, if my soulmate can’t deal too bad so sad,” she announced with a cheeky grin.
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Can you hear my heartbeat?
Can you hear my heartbeat?
The paramedic’s voice was crystal clear. I have heard it a thousand times before.His name was Yuuri, he said. My Yuuri?Could this be? Now, after all this time, this is how we will meet? I have drawn every imaginable reunion in my head, but it didn’t include this one.Not in an ambulance, me drifting in and out of consciousness and Yuuri, beautiful Yuuri, like an angel against the light.
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The Learning Curve
The Learning Curve
TRIGGER WARNING: graphic depicitions of self-harm and abuse (marked at the beginning of chapters they are in) and suicidal ideation. Castiel self-harms and his boyfriend, Dean finds out. Dean looks into it and tries to be the best boyfriend he can be. However, things get in the way of that (like John). THE SEQUEL IS ABANDONED.
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