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Với một không khí chinh phục
Với một không khí chinh phục
Từ kinkmeme: AU Quân phiệt!Geralt nhận được Jaskier như một vật tế lễ để làm dịu hắn ta bằng mọi cách có thể. Jaskier không có lựa chọn nào khác và cậu hoàn toàn biết về những tin đồn khủng khiếp đã lan truyền về Geralt và những cuộc chinh phạt tàn nhẫn của hắn. (Nhưng chúng ta đều biết những điều đó không chính xác.) Một câu chuyện buồn cổ điển với một kết thúc có hậu xin vui lòng! Một chút dâm dục để chữa lành những vết thương và một chút tình yêu mới tìm thấy! Jaskier đến Kaer Morhen biết rằng gia đình cậu đã từ bỏ cậu mà không cần suy nghĩ gì, và hoàn toàn chắc chắn rằng tên Quân phiệt đáng sợ phương Bắc sẽ đánh giá cậu thấp hơn cả máu mủ của cậu. Nhưng Báo Trắng và bầy sói của hắn không phải là những gì Jaskier mong đợi...và nếu cậu may mắn một cách không hợp lý, Kaer Morhen có thể trở thành một mái nhà hơn nhiều so với Lettenhove. ...Thực tế, cậu sẽ may mắn một cách không hợp lý, bởi vì Quân phiệt phương Bắc là một vị quân vương tốt hơn nhiều - và là một người đàn ông tốt hơn nhiều - hơn cả những gì nhà vua Redania từng mơ ước.
27.8K từ
Only Love Proudly and Gladly and Well
Only Love Proudly and Gladly and Well
Three months into his relationship with the White Wolf, Warlord of the North and terror of the continent, Jaskier goes back to Redania as part of the Warlord's negotiating team. They return with a treaty...but there are unexpected consequences to revealing his place at the White Wolf's side.
31.1K từ
I stepped out of time and landed in your lap
I stepped out of time and landed in your lap
Suddenly he remembers how young Merlin looked in their bed, how he trembled and how he blushes. How he’s dressed in those old rags of his servant days that he hasn’t seen in bloody years. Groaning, Arthur ends the kiss and leans his forehead against Merlin’s. “Please don’t tell me I’ve been sent back in time and took you to bed like a brute.” Basically a PWP one-shot with a dash of time travel.
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I Have Heart-Fire and Singing to Give
I Have Heart-Fire and Singing to Give
Jaskier is invited to come and sing at Oxenfurt - an honor he has never dreamed he would be granted so young. But leaving Kaer Morhen has its perils...and there are those who would very much like to get their hands on the Consort of the Warlord of the North.
23.3K từ
WinterIron Collection
with skin intact and altered souls
with skin intact and altered souls
“Many travelers feel nervous about accepting rides for the same reason,” Hannibal says. “There is uncertainty on both sides of the equation. I have no way of knowing if you’re dangerous, just as you have no way of knowing if I’m, say–” He hesitates, licking his lips, and pushes the envelope. “A serial killer, for example.” Will snorts his laughter, shifting to tuck his hands under his arms. “Come on,” he says, turning his head to look over at Hannibal. “The chances of two serial killers being in one car would be astronomical.” Inspired by the tweet. You know the one.With accompanying soundtrack.
71.6K từ
It's too hot out to be alive, is what it is.
4.5K từ
Put It on Repeat, It Stays the Same
Put It on Repeat, It Stays the Same
Steve and Bucky have a one night stand that turns into a friends with benefits situation. A weekend snowed in at Bucky’s apartment brings to light how much that really doesn’t suit either one of them.
20.2K từ
Playing House
Playing House
When John is away on hunts and it's just Sam and Dean, he finds it feels almost like a husband and wife. Sam knows its messed up to think like that but he can't help it. More so when Dean's willing to play along with it, calling Sam pet names and treating him as if he really was Dean's wife.
3.8K từ
No Because, No Reason, No Explanation, No Solutions
No Because, No Reason, No Explanation, No Solutions
He let his hands rest, warmly, on Steve’s shoulders, against his neck. “I just want you to fuck me, soldier,” he managed to get out, breathy. “I want you to fuck me, yes, in my ass, and not stop. Again and again, until it’s out of your system.” Steve and Tony and a marathon sex encounter. That's it, that's the fic.
93.5K từ
it's gotta get easier somehow ('coz, i'm falling, i'm falling)
it's gotta get easier somehow ('coz, i'm falling, i'm falling)
Bucky doesn't remember being Steve's alpha. Until he does.~~~Based off this wonderful anon prompt I received: ABO Stucky where Bucky doesn't remember being Steve's alpha until Steve runs out of the scent blockers and heat suppressants he used to hide his depression over losing his alpha and not deal with heats alone. He thought he'd be alright to deal with his untimely heat, Bucky on a mission for another week. So Steve could whimper and cry out for his alpha in peace while using toys. But Bucky comes home and the scent of Steve in heat brings EVERYTHING back.
3.5K từ
By Any Other Name
By Any Other Name
"Stop calling me kid. We're practically the same age.""You're not going to like the other names I come up with for you."
2.6K từ
Darkest Before the Dawn
Darkest Before the Dawn
The last thing Draco wanted was to show up at Harry Potter's door, cursed blind and holding a boxful of his friends Transfigured into snakes, but here he was. Between breaking the curse, adjusting to life without sight, and teaching his Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, Draco's got his hands full. Being forced to live with Harry Potter might just be the death of him. This is a story about the bonds of friendship, fairy tale endings, and learning to ask for help (even from Gryffindors).
47.6K từ
Slow Like Honey
Slow Like Honey
"Come on now." Bucky sat back and let his thighs splay out wide, crowding against Steve. "Be a good girl for me and sit on my knee."
2.7K từ
Living with Sirius would be easier if Harry didn’t get turned on every time his godfather called him ‘sweetheart’...
3.1K từ
Endearments and Interventions
Endearments and Interventions
Stiles calls Derek “baby” one time, and exactly one time only. It goes a little like the time he clasped a hand to Derek’s shoulder in the front seat of the jeep only three years previously. Derek levels him with the same incredulous look of stunned disbelief as he did then.
1.2K từ
bạn đã khiến tôi quá cao
bạn đã khiến tôi quá cao
Steve chưa từng biết đến niềm vui nào như thế này. Được chăm sóc chu đáo, được nuông chiều và yêu thương như vậy. Đôi khi điều đó khiến anh muốn bật khóc, và thực sự anh đã khóc. Đôi khi, với tình yêu mà Bucky dành cho anh, anh không thể chịu nổi. Nó luôn luôn quá nhiều và quá tuyệt vời đến nỗi anh chỉ muốn tan chảy. Phát ra những tiếng rên rỉ nhỏ mà Bucky rất thích nghe. Bám lấy anh như thể anh sắp tan vỡ, cầu xin Bucky ở bên anh, giữ anh được an toàn và ấm áp. Anh yêu điều đó, anh yêu cảm giác dương vật của Bucky bên trong mình, cảm giác những ngón tay và lưỡi của Bucky. Cách anh ấy mở anh ra một cách dịu dàng, dành thời gian và khiến anh thấy như đang ở trên thiên đường. Anh chưa từng cảm nhận tình yêu như thế này. Chưa từng cảm thấy tuyệt vời và hạnh phúc đến thế.____Happy Birthday Bucky Barnes! <3
1.4K từ
True Children Still
True Children Still
After years of dancing around each other, Draco and Harry have finally begun to date, though they're taking things slow. They've got enough to figure out as it is, and the last thing Harry needs is an unexpected introduction to desires he's not quite ready to face.
34.2K từ
Wait, What? What Romantic Relationship?
Wait, What? What Romantic Relationship?
Sherlock decides that he and John are in a romantic relationship. John tries to educate Sherlock on what that actually means.
4.2K từ
The Thing About Surprises
The Thing About Surprises
Hermione Granger has nice friends. Both old and new. Good friends who are secretly planning her birthday surprise, and to ensure that she wouldn’t find out, they all decided to meet in a place they knew she’d never guess. In Draco Malfoy’s flat, early Saturday morning. The problem? Draco wasn’t informed about said secret meeting, and neither was his girlfriend.
7.5K từ
You'll Never Get to Heaven (if you're scared of getting high)
You'll Never Get to Heaven (if you're scared of getting high)
“I need you,” said Aziraphale, which was far more straightforward than Crowley had been expecting, even after two bottles of wine. The angel stared at his plate, turning as red as the little gems of pomegranate seed on it. “Well,” Crowley said, at last, trying to keep any giveaway hoarseness out of his voice. “Here I am." “It’s just that—oh, dear, some things are so difficult to say over the telephone apparatus, aren’t they? Especially if you have your voice messages on. It feels so impersonal, and I really couldn’t wait any longer to ask." “Good strategy. I’m right here, go ahead,” Crowley said encouragingly, wondering if he should reach for the angel’s hand. Unfortunately, the angel’s closest hand was gripping cutlery as if it was a lifebuoy. Crowley considered putting his hand on one invitingly touchable thigh instead. “Will you come to a party with me?" **** Crowley and Aziraphale pose as husbands for a house party, because Aziraphale is bad at saying no (to anyone but Crowley and anyone trying to buy books). Crowley thinks this is a good chance to prove himself the perfect potential demon husband to a fussy angel. But things get complicated fast. Really complicated.
77.0K từ
Entourage of Possession
Entourage of Possession
Draco really wants his newest business deal to go through. Luckily, he's got the perfect incentive for the visiting executives.
4.6K từ
Spouses Groupchat
Spouses Groupchat
A few years ago, something happened that brought four unlikely people together. Well, sort of. In a bid to keep their sanity, these four people created a groupchat where they have a safe space to talk about anything. Usually…their husbands. Husbands who used to serve together as SEALs. Or… Antonio, Matt, Eddie, and Danny have a groupchat where they express their woes for being married to stubborn, accident prone, insane, hot as shit men.
37.4K từ
“What is your problem, Potter?” he forced out, not comfortable with the proximity at all, not yet.“‘You’ are my problem,” he murmured, fingers lazily playing with the short strands on Draco’s nape and Draco, just for a fraction of a second, leaned into it, eyes slipping shut. “Stop running away, Draco.” And even in that barely articulate state Harry sounded so sure and gentle that Draco wanted to obey, to stop running. He really did. But the trouble was that he didn’t know how, not yet. Just another eighth year tale where Harry is obsessed in more ways than before, Hermione doesn’t know it all for once but Ron does and so does everyone else truth be told, Blaise is too fucking cryptic and Draco just wants to be alone and smoke his cigarettes in peace. Besides, it’s all Ginny’s fault, of course. Maybe Pansy can sort that out or .......make it worse?
75.1K từ
In Good Hands
In Good Hands
Steve had always had such a thing for Bucky’s hands. So when it was his turn, and he knelt in front of a chair to clean what blood he could off of Bucky’s scraped and bruised knuckles only to realize how much he wanted to kiss them: he did.
8.3K từ
Hoàn cảnh tủ quần áo
Hoàn cảnh tủ quần áo
Câu chuyện bắt đầu với một cái tủ quần áo, nhưng điều đó không quan trọng. Điều quan trọng là cái tủ quần áo đó cho họ không gian (dù chật hẹp) để nói hết mọi điều, và rồi họ nắm lấy cơ hội đó và tiến lên. Izuku sẽ không để vuột mất cơ hội này. Và Katsuki chỉ cần một chút gợi ý đồng ý là đủ, để đưa mọi thứ đi đến hồi kết.
6.7K từ
i want something just like this
i want something just like this
“He doesn’t feel the same,” Steve murmured, taking another swig. If he drank his pain away, maybe he could just forget it all. At least for the night. Thor’s liquor was always good at that. “Why don’t we test something out?” Brock smirked and before Steve knew what was happening, he’d been pulled onto the dance floor. A filthy song was on, full of perfect moments to press up against another’s body and lose yourself in the music. “Wanna dance, sugar?” Steve bristled and stepped back, about to shake his head when he looked over Brock’s shoulder at Bucky. He looked jealous to say the least. Steve’s stomach swooped. “Okay."
1.4K từ
Need Your Hands On Me
Need Your Hands On Me
Derek isn't great at asking for what he wants in bed. Stiles tries to change that.
2.7K từ
This Is The Very Ecstasy
This Is The Very Ecstasy
The course of true love never did run smooth... or so the saying goes. Another year into his relationship with Cas, and Dean's got a lot to think about. It's affects their sex-life so much, they decide to head back to The Pit for some inspiration... And find help in the most unexpected ways. (Not necessary to read the previous parts in this verse.)
38.7K từ
Here Comes the Sun, Little Darling
Here Comes the Sun, Little Darling
Sequel to "Sweetheart, You're Mine", "(Bee) My Queen" and "A Moment, For You". You don't need to read those to understand this one. Title from the song. Four years later, after the birth of his first son, the kingdoms of the land were not yet fully united but war was less imminent and the dangers less pronounced. Merlynn had been the one to bring up the possibility of a second child, after they’d tucked William in for the night and retired.
3.5K từ
Will You Press The Button?
Will You Press The Button?
You will meet your perfect man BUT he's a cannabalistic serial killer twenty years older than you.
1.0K từ
Isn't It Romantic?
Isn't It Romantic?
Sam and Dean make a bet that Dean can’t be romantic to anyone for three days. Sam ends up being the target of Dean’s romantic overtures.
14.7K từ
Only You
Only You
It’s been four years since MUSE Weddings' sales team managers Teng MuRen and Xiao LiCheng went from co-workers to roommates to lovers.Four years since MUSE Creative Director Ye Xingsi was forced out of the closet, accepting his younger, dysfunctional stepbrother Fu Yong Jie as his lover ... the brother who raped him.Life is pretty good ... so why isn’t everyone happy?
19.7K từ