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Jesus Fucking Christ
Jesus Fucking Christ
Harry's been around much longer than a normal human. Unfortunately, that means making connections that sometimes you just can't break, no matter how hard you try. When one of Harry's old connections contacts him in need of help, Harry's forced to go to their aid. Sadly, when he gets there, he has to deal a lot more than he signed up for. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight, they belong to their rightful owners. Ahloura, because I know you're likely to see this summary, I'm telling you this is an absolute shitshow that I will burn at a later date.
46.4K kelime
Foundation (Build It Higher, Bury It Deeper)
Foundation (Build It Higher, Bury It Deeper)
It’s just … he’d thought, given his fight against Neji and then his confrontation with Gaara, that someone would finally really acknowledge what he’d done. That beyond Iruka-sensei’s crushing hug and Kakashi-sensei’s absent pat, someone would actually notice that he’d won against both of them. That he’d beaten a genius on his own and then had battled another jinchūriki to a stand still. So while he hadn’t really expected to be promoted too he’d still ...
25.6K kelime
Gem of the Eddy
Gem of the Eddy
"The fall of Uzushio collapsed our economy, our protections. You might think I'm being rosy, but they really cared about us. And they knew how to party. You know they had a seal that could swap body parts? Wildest night of my life,” the boatman’s eyes go distant for a long moment, “...but you kids are too young to hear about that. “Anyway,” he continues, “our economy’s been a shambles since; maybe gets going for a year or two before it collapses again. No security of stability, so assholes like Gato think they can waltz in here and take charge. Boy, he'd be singing a different tune if the Uzumaki were still around." Sakura’s eyes widen a bit at that, and even Sasuke looks up. Naruto opens his mouth to say something, but Kakashi puts a firm hand on his shoulder. “What an… illuminating piece of history,” says Kakashi, “Thank you for sharing.” ----- (Kiri may have won the battle, but not the war. The island of Uzushio might not be as dead as previously believed. All Kakashi knows now is that he really should have refused that mission to Wave. An island lives, people change, foxes laugh, and Team Seven goes on a wild journey!)
114.4K kelime
Blood, sweat and tears
Blood, sweat and tears
Jimin had known all along that he was different, but he never quite understood why he had to hide... not until the second prince blew up his cover. From that point on, everything changed for him.
268.5K kelime
Minyard-Josten Rivalry
Minyard-Josten Rivalry
My take on the Minyard-Josten Rivalry/Pro Andreil! A long collection of sequential scenes throughout Andrew and Neil's lives, post books.Including, but not limited to, my interpretation of the Minyard-Josten Rivalry, the old Foxes playing with kittens for a YouTube video, so much soft and sweet Andreil you will get cavities, and headcanons I have been thinking about all year. (Not complete, but still being written)
194.8K kelime
The Mischievous (and Slutty) Boy-Fox
The Mischievous (and Slutty) Boy-Fox
When Kiba turned sixteen, his family gave him the best present ever. A 6 year old boy-fox named Naruto. He's been training him for the past year to be an obedient pup and a good little sex pet. Most households have catboys and dogboys. Boy-foxes (also called 'foxboys') are a rare species. They're mischievous and unpredictable. They love sex but they're also very shy about it and hate being caught in the act. They hide to jerk off their penises or they'll sneak up on you and suck your cock if they think you're asleep or busy with something else. [note: Naruto looks like a human boy, but with fox ears and a tail. He doesn't have the ability to speak.]
3.1K kelime
Where Kitsune Wait
Where Kitsune Wait
A wanderer, from a land far away, investigates rumors of a dangerous creature on a forest covered mountain in the land of the rising sun. He discovers more questions than answers once he meets the master of the mountain, and finds himself getting involved in a very old problem... --- Author's note:The naughty tags are for much farther into the story. Rin - 9 tails - known off the mountain as Akaiyari Meiko - 8 tails; twin of Saki Shizuka - 7 tails Tsubame - 6 tails; twin of Hibiki Hibiki - 6 tails; twin of Tsubame Kumiko - 5 tails Hotaru - 5 tails Yuuko - 4 tails Miyu - 4 tails Akemi - 3 tails Mariko - 3 tails Miki - 2 tails Tomomi - ???Natsuki - ??? Not on the mountain: AkihoSetsuko
301.1K kelime
Kitsune'nin Dişleri
Kitsune'nin Dişleri
katil insansız hava araçları (web dizisi) n (cinayet dronları) thad (katil dronlar) lizzy (cinayet dronları) kukla (katil dronlar) rebecca (katil dronlar) öğretmen (cinayet dronları) jcjenson (katil dronlar) sökülmüş drone karakter(ler) (katil dronlar) Çad (katil dronlar) katie (cinayet dronları) ron (cinayet dronları) sarah (cinayet dronları) braiden (cinayet dronları) braxton (cinayet dronları) uzi kapıcı & n uzi kapıcı/n uzi kapıcısı & thad original murder drones character(s) & original murder drones character(s) kitsune alternatif evren - insan n kucaklamaya ihtiyaç duyar (katil dronlar) n deneme (katil dronlar) tarçın rulosu n (cinayet dronları) iyi çocuk n (cinayet dronları) uzi kapıcısının sarılmaya ihtiyacı var tsundere uzi kapıcısı tüy ve pislik eklenecek diğer ek etiketler etiketler değişebilir tilkiler azgın gençler nihai porno nihai romantizm nihai seks nihai tüy nihai mutlu son nihai ilişkiler balo n şeyler müstehcen temalar birlikte aynı yatakta yatmak yavaş yanma yavaş yapı romantizm romantik tüy romantik ruh eşleri sevgililere yabancılar etiketlerde belirtilmeyen diğer gemiler etiketler eğlencelidir işçi dronlar (katil dronlar) alternatif evren zımni cinsel içerik Japon mitolojisi ve folkloru çiftleşme döngüleri/kızgınlık dönemi edo dönemi Heian dönemi hafif endişe tüy ve ıstırap acı ve teselli Kamakura Dönemi (1185-1333) kitsune n uzi'nin n hakkında hafif romantik duygularını inkar etmesi düşmanlardan arkadaşlara, arkadaşlardan sevgililere bölüm: s01e03 gezinti (katil dronlar) bölüm: s01e04 kabin humması (cinayet dronları)
Uzi, bir Tanrısal Tenko Kitsune çağırmaya çalışır; bir tanrıçadan bilgelik bulup aramak, böylece arkadaş edinmeyi öğrenmeye çalışmak için... Ama işler planlandığı gibi gitmez!
125.4K kelime
Princess Lola
Princess Lola
A father connects with his young daughter in ways that he never expected or had ever hoped, then discovers something about her that could bring them even closer, or tear them apart. Maybe both.
19.6K kelime
Pretty, Pink Bubble Cum
Pretty, Pink Bubble Cum
A hyper fox kid has a sexually inferior friend drop by the house to work together on a school science project. Together, they explore the the meaning of "elasticity." Things get gay, and very, very large.
5.7K kelime
The Flying Fox
The Flying Fox
The WWII/Bomber Pilot AU: In November of 1944, James Barkley, a fox, manages to complete his training and become a bomber pilot. The catch? He gets assigned to a squadron comprised solely of bunnies.
19.6K kelime
The Zootopia Hockey League. An organization consisting of 14 teams spread across the 5 main districts of Zootopia, and its subdistricts. From the ethereal Spirit of the Sahara, to the Legends of East Tundratown, to the Cascades of the Rainforest District, there's a team for everyone. It is the greatest professional athletics association to ever exist in the city. Of course, the game can't be the only thing that matters; the initial Night Howler scandal had left the league in a dilemma, dealing with both unruly fans and anti-predator activists. When rookie Ace Wolfburne is the immediate subject of another incident, the league must turn to the ZPD for help.
33.3K kelime
The (mis)Adventures of Snooky the Fairy Dragon
The (mis)Adventures of Snooky the Fairy Dragon
What happens when a dragons pokes a snail? One would assume, nothing. But in this marvelous work of fiction, lots happens. And not all of it makes sense. Join our protagonists (a bunch of talking animals and fictional characters) on an adventure beyond imagination. Really, you want to read this. Very badly. Disclaimer: We own nothing and make no money off of this. All characters, fandoms, quotes, and references belong to their creators. We're only borrowing them! However, we do own Cats are Weird, Snooky, Stanley, Camel, Foofy, Camel's mom, Anna, Miranda, Elaine, Anna the Elf, and all other original characters AND the storyline. Thanks!
13.8K kelime