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The Half-Life of Element Zero
The Half-Life of Element Zero
After her discharge from the Alliance, Commander Helen Trevelyan joined the Andromeda Initiative, wanting to leave her personal tragedies and a psycho ex-boyfriend behind her. She expected to sleep for 600 years, and wake up in a med bay. Instead, she crash-landed on a snow-covered mountain, ten-thousand years later. She is alone, confused, and dying from eezo radiation. And the only sign of civilization is an old church in the distance. A Post-Modern Girl on Thedas fic. Many, many thanks to my betas, Dreadlordcherrycake and Duinemerwen, who have advised me on all matters of lore, plausibility and verb tense. If it wasn't for them, this story would still be in cryo. Any mistakes are mine, not theirs. I have a regular work schedule IRL, which means I don't have a regular update schedule on AO3. This story is visually supported. I sometimes tumblr at Bioware owns all/legal boilerplate/blah blah blah.
224.5K kelime
Kayıp Çoban
Kayıp Çoban
"Çoban kayıp, ve evi çok uzakta.Yıldızlara bak, çünkü bir gün yakında şafak olacak." Gökyüzünden düşüyor ve şimdi kapatması gerek. Komutan Shepard, nasıl geldiğini bilmediği garip bir gezegende kafası karışık ve yalnız bir şekilde uyanıyor. Öldüğünü düşünmüştü. Ölmesi gerekiyordu, ama değil.Tekrar.Ama gökyüzünde bir yırtık ve ondan çıkan garip yaratıklarla, dikkatli olmazsa yakında ölebilir. Başka bir dünyayı kurtarması gerektiğine karar veriyor.Tekrar.Dürüst olmak gerekirse, evren ona biraz ara veremez mi?
297.9K kelime
Reigniting the Fire
Reigniting the Fire
The battle always seems to begin when I lay down or when I stop. Depression. Exhaustion creeps into my limbs, feeling of worthlessness leeches my emotions into a numb state, tears that won’t fall sting my eyes, each breath more difficult to take than the last, cynical thoughts reverberate from my very being. Is any of this worth it? What is the point? In the end it won’t matter. Knowing what was coming I looked over to the square black Xbox sitting next to the T.V. Mass Effect TM Andromeda laid on top of it.Lightning scorched the sky and the room rumbled with its power. I stood with unsteady legs. Turn it on and play.
113.9K kelime