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Catch Your Voice
Catch Your Voice
Clint keeps telling himself he's not obsessed with Coulson. From the way Natasha keeps laughing at him, she's not buying it either. But it's only a crush if you know what the other guy actually looks like, right?
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Lucky Pennies
Lucky Pennies
In Clint Barton's official SHIELD file, there is a supplemental form with a string of letters and numbers indicating a superhuman ability. On it, there are two pieces of information. The first is 'Asset-Reported Ability (unverified)'. The second is 'Combat/Field Applicable Ability Y/N'. 'N' is circled.
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Love Is for Children
Love Is for Children
Phil Coulson is SHIELD's best handler for a reason: he can deal with the broken people that nobody else can manage but desperately need anyway. So he comes up with an unusual teambuilding technique to shore up the Avengers.
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No Winter Lasts Forever
Citrus and Woolen Blankets
Citrus and Woolen Blankets
It's weird, really, how they all fit. Steve and Tony take care of their Omega in heat, and Tony reminisces on how the three of them became a thing.
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A Chance Which Does Redeem All Sorrows
A Chance Which Does Redeem All Sorrows
Clint opens his eyes and Loki is standing in front of him, staff already moving toward his chest. What would you do with a second chance?
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Touching Moments
Things To Do in Portland When You're Not Really Dead
Things To Do in Portland When You're Not Really Dead
Agent Phil Coulson really does have a cellist in Portland, but it's not exactly what anyone thinks. (If you're not familiar with one of the fandoms, you should still be able to follow the story well-enough. Most of the Grimm elements are explained as necessary because they're new to either Phil or Clint, but if there are particular points that need more explanation, give me a shout. You can check out my Quick and Dirty Guide to Grimm (with pictures of the characters) or kellifer's Avenger's Fandom Movie-verse overview.) *Pairing Specific Details can be found in the Notes section at the end if you're curious.
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Bir kez daha, intikamla
Bir kez daha, intikamla
“Peki, şöyle bir sorum var,” diye başlıyor Tony bu sabah Avengers’ın oturma odasına girdiğinde, “ve eğer, bilirsiniz, deli saçması konuşuyorsam beni görmezden gelmekte özgürsünüz ama son zamanlarda hiçliğinizden şarkıya mı patladınız?” Tam bir sessizlik anı yaşanıyor. Sonra Natasha Rusça küfür ediyor ve Clint “Yedek vokalistlerde bir terslik olduğunu biliyordum!” diye patlıyor. Steve hiçbir şey söylemiyor ama kızarıyor ve Thor, zaten kendiliğinden şarkıya patlama eğiliminde olduğu için olağan dışı hiçbir şey fark etmediğini iddia ediyor. Ya da, New York’un müzikal bir büyünün altına girdiği ve bu durumun kulağa geldiği kadar eğlenceli olmadığı hikaye.
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