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Behavioural Analysis
Behavioural Analysis
Tony is tired of people assuming he has no brains, because of his Phys Ed Degree. He decides to do long distance learning. He sees a seminar run by Dr Spencer Reid, the two become friends. The BAU comes up with a case that could eventually include naval personnel, Spencer knows who to contact.
35.9K kelime
Dead Air Leads to Never-ending Possibilities
Dead Air Leads to Never-ending Possibilities
The events of Dead Air have unexpected consequences. What seems to be the worst thing that could possibly happen turns into the best possible outcome. Tony moves on from NCIS, and finds a real family with his pseudo father replacement in David Rossi at the BAU. With it comes new love, the return of old love, new friends, and the possibility of forever. Of course there is also new co-workers who can't accept him, the long reach of the grim reaper, and Senior making his presence known no matter how impossible it should be.
112.7K kelime
Fallen Under His Protection
Fallen Under His Protection
Tony is tired of everything. He’s trying to be the best leader he can be, its never enough. Director Shepperd is trying to force him undercover. It is time he left before the job destroys him. One man steps forward and makes sure Tony is taken care of.
34.5K kelime
Devreye Geçme Zamanı
Devreye Geçme Zamanı
Gibbs, Ziva'ya yardım etmek için Meksika'dan geri döner ve sonunda kalır. Çok geçmeden DiNozzo artık takımın bir parçası gibi hissetmez. Belirli sorunlar ortaya çıktığında, Gibbs'in SFA'sı olarak kalıp kalamayacağına yoksa devam etme zamanının gelip gelmediğine karar vermesi gerekir.
28.7K kelime
And So It Begins...
And So It Begins...
The team goes through more changes, grow together and learn as a team. Well, most of them do, anyways... But you never know, maybe we're all surprised?
48.9K kelime
First Indications of Tony ‘doormat’ DiNozzo
First Indications of Tony ‘doormat’ DiNozzo
Tony is tired of being treated like a doormat so he takes control both personally and professionally. It also annoys him when Gibbs can ignore his own rules, but head slaps Tony when he breaks them. What can he do to help make things improve, or is it time for him to move on? Slash, Anti-Ziva, Anti-team (will change as Tibbs story)
21.5K kelime
Rider on the Storm
Rider on the Storm
In the aftermath of Dead Air, Tony DiNozzo decides to reach out to the father he’d been mostly ignoring for the last year for help and support. What he doesn’t know is letting Patrick Sheppard in will change the course of his career and eventually lead him to family, love, and acceptance.
71.8K kelime
Guiding Island Dreams
Guiding Island Dreams
Tired of manipulations from NCIS Tony quits, and goes to Hawaii with his son TJ for an overdue vacation. While visiting the grave of a cop who saved him as a child, Tony runs into an old friend who may be able to extend a helping hand. Danny Williams never forgot the boy he met as a child. He knew from the moment he saw him that the kid was his guide. Unfortunately, the adults in his world insisted that a child couldn't possibly know such things. He'd long ago given up hope of finding him again. The last thing he expected was to have him walk through the doors of H50 with Danny's nerve wracking partner.
11.7K kelime
Blue Skies after the Storm
Blue Skies after the Storm
When everyone around him at NCIS decides it's ok to seek vengeance instead of uphold the law, Tony knows that he has to get out. This leads him to a new home, a second chance at romance, and a future he never imagined that he could have.
4.1K kelime