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Hero Class Civil Warfare
Hero Class Civil Warfare
Heroes lead by Bakugo.Villains lead by Midoriya.Seven days prep time.Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain. (Updated with final edits, 5/2/19)
85.7K kelime
The Light More Beautiful
The Light More Beautiful
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter's help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn't been enough to dim Draco's obsession with him.
81.2K kelime
ride or die
ride or die
They say that life is a series of events that we can neither predict nor control.... And then there is him.He’s a bit of an enigma. ~*~*~*~ Young CEO Felicity Smoak is just trying to make her mark on the world, yes she's a little high strung and stressed, but it was what is was... until he came along. With eyes a girl could lose herself in and shoulder-tapping hair made for hanging on to Oliver Queen was reckless and carefree. Also, he rode a bike. He was everything she wasn't and he was a sucker for those sinful red lips and everything that came with them. *main story complete, now snapshots* Or, the Sons of Anarchy-esque AU that I never knew I needed.
341.7K kelime
Bending Light
Bending Light
Draco Malfoy was in exile, though they called it protection. It was the summer after sixth year and he'd taken Dumbledore's offer, defected to the other side and been sent away to a small town in Italy for his troubles. No magic, few rules, and not a lot to do -- until Hermione Granger arrived. What do you do when you're thrown into exile with the last person you wanted? You live like there's no tomorrow...
146.8K kelime
black versus blue
black versus blue
Taehyung had always dreaded meeting his soulmate, unlike the rest of the world’s population. He always hid the words scrawled in black cursive on the inside of his right wrist and felt terror at the thought of them turning blue, of his soulmate speaking them. And as he sprinted down the packed Seoul sidewalk, hot tears streaming down his cheeks and sobs choking his throat, he knew he'd been right. Or was he?
41.1K kelime
Entering Orbit
Entering Orbit
Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch.
30.9K kelime
My Hero Academia Oneshots
There Is Always the Moon
There Is Always the Moon
Draco's life after the war is everything he wanted it to be: it's simple, and quiet, and predictable, and safe. But when a mysterious curse shatters the peace he'd worked so hard to build, there's only one person he can trust to help him. After all, Harry Potter has saved his life before. Now Draco has to believe that Potter will be able to do it one more time. (A remix of If the Sun Goes Black by pasdexcuses) NOTE: AS THE FINAL CHAPTER OF THIS FIC IS MEANT TO BE READ AS A COMPANION TO THE ORIGINAL AND THE ORIGINAL HAS SINCE BEEN TAKEN OFFLINE, THIS FIC IS UNFORTUNATELY INCOMPLETE. I AM WORKING TO FIX IT. THIS NOTE WILL BE REMOVED WHEN THE REWRITES ARE FINISHED AND POSTED.
159.3K kelime
My Bike Is Not A Toy, Young Lady
My Bike Is Not A Toy, Young Lady
The number one rule in the Teller house had always been; stay away from dad’s bike. But that rule couldn't possibly count when Y/n's dad wasn't planning to come home for a couple of days. He'd never know if she gave in to a reoccurring fantasy and used his bike as a sex toy, right?
3.3K kelime
At the Crossroads There We’ll Meet
At the Crossroads There We’ll Meet
Potter keeps dying; Draco keeps saving him.
24.5K kelime
Maybe if our Worlds Collide (We Could Be Together)
Maybe if our Worlds Collide (We Could Be Together)
Amidst one of his lonely travels, Yoongi meets Jimin at a diner.For some reason, Yoongi really wants to run away with him. "I work in a diner, I'm really bored and you come along with your lonely biker aesthetic and ask me to run away. It's cliché."Yoongi swallows. "Is that a no?""I didn't say that."
24.7K kelime
taste the sun
taste the sun
jimin's life is pretty formulaic: he goes to work, he comes home, he sleeps. rinse and repeat. and then he meets jeongguk.
11.4K kelime
Dig Your Heels In
Dig Your Heels In
Midoriya has his dreams crushed and remains quirkless even after proving himself a hero. Bakugou makes a mistake and now has to face the consequences of his action in Juvie. Shinsou was cheated out of his chance at the entrance exam. Shouto is abandoned by his father the moment he loses his quirk. Life isn't fair and sometimes it won't let you go beyond But that doesn't mean you won't dig your heels in and fight. (not gonna follow the cannon plot.)
176.5K kelime
Final Exam: Heroes vs. Villains
Final Exam: Heroes vs. Villains
End of year finals.Heroes lead by Iida Tenya.Villains lead by Midoriya Izuku.Seven days of prep time.Seven days that Midoriya changes his reputation.Seven days for Midoriya to prove that they should be glad that he's on their side.Relationships changed.Relationships formed.Hero exams put everyone to the test.
92.2K kelime
Bikers and Bright Eyes
Bikers and Bright Eyes
Omega!Tony is flirty, sweet, ridiculously pretty and running from his ex. Alpha!Bucky is beefy, fang-y, unfairly muscled and the perfect guy to scare away any unwanted suitors. Tony bats his eye lashes and asks the big bad Alpha to fake-date him to keep Ty away. Bucky takes one look at the Omega’s smile and a quick peek at Tony’s badonkadonk and immediately says yes. Fake dates, kisses for the camera, strategically torn clothing and meeting the parents, oh my. Who could have predicted the growly biker Alpha would fall head over heels for a cashmere and glitter wearing bright eyed Omega? (Hint: Literally the entire world) ***BONUS CHAPTER added 3/11/2024!!!!***
57.1K kelime
In a Moment of Vulnerability
In a Moment of Vulnerability
While in New York City to visit his aspiring and success-hungry friend Scott, who left for an internship he fought for over several years ago, Stiles runs into an alpha with a devilish reputation and a dark, tantalizing look that precedes him. Couple that with horny loneliness and failed suppressants, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a one-night stand that will set the bar forever. But what if forever isn’t something that the one person you’ve given yourself to wants? What if a forever is somehow growing inside of you after a few months pass and a planned heat is missed? What if you don’t know what to do and there’s only so much chocolate that can soothe an aching heart before you feel like you've got morning sickness all over again? This is a story about how Stiles loses his virginity alongside himself, and somehow, he manages to find something he never thought he’d ever have along the way.
87.0K kelime
broad-shouldered beasts
broad-shouldered beasts
Claire Dearing has successfully run Jurassic World for seven years without a major incident. Trust Owen Grady to fuck that up. (Or, three months prior to the Indominus Event, Vic Hoskins makes a bad decision, Owen Grady goes missing, and four six-foot, three hundred pound murder lizards escape into Claire's park. She can hear Alan Grant shouting, "I told you so!" from Montana.)
52.4K kelime
So Close Your Eyes Close With My Dreams
So Close Your Eyes Close With My Dreams
Ren arrives a few days early to Tokyo and is promptly run over (via bicycle) by a certain detective. This accidental meeting sparks an intense friendship that neither boy is willing to let go of, even as forces begin conspiring to set them against one another. Whether it’s Masayoshi Shido or the God of Control, nothing in hell is going to divide Joker and Crow.
139.0K kelime
Shortcut To Love
Shortcut To Love
Chay's heading home and it starts to rain. He decides to take the quicker route despite it being less safe. The detour ended up being far riskier than he could have ever imagined... in more ways than one...
81.7K kelime
Sikişilecek Bir Arkadaş
Sikişilecek Bir Arkadaş
“Kapının yanındaki sarhoş sarışınla daha şanslı olurdun,” diye belirtti çenesini o yöne doğru uzatarak. Kapının yanında açıkça bir kadeh fazla içmiş olan minyon bir sarışın –Theo’nun yönüne doğru sevimli dudaklarını göstererek– hafifçe sallandı. “Belki,” diye mırıldandı Theo, uzun bir ada içkisi karıştırırken. “Ama seni istiyorum. Hadi, güzellik, direnişi bırak. Vücudunun bana nasıl tepki verdiğini görüyorum. Ama ben sabırlı bir adamım –bekleyebilirim,” diye ekledi, yanıtını dilinde görünce. “İpliği olmayan bir eğlence olabilir. Ya da lanet olası ipleri de getir, Hermione. Her şeye açığım olduğunu göreceksin.” “Hayır demek için gerçekten zorlaştırıyorsun Theo,” diye güldü, her zaman neden hayır dediğini düşünerek. “Öyleyse bu bir evet mi?” diye sordu, gözlerinde hafif bir ışık parıltısıyla. “Hayır.”
44.7K kelime
100% success rate
100% success rate
Legend has it, that whenever Kim Taehyung unleashes the ;) face, things do not bode well for Jeon Jungkook. But legend also has it, that Jeon Jungkook has a penchant for making terrible decisions. (or: in which jungkook has a crush the size of manhattan, taehyung is his alleged wingman, and jimin is only wilfully oblivious)
3.5K kelime
Open Road
Open Road
Jensen is a young Harvard med student with a bright future ahead of him and Jared is the hot-headed member of the renowned biker gang 'Black Legion'. When their two worlds collide and their lives become intertwined, will they both survive with their hearts intact?
223.9K kelime
Çok Kırmızı Deri ve Çok Duman
Çok Kırmızı Deri ve Çok Duman
Doktor-derektionstein ve clarkoholic'in burada verdiği önermelere dayanarak. Derek Hale ve Oliver Queen, haftada bir HAO Spor Salonunda birlikte spor yapan en iyi arkadaşlardır. Stiles Stilinski resepsiyonda çalışır ve onların birlikte olduğuna inanır ki bu çok kötü çünkü Stiles, Derek'e tamamen ilgi duymaktadır. Felicity Smoak, Stiles'ın hayatına dalgalar halinde girer ve ikisi anında en yakın arkadaş olur ve ulaşamayacakları kadar zengin olan milyarderlere duydukları ilgiyi paylaşırlar. … ya da bir şey gibi. Denemiştim.
15.2K kelime
Hey, Princess
Hey, Princess
“Why,” Hermione groaned, feeling her face go white-hot. Of all days? She trudged on, giving a tight smile and praying for the earth to open up and swallow her whole. Because this was just perfect, wasn’t it? They looked objectively cool, while she (a grown twenty-seven year old) was dressed like a princess in the middle of the fucking day. She supposed it could be worse –how? She didn’t know. AKA: the one where Hermione Granger (whilst dressed as a princess) meets biker Draco Malfoy.
20.6K kelime
Are You Being Careful With Your Heart?
Are You Being Careful With Your Heart?
There's a new boy in school and for quiet, shy Sherlock Holmes, that is proving to be a problem.
12.3K kelime
Bunnies Play At Night
Bunnies Play At Night
Izuku is a stripper by day and vigilante by night. Well, sometimes that switches. The hours are weird! When Eraserhead runs into the famed Midobunny on the streets, he isn't sure if it's the rumored stripper or the increasingly annoying vigilante wreaking havoc in his sector. Turns out, it's just a 15 year old boy in need of a home, and Aizawa can give that to him....Izuku is a homeless orphan turned vigilante stripper and Aizawa adopts him and enrolls him in the hero course. Content warnings (CW) and relationship pairings in each chapter summary. Not abandoned! Slow to update sorry <333
67.0K kelime
Flying To Wyoming II: Miles To Go
Flying To Wyoming II: Miles To Go
Joel and Ellie continue to travel the ruined highways of America, borne along on an old, red motorcycle, searching for Tommy, the younger brother who walked out of Joel’s life six years before. Wyoming gets closer with each mile that passes beneath their wheels, but does Ellie really want to find the Fireflies as much as she did when she began this journey? And does Joel share her growing desire for something more than friendship? New updates every Saturday until all thirty chapters are up!
282.9K kelime
The Language of Roses
The Language of Roses
Wilhelm left his career to work in his brother’s flower shop after a mental breakdown. Flowers brought his brother peace after his accident, and he hoped they would do the same for him. At a minimum, it was something to occupy his mind until he met Simon, a nontraditional student and employee at the University he was supposed to be working at. He’d never met anyone so attractive, or disarmingly calming, in his entire life. Every moment with him felt so comfortable that he could push his anxiety aside whenever the man smiled at him. Simon’s sister called him her brother before he was two. He celebrated his eighteenth birthday with top surgery, and hormone therapy was now as ordinary for him as curl care. As a gay man, he disclosed that he was transmasculine, and details of his physiology, before any first date. He had plenty of partners, though not all of them were good, but he never felt loved before he met Wilhelm, the biggest loser and most charming man Simon could imagine. He loved everything about him, and the romantic gestures that came so easily to Wilhelm, quickly became a part of his life Simon could not live without. Explicit: NSFW. See tags.
471.4K kelime
Flying To Wyoming
Flying To Wyoming
Ellie and Joel have made it out of Pittsburgh, leaving their new friends behind, dead in the ground. Wyoming is months away and Ellie is struggling with both Joel's cold demeanor and her growing attraction to him. Add to this the guilt she feels towards Riley for moving on from her so quickly and Ellie has a lot to think about on this journey. For his part, Joel doesn't realize that Ellie is thinking of him in that way. He certainly doesn't think of this young girl like that and he never could... right? New updates every Wednesday and Saturday until all twenty chapters are up!
137.7K kelime
Gasoline & Gasoline 2
Gasoline & Gasoline 2
Lance is a mechanic, working at the Castle Garage. Keith is a tattoo artist by day, and up-and-coming street racer 'Leo' by night - under the tutelage of the famous 'White Stripe'. When Keith finds his bike in need of a little TLC, he goes to the closest garage - Castle. The moment Lance sees the rugged, tattooed racer, he knows he needs to become his friend. Will the cold-hearted Keith drag Lance into the seedy underworld of illegal motorcycle racing, or will the genuine Lance show Keith that there is more to life than bikes and infamy? *G A S O L I N A* AU where Keith races motorcycles and Lance is a mechanic. *G A S O L I N A 2* - HIATUS
56.9K kelime
Tutoring The Bully
Tutoring The Bully
Newt is the smartest kid in class. Thomas was the jock and as well the bully. Newt got a job to tutor Thomas. What will happen? *Ratings may change.*
24.4K kelime
sun's flower
sun's flower
For the first time in his life, Basil feels he finally has his life together. After moving out of his parents’ place, and with Polly’s encouragement, he decided to take over his late grandmother’s flower shop after the four years of it being shut down. Now standing in this quaint, little shop, Basil has never felt more confident in himself. Then a man, bloodied and bruised, stumbles into the flower shop. Oh right. He has a gun, too. He isn’t here to buy flowers, that’s for sure. — Biker Sunny, a self-sacrificing klutz, and florist Basil, an exasperated pushover, fall in love amidst bikes, bullets, and buttercups.
75.1K kelime
Cosmic Dust
Cosmic Dust
Everything he’d been feeling before dissolves as soon as they’re in motion. Awkwardness and frustration melt away into pure, unadulterated ecstasy. The wind rustles his clothes around him, light and fluttery like feathers on his skin. The all-consuming roar of the motor reverberates through his bones. He can feel the movement deep within his core. Pidge’s delighted whoop registers faintly in his ears and blends with his own joy. This. This is the feeling Keith lives for. This is more than just the constant buzz of caffeinated almost-happiness. This is bliss.
3.0K kelime