post-the heroes of olympus

post-the heroes of olympus

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icarrion, carry on
icarrion, carry on
Harry Potter is forced to leave Percy Jackson in the hands of the Dark Lord and his followers. When Harry finds him again, his friend is almost unrecognizable. - “You don't have to come back.” Harry’s going off-script, he knows he is, but he can’t help it. He needs to offer his friend a way out. “I’d understand. I— I could help you run off. Find you someplace where no wixen will ever see you again.” But Harry’s offer doesn’t even seem to tempt him. “Nah.” Percy smiles, but its easiness doesn’t come as naturally as it did before. “‘Course I’m coming to help. Couldn’t leave you to fight this on your own. Not even if I wanted to.” There’s a pause and then Harry hears him whisper something under his breath. “Just because I don’t like being a weapon doesn’t mean I won’t do it.” Harry hates himself for feeling relieved.
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