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stay in place (sing a chorus)
The Anatomy of a Fall
The Anatomy of a Fall
The unholy union of a high school AU and a ghost story. Gerard's life takes a strange turn when his family moves to a small town in Vermont and he discovers the locals aren't all what they seem to be. Also includes: unexpected nature walks, murder, pining, improper treatment of crime scenes, a number of bone-related puns, high school bullies, and a short-range shrub named Ferdinand.
107.5K words
Smut? Smut.
Smut? Smut.
P much this is gonna be a lot of smut. If you have any pairings or ideas you'd like me to write, let me know! I'll be glad to write them! Will have the prompt list on the first chapter! ^^ This will probably be exclusively gay stuff tbh bc I love writing the gay babies.
11.3K words
Filthy Lucre.
Filthy Lucre.
AU. Ryan Ross is living the American wet dream. He’s rich, he’s good looking, he’s paid just to turn up at parties and he spends his days doing drugs and climbing into bed with eager and willing boys and girls. Brendon Urie is a man bordering on desperation – whoring himself out to wealthy men in an attempt to support himself and his best friend’s worsening drug habit. When his job ensnares him in the glamorous world of the rich and the infamous, it’s not long before their paths cross and Ryan starts living his dark fantasies though Brendon – but only for a price. See tags for triggers.
362.5K words
Light a Match and All I'll See is You
Light a Match and All I'll See is You
A strange vine covered building that looked abandoned but certainly wasn't abandoned was the last thing Josh expected to find in the woods. Especially a strange vine covered building occupied by people with superpowers. He certainly didn't expect to find a strange man with an addictive personality and paint covered hands. '"I’ve never seen you before,' they spoke, and it clicked that this must be Tyler.Tyler, the one who was screaming in the corner about not being Tyler."
141.8K words
A Little Infamy
A Little Infamy
Patrick is a solo artist who's sunk his heart and soul into a second album that's failing to chart. Obviously what he needs to bump up sales and dirty up his nice guy image is a sex scandal. His music label hire amateur porn star and aspiring poet Pete to pose as Patrick's boyfriend and together they make one intimate video destined for infamy on the internet. Patrick falling for Pete isn't part of the plan.
32.8K words
The Group Chat AU That Nobody Asked For
Black Market Blood
Black Market Blood
Frank's so fucking freaky he's potentially wigging out a fucking vampire.
16.7K words
You're so cute when you're slurring your speech
You're so cute when you're slurring your speech
If this is what Frank wants, then fuck it. Just fucking fuck it. Frank can have it. (Or, Frank wants to bone Gerard. So he does. A lot.)
8.2K words
Midgets and Madmen Run This Scene
Midgets and Madmen Run This Scene
How assholes in prison fall in love.
29.0K words
Life Moves Pretty Fast
Life Moves Pretty Fast
"There he is, forehead pressed against the window at the top of a skyscraper in the middle of a Wednesday afternoon, all because of Patrick." *Translation in Russian available!*
1.8K words
We Are Nowhere And It's Now
We Are Nowhere And It's Now
Pete unlocked his front door with the boy pressed up against it, thighs slipping down Pete's sides. The boy snuffled in his sleep and slapped weakly at Pete's shoulder, face scrunching up. Bad dream. Pete soothed a hand over his damp forehead, brushing his bangs away, and let himself finally look at what might have been his best steal ever.
8.2K words
You're the best fucking song in the world
You're the best fucking song in the world
Frank and Gerard have kissed before, they want each other, that's been obvious for a while to the others, it took them a while to where they are now but it's been worth it. Smut. And a lot of it. Frank slid his fingers up over Gerard's back, feeling the bumps and lines of his backbone. "Are you going to make music for me?" He was still giggling, but there was something to his voice, something thick and low."If you find the right places to play we could definitely come up with a melody" he said in almost a whisper and let his lips brush Frank's as he spoke.Frank shuddered, gasping against his lips. "You're the best fucking song in the world,"
174.3K words
The Wolf In The Woods
The Wolf In The Woods
Frank hated the forest. He hated even leaving the town, but he hated the forest more, especially when he had to travel through it alone. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew about the ‘wolf’, as the townsfolk called him. The young man who would attack people travelling alone and steal their food, silver, and gold. He’d heard the wolf has been known to bite his victims and he could talk to the real wolves of the forest.
11.0K words
Patrick wakes up alone in the middle of the night (which is not weird) with a small box and Pete's phone on resting on top of Pete's pillow (which is).
1.2K words
I Could Feel You Floating In Me
I Could Feel You Floating In Me
Poppers (n.): a slang term for a group of chemicals (especially amyl nitrite) used recreationally by queer men since the 1970s for their relaxation effect on involuntary smooth muscles, such as those in the throat and anus, as well as the warmth and head rush they provide to users. "What do you want?" Gerard asks, like he does everytime Frank asks him for this. “Open-handed impact play. Poppers. Fuck me. Plug me. Fist me. Come all over me.”
5.3K words
Pennies and Dimes for a Kiss
Pennies and Dimes for a Kiss
There aren't a lot of jobs that an 18-year-old high school dropout is qualified for, especially if he's trying to make rent and help get his band off the ground.
4.6K words
(n.) the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that create the opportune atmosphere for action, words, or movement. aka the one where Josh can't afford his textbooks, works two jobs and just wants to give up and Tyler's a natural born leader, with money, and a dark secret. Tyler really just wants to protect Josh, and Josh would just like some answers if he's honest.
52.6K words
A Room Full Of Suicides
A Room Full Of Suicides
His jaw was clenched and his whole body quivering. He looked right at Korse with those huge, transparent eyes. “Do what you want to me. I don’t give a shit, Korse.” He drew in a breath that shook. “You wouldn’t understand. It’s about standing up for what you believe in.”God, the kid was adorable. Korse couldn’t wait to make him scream.
4.5K words
Working title: Gerard Way's Amazingly Heartfelt and Eminently Helpful Sex Education Video
Working title: Gerard Way's Amazingly Heartfelt and Eminently Helpful Sex Education Video
It's not like Gerard's been secretly harboring fantasies of a career as a porn director, or anything, but Frank is inspiring – and besides... the kids need to know how to do things right.
16.3K words
Not Just Anyone
Not Just Anyone
As Frank tightens his hold, Gerard’s eyes roll back in his head and he breathes in deeply through his nose. That’s… interesting. Gerard swallows as Frank shifts slightly where he’s sitting half in Gerard’s lap and… Okay, wow. Gerard is getting hard.
2.4K words
All This And Heaven Too
All This And Heaven Too
“Remember when I left you that voicemail last summer?” Patrick asks, a little breathless. “Christ, how could I forget?”
3.9K words
Nothing left to do
Nothing left to do
Look, it’s not like Frank tries to injure himself, okay? He goes out on stage, he does his thing, and… well. Sometimes accidents just seem to happen.
1.9K words
Don't Call It Home
Don't Call It Home
They’ve been in real fights before. Those were nothing like this.
2.0K words
Message Man
Message Man
Tyler never shows his face to the camera in his videos. Josh doesn't know Tyler exists.Tyler is not a stalker, really.
70.5K words
Just For
Just For
Gerard is dating a man who Frank does not like, and with good reason.
2.4K words
you belong to me (you must obey me)
you belong to me (you must obey me)
Hatred was the word Tyler would use if he needed to describe his feelings for Josh, and the latter would gladly agree on this. They could also agree on something else: there were easier things in life than falling in love with your worst enemy.
2.0K words
Frank slips down the steps to the basement, ending up with a dark bruise on his hip.
959 words
Patrick had asked for this months ago. PWP.
2.7K words
Starbucks and timetables.
Starbucks and timetables.
Gerard is totally not in love with his awkward English teacher, like, not at all.
5.8K words
Shroud. [joshler]
Shroud. [joshler]
[heavily inspired by The Last Of Us, it's a excellent game, go check it out.] Josh wouldn't really consider himself 'the typical teenager'.His family is broken apart. His father neglects him and his mother by focusing on his aircrafts, and his mother is in a coma.Josh believes that he's in the worse possible situation, making a huge mistake, and about to kill his father.At that moment, dead bodies begin to rise, and Josh is left in fear. And Tyler? Tyler's stuck in jail.
39.9K words
Keep Your Secrets Close to your Chest
Keep Your Secrets Close to your Chest
Ryan Ross doesn't want to have to work with anyone for this creative writing project. He'd rather just keep to himself, but this Dallon Weekes guy he's partnered with isn't too bad. Also, Spencer's got a boyfriend and a girlfriend, which isn't fair because Ryan doesn't have either.
55.2K words
When You're Down, I Will Lift You Up
When You're Down, I Will Lift You Up
Five times Josh took care of Tyler, and the one time Tyler took care of him.
1.9K words
Choking On Our Halos
Choking On Our Halos
Pete asks for something Patrick never thought he would.
4.0K words